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185 lines (172 loc) · 8.48 KB

File metadata and controls

185 lines (172 loc) · 8.48 KB

legistar api notes


Not currently fetching directly from /matters Does not seem matters are much used. But some matter info is pulled from /eventitems

key fetched type example value
"MatterId" no int 1275
"MatterGuid" no str "5111087D-FB2C-4FB1-9F66-7F8C3E019A64"
"MatterLastModifiedUtc" no iso datetime "2017-07-31T23:46:47.397"
"MatterRowVersion" no str "AAAAAAA49Gs="
"MatterFile" no str "13-252"
"MatterName" no str null
"MatterTitle" no str "Proclamation Recognizing John M. Inks
"MatterTypeId" no foreignkey /mattertypes 51
"MatterTypeName" no str "New Business"
"MatterStatusId" no foreignkey matterstatuses 74
"MatterStatusName" no str "Filed"
"MatterBodyId" no foreignkey /bodies 138
"MatterBodyName" no str "City Council"
"MatterIntroDate" no iso datetime "2013-12-17T00:00:00"
"MatterAgendaDate" no iso datetime "2014-01-07T00:00:00"
"MatterPassedDate" no iso datetime "2014-01-07T00:00:00"
"MatterEnactmentDate" no iso datetime null
"MatterEnactmentNumber" no int null
"MatterRequester" no ? null
"MatterNotes" no str null
"MatterVersion" no str "1"
"MatterCost" no ? null
"MatterText1" no str null
"MatterText2" no str ""
"MatterText3" no str null
"MatterText4" no str null
"MatterText5" no str null
"MatterDate1" no str null
"MatterDate2" no str null
"MatterEXText1" no str null
"MatterEXText2" no str null
"MatterEXText3" no str null
"MatterEXText4" no str null
"MatterEXText5" no str null
"MatterEXText6" no str null
"MatterEXText7" no str null
"MatterEXText8" no str null
"MatterEXText9" no str null
"MatterEXText10" no str null
"MatterEXText11" no str null
"MatterEXDate1" no ? null
"MatterEXDate2" no ? null
"MatterEXDate3" no ? null
"MatterEXDate4" no ? null
"MatterEXDate5" no ? null
"MatterEXDate6" no ? null
"MatterEXDate7" no ? null
"MatterEXDate8" no ? null
"MatterEXDate9" no ? null
"MatterEXDate10" no ? null
"MatterAgiloftId" no ? 0
"MatterReference" no ? null
"MatterRestrictViewViaWeb" no ? false
"MatterReports" no []


I was unable to get EventItems to expand. They are fetched from /events/ID/eventitems

key fetched type example value
"EventId" yes int pk 896
"EventGuid" no str "DC62D62D-A475-472C-8309-7104666A3888"
"EventLastModifiedUtc" no iso datetime "2014-05-24T04:16:05.3"
"EventRowVersion" no str "AAAAAAAN2+o="
"EventBodyId" yes foreignkey /bodies 138
"EventBodyName" no str "City Council"
"EventDate" yes iso datetime "2014-01-07T00:00:00"
"EventTime" yes str "6:30 PM"
"EventVideoStatus" no str "Public"
"EventAgendaStatusId" no int 10
"EventAgendaStatusName" no str "Final"
"EventMinutesStatusId" yes int 10
"EventMinutesStatusName" no str "Final"
"EventLocation" no str "Council Chambers - 500 Castro Street"
"EventAgendaFile" yes url (pdf) ""
"EventMinutesFile" yes url (pdf) ""
"EventAgendaLastPublishedUTC" no iso datetime "2013-12-20T00:59:23.113"
"EventMinutesLastPublishedUTC" no iso datetime "2014-03-07T23:10:14.99"
"EventComment" no ? null
"EventVideoPath" no ? null
"EventMedia" no str "1537"
"EventInSiteURL" yes url (html) ""
"EventItems" no empty array []


Fetch the key-value pair from this, reduces storage space a bit just to store ids

key fetched type example value
"BodyId" yes int pk 138
"BodyGuid" no str "126CADBD-5C20-48D6-98D4-739B3E573AC7"
"BodyLastModifiedUtc" no iso datetime "2014-05-24T04:16:07.03"
"BodyRowVersion" no str "AAAAAABSaSg="
"BodyName" yes str "City Council"
"BodyTypeId" no int 42
"BodyTypeName" no str "Primary Legislative Body"
"BodyMeetFlag" no int 1
"BodyActiveFlag" no int 1
"BodySort" no int 999
"BodyDescription" no str ""
"BodyContactNameId" no ? null
"BodyContactFullName" no ? null
"BodyContactPhone" no ? null
"BodyContactEmail" no ? null
"BodyUsedControlFlag" no ? 0
"BodyNumberOfMembers" no ? 0
"BodyUsedActingFlag" no ? 0
"BodyUsedTargetFlag" no ? 0
"BodyUsedSponsorFlag" no ? 0


key fetched type example value
"EventItemId" yes int pk 14334
"EventItemGuid" no str 3F49F475-77B5-4338-A9CD-870A378F4992"
"EventItemLastModifiedUtc" no iso datetime "2014-05-24T04:16:05.393"
"EventItemRowVersion" no str "AAAAAAAN5gY="
"EventItemEventId" no foreignkey /events 901
"EventItemAgendaSequence" no int 11
"EventItemMinutesSequence" no int 16
"EventItemAgendaNumber" yes str "4.1"
"EventItemVideo" no int 72318
"EventItemVideoIndex" no ? null
"EventItemVersion" no str "1"
"EventItemAgendaNote" no ? null
"EventItemMinutesNote" no ? null
"EventItemActionId" no str 378
"EventItemActionName" no str "approved on the Consent Calendar"
"EventItemActionText" yes str "Approve Minutes for the Special Council Meeting of January 21"
"EventItemPassedFlag" no int 1
"EventItemPassedFlagName" no str "Pass"
"EventItemRollCallFlag" no ? null
"EventItemFlagExtra" no ? null
"EventItemTitle" yes str "Approval of Minutes."
"EventItemTally" no ? null
"EventItemAccelaRecordId" no ? null
"EventItemConsent" no ? 0
"EventItemMoverId" no foreignkey /persons 231
"EventItemMover" no str "Chris Clark"
"EventItemSeconderId" no foreignkey /persons 236
"EventItemSeconder" no str "Jac Siegel"
"EventItemMatterId" yes foreignkey /matters 1364
"EventItemMatterGuid" no str "6DD1C098-A4F9-4287-916C-CE706CEE233C"
"EventItemMatterFile" no str "14-88"
"EventItemMatterName" no ? null
"EventItemMatterType" no str "Consent Calendar"
"EventItemMatterStatus" yes str "Passed"
"EventItemMatterAttachments" yes array MatterAttachment see below

matter attachments

key fetched type example value
"MatterAttachmentId" no int pk 773
"MatterAttachmentGuid" no str "D8115DA7-2555-4D68-91BB-B42602170BF9"
"MatterAttachmentLastModifiedUtc" no iso datetime "2014-05-24T04:16:07.367"
"MatterAttachmentRowVersion" no str "AAAAAAANZeQ="
"MatterAttachmentName" yes str "ATT 1 - 01-21-14 Council Minutes"
"MatterAttachmentHyperlink" yes url pdf ""
"MatterAttachmentFileName" no str "27561781-664d-4a1d-8004-52222f7bb303.pdf"
"MatterAttachmentMatterVersion" no str "0"
"MatterAttachmentIsHyperlink" no bool false
"MatterAttachmentBinary" no ? null
"MatterAttachmentIsSupportingDocument" no bool false
"MatterAttachmentShowOnInternetPage" no bool true
"MatterAttachmentIsMinuteOrder" no bool false
"MatterAttachmentIsBoardLetter" no bool false
"MatterAttachmentAgiloftId" no int 0
"MatterAttachmentDescription" no ? null
"MatterAttachmentPrintWithReports" no bool false
"MatterAttachmentSort" no int -2147483648