Even simpler integration with Slack's Incoming/Outgoing webhooks API for .net
This is a fork of Slack.Webhooks, which can be found at https://github.com/mrb0nj/Slack.Webhooks.
On Feb 19th 2020 Slack will end support for TLS version 1.0 and 1.1. This means you may (depending on your .NET version) need to force the use of TLS1.2.
If you receive an error stating that "The underlying connection was closed:" it's quite possibly a TLS issue. You can work around this by setting the default TLS version using the following:
System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
- Add Block elements to Attachments
- Fixes potential deadlock issues
- Fix SlackMessage.Clone does not clone all properties
- Support Slack's Block Kit with SlackMessage.Blocks property
- Support Thread replies with SlackMessage.ThreadId property
- Changed the whole Emoji setup. SlackMessage.Emoji is now a string and Emoji.* are constants. This shouldn't cause problems in the most part!
- Allow HttpClient to be injected into SlackClient.
- SlackClient implements IDisposable to match the contained HttpClient instance even though this isn't the recommended usage. SlackClient, like HttpClient, there should only be a single instance of this class within the lifecycle of your application, for more information on why see: https://aspnetmonsters.com/2016/08/2016-08-27-httpclientwrong/
We no longer use RestSharp in favour of HttpClient - this however means that .NET 4.0 and below are no longer supported.
Also, the PostAsync method signature has changed. The return type is now Task<bool>
in place of Task<IRestResponse>
which was tied directly to RestSharp.
- You must first enable the Webhooks integration for your Slack Account to get the Token. You can enable it here: https://slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook
- Slack.Webhooks depends on JSON.net
- Compatible with .NET 4.5+ and .NET Core. If you need .NET 3.5/4 you can use an older release, but this may be out of date.
Package is hosted on Nuget and can be installed from the package manager:
PM> Install-Package Slack.Webhooks
For older .NET framework support:
PM> Install-Package Slack.Webhooks -Version 0.1.8
Then, create a SlackClient with your Webhook URL.
var slackClient = new SlackClient("[YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL]");
Create a new SlackMessage
var slackMessage = new SlackMessage
Channel = "#random",
Text = "Your message",
IconEmoji = Emoji.Ghost,
Username = "nerdfury"
By default the text can contain Markdown but this default behaviour can be disabled:
slackMessage.Mrkdwn = false;
More info on message formatting can be found in the Docs
Attachments can be added to a message:
var slackAttachment = new SlackAttachment
Fallback = "New open task [Urgent]: <http://url_to_task|Test out Slack message attachments>",
Text = "New open task *[Urgent]*: <http://url_to_task|Test out Slack message attachments>",
Color = "#D00000",
Fields =
new List<SlackField>
new SlackField
Title = "Notes",
Value = "This is much *easier* than I thought it would be."
slackMessage.Attachments = new List<SlackAttachment> {slackAttachment};
Please see the Docs for further info on attachments.
You can also provide a list of Block
objects in SlackMessage.Blocks
to create more interactive content:
slackMessage.Blocks = new List<Block>
new Blocks.Divider()
slackMessage.Blocks = new List<Block>
new Blocks.Image
AltText = "Sexy Skyline",
ImageUrl = "https://placekitten.com/500/500",
Title = new TextObject("Hello, this is text")
slackMessage.Blocks = new List<Block>
new Blocks.Context
Elements = new List<Interfaces.IContextElement>
new TextObject("_markdown_")
Type = TextObject.TextType.Markdown
new Elements.Image
ImageUrl = "https://placekitten.com/200/300", AltText = "Random Kitten"
slackMessage.Blocks = new List<Block>
new Blocks.Section
Text = new TextObject("_markdown_")
Type = TextObject.TextType.Markdown
Fields = new List<TextObject>
new TextObject { Text = "Field 1" },
new TextObject { Text = "Field 2" },
new TextObject { Text = "Field 3" }
with Accessory
var confirmation = new Confirmation
Confirm = new TextObject("This OK?"),
Text = new TextObject("This is the Text"),
Deny = new TextObject("This is the Deny Text"),
Title = new TextObject("Title")
var options = new List<Option>
new Option
Text = new TextObject("OPtion1"),
Value = "option1"
new Option
Text = new TextObject("OPtion2"),
Value = "option2"
new Option
Text = new TextObject("OPtion3"),
Value = "option3"
var optionGroups = new List<OptionGroup>
new OptionGroup
Label = new TextObject("Label 1"),
Options = options
new OptionGroup
Label = new TextObject("Label 2"),
Options = options
Elements.Element element;
element = new Button
Text = new TextObject { Text = "Button Text" },
ActionId = "Button1_Click",
element = new Elements.Overflow
Confirm = confirmation,
Options = options
element = new Elements.DatePicker
Placeholder = new TextObject("Select a date")
element = new Elements.SelectUsers
Placeholder = new TextObject("Select a user..."),
Confirm = confirmation
element = new Elements.SelectChannels
Placeholder = new TextObject("Select a channel"),
Confirm = confirmation
element = new Elements.SelectConversations
Placeholder = new TextObject("Select a conversation"),
Confirm = confirmation
element = new Elements.SelectStatic
Options = options,
Placeholder = new TextObject("Options Placeholder")
element = new Elements.SelectStatic
OptionGroups = optionGroups,
Placeholder = new TextObject("OptionGroup placeholder")
element = new Elements.MultiSelectUsers
Placeholder = new TextObject("Select a user..."),
Confirm = confirmation
element = new Elements.MultiSelectChannels
Placeholder = new TextObject("Select a channel")
element = new Elements.MultiSelectConversations
Placeholder = new TextObject("Select a conversation")
element = new Elements.MultiSelectStatic
Options = options,
Placeholder = new TextObject("Options Placeholder")
element = new Elements.MultiSelectStatic
OptionGroups = optionGroups,
Placeholder = new TextObject("OptionGroup placeholder")
slackMessage.Blocks = new List<Block>
new Blocks.Section
Text = new TextObject("_markdown_")
Type = TextObject.TextType.Markdown
Accessory = element
And Post it to Slack