This repository contains an application based on an EDA (Event Driven Architecture) Example to run chaos kafka experiments based on the chaostoolkit-kafka library.
This application simulates a Pokémon order site where Pokémon can be purchased and distributed to different countries. The order creation process is asynchronous, meaning that once an order is created, it is marked as pending in a database and then published to a Kafka topic. A fraud detection microservice asynchronously checks whether the order meets certain criteria for processing. If the order fails to meet these criteria, it is marked as rejected. If orders are not updated within a specific time frame (e.g., 2 minutes), a worker checks the pending orders in the database and marks them as reversed, indicating a failure in processing.
Represents synthetic load generation to simulate orders. This workflow is used to create and send orders through the API, simulating different users placing orders via Argo Workflows.
Manages Pokémon orders. When an order is received, this API creates an order record in the PostgreSQL database with a pending status and publishes the order to the poke-orders
Kafka topic.
Stores orders with their initial (pending) status and eventually their updated status after processing.
- Topic:
: Receives orders published by the Poke-Order-API. - Topic:
: Publishes orders processed by the Detective-Pikachu service.
Consumes orders from the poke-orders
topic and performs fraud detection. If fraud is detected, the order is produced to the poke-order-states
topic with a rejected status; otherwise, it is marked as successful.
Consumes the states of orders from the poke-orders-states
topic and updates the order status by sending an update request to the Poke-Order-API.
A worker running at regular intervals checks the database for pending orders that have exceeded the set time limit (T minutes). It updates these orders to reversed if they haven't been processed in time.
Executes chaos experiments on the system, focusing on the poke-orders
Kafka topic to test the system's resilience under failure conditions. These experiments help identify and fix vulnerabilities in the architecture. The experiments will be conducted using the chaostoolkit-kafka
Before running the experiments, ensure you have the following installed:
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Make
- kubectl
- Argo-Workflows CLI
- nfrastructure with Kubernetes Cluster, Kafka(3 brokers), PostgresQL ( you can use
f you want the deployment to be ready to deploy and play, use the following configurations in your database:
You can install the application using docker-compose or in kubernetes.
To test the application without synthetic load
cd code
docker-compose up
Once the application is deployed, you can access to poke-order-api docs via http://localhost:8000/docs#/
The Kubernetes installation section is more extensive because this implementation is used to run chaos experiments. In this section, we will install Argo Workflows to generate synthetic load, and both Kafka and the database are externalized.
- First Install Argo workflows
make install-argo
- Run argo workflows to create the kafka topics of the architecture in the first version of the experiment.
export BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS={{your_kafka_bootstrap_servers}}
argo submit kafka-topics-workflow.yaml -p kafka-bootstrap-servers=$BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS -p operation=initial_topics_configuration --watch
There are other operations that you can use, like fixed_topic_configurations, to fix poke-orders topic after a chaos experiment describe_topics and delete_topics.
- Deploy the kubernetes applications stack
export BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS={{your_kafka_bootstrap_servers}}
export DB_HOST={{your_db_host}}
Once the application is deployed, you can make a port-forwarding in kubernetes to access to the application
make poke-order-api
you can access to poke-order-api docs via http://localhost:8000/docs#/
Now we are ready to create poke ordes, we are going to do that using a workflow in argo-worflows
argo submit code/synthetic-load-test-users.yaml --watch
You can check if the workflows are executing using the UI or in the terminal, to use the UI execute:
make argo-server
you can access to argo workflows UI docs via https://localhost:2746/
Every step you check in the pipeline and it's running is the simulates a user. check the logs:
after that you can check the poke orders created https://localhost:8000/list_orders/
If you checked the image, you will notice that there are orders in successful or rejected state but not reversed... this is because reversed orders is the unwanted state of the system.
Now we are ready to run chaos experiments using kafka-chaostoolkit library, to continue check the medium post "Upcoming URL medium"