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MS-EVEN6 Implementation

EventLog Stack

The EventLog Remoting Protocol Version 6.0 MS-EVEN6, originally available in the Windows Vista operating system, is a remote procedure call (RPC)–based protocol that exposes RPC methods for reading events in both live event logs and backup event logs on remote computers. The client MUST use RPC over TCP/IP (that is, ncacn_ip_tcp), as specified in MS-RPCE, as the RPC protocol sequence to communicate with the server. The higher-level protocol or client application MUST specify the Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism, NTLM, or Kerberos as the RPC authentication service, as specified in MS-RPCE, and the protocol client MUST pass this choice unmodified to the RPC layer. Our implementation stack is TCP | MS-RPCE | MS-EVEN6 with NTLM as security provider.

Endpoint Mapper

The RPC endpoint mapper allows RPC clients to determine the port number currently assigned to a particular RPC service, in this case MS-EVEN service. RPC Endpoint Mapper process listens on TCP/IP port 135. We use mapper's map RPC method to determine the port number of MS-EVEN service.


RPC Protocol Data Units (PDU) is used for RPC messages

PDU Header
PDU Body
authentication token


Packet Sequence for Secure, Connection-Oriented RPC Using NTLM as Security Provider.

SECURE_BIND is a BIND message with authentication token = NTLM Type1 message

SECURE_BIND_ACK is BIND ACK message with authentication token = NTLM Type2 message

RPC_AUTH_#3 is AUTH3 message with authentication token = NTLM Type3 message

More details about NTLM authentication can be found at The NTLM Authentication Protocol and Security Support Provider

NTLMv2 session security

NTLMv2 session security is documented in The request and response messages are secured by applying the following protection to the different PDU segments.

Authentication level PDU header PDU body sec_trailer
RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY Integrity Integrity Integrity
RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY Integrity Confidentiality Integrity

In INTEGRITY authentication level, the signature is computed for PDU header+PDU body+sec_trailer bytes. The corresponding signature is placed in PDU's authentication token.

In PRIVACY authentication level, apart from the above, the body is encrypted.


  • The client calls the EvtRpcRegisterRemoteSubscription method to establish a subscription connection and to obtain a subscription context and operation control handles.
    error_status_t EvtRpcRegisterRemoteSubscription(
        [in] LPCWSTR channelPath,
        [in] LPCWSTR query,
        [in] LPCWSTR bookmarkXml,
        [in] DWORD flags,
        [out] policy_handle* handle, 
        [out] policy_handle* control,
        [out] DWORD* queryChannelInfoSize,
        [out] EvtRpcQueryChannelInfo** queryChannelInfo,
        [out] RpcInfo *error);

    For example:

    EvtRpcRegisterRemoteSubscription subscription = new EvtRpcRegisterRemoteSubscription(
        "Security", "*", null, EvtSubscribeStartAtOldestRecord);
  • gets the subscription handle, it calls the Pull subscriptions are subscriptions in which the client requests records. The requests can be done by using a polling mechanism. EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionNext method to fetch its subscribed events. The server returns the event or Once the client events, and then update its subscription object state to keep track of what events have been delivered to the subscription.
    error_status_t EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionNext(
        [in] policy_handle* handle,
        [in] DWORD numRequestedRecords,
        [in] DWORD timeOut,
        [in] DWORD flags,
        [out] DWORD* numActualRecords,
        [out] DWORD** eventDataIndices,
        [out] DWORD** eventDataSizes,
        [out] DWORD* resultBufferSize,
        [out] BYTE** resultBuffer);

    For example:

    EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionNext pull = new EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionNext(
        subscription.handle, 5 , 5000, 0 );

    events = 5 indices = [0, 1806, 5054, 7336, 10562] sizes = [1805, 3247, 2281, 3225, 2281] buffer size = 12843
    Nicely, all the events line up in the returned buffer
    |x|x| ..  |x|x|x|x| ...    |x|x|x|x|... |x|x|... x|x|x| ...                           |
    0    event1   1806   event2    5054     event3       7336  event4  10562  event5
  • A implementation can call above method EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionNext in three ways:

    • Periodically
    • Using EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionWaitAsync
    • or both of the above
    1. This is straightforward, say invoking EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionNext periodically 3 secs. The implementation is easy and there is no need to worry about half-closed TCP connections. But polling may generate unnecessary traffic. Also, the events are fetched at polling interval and that means latency.

    2. The EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionWaitAsync method can be used to enable the client to only poll when results are likely, and is typically used in conjunction with the EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionNext method, which is a blocking call; so this asynchronous method is used to provide a way for the caller to not have to block or continuously poll the server. Our impl opens one more TCP connection and invokes EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionWaitAsync and that triggers the invocation of EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionNext method to fetch its subscribed events. The impl associates both connection same context by using bind packet's assoc group. The advantage of opening a new connection is to detect abrupt closing of TCP connections by using socket read timeout. If there are no events in the specified timeout period, the current connection is closed and a new connection is opened for EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionWaitAsync invocations. One disadvantage is if the TCP connection for EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionWaitAsync is half-closed, we don't get the events until read timeout.

    3. In addition to EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionWaitAsync trigger for EvtRpcRemoteSubscriptionNext invocation, the impl can also use a timer as an additional trigger. This can reduce number connection closures by specifying a larger socket read timeout, yet fetching events in timely manner when the second TCP connection is broken. The timer part is not implemented.

Design considerations

Push subscriptions seems attractive because low latency, but doesn't detect TCP broken connections (as the socket is stuck in read() call). If we use a socket read timeout and if there are no events in that time period, we need to create a new connection (as a pending request as far as server is concerned)Normal pull subscriptions work ok, but polling may generate unnecessary traffic. Also, the events are fetched at polling interval and that means latency.


RPC message's payload is formatted in BinXml. A recursive-descent parser is built to parse BinXml and a xml node tree. Node tree is processed with template substitutions recursively to produce xml.


A high-level abstraction for event log scraping is implemented. It is modeled after .NET API, like EventLogWatcher, EventLogQuery etc.

Enhancements to JCIFS project

  • Support of ncacn_ip_tcp urls
  • TCP transport
  • Endpoint Mapper supportSecure_Bind, Secure_Bind_Ack, Auth3 messages
  • NTLMv2 session security
  • MS-EVEN6 impl with BinXml parsingParsing logon and logoff xml events to Java objects
  • High-level abstraction for event log scraping (modeled after .NET API, like EventLogWatcher, EventLogQuery etc)


