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Why am sharing this guide?

Few People have asked about career in digital marketing and analytics to me. My friends, my colleagues and other people in the network. You might have the same question of starting-up or even in the middle of a career change and exploring. Digital marketing(DM) could be one of it, and wondering what’s next. We were all in that stage. There are different things that has helped myself and also friends who are experts in their respective fields. So I thought of sharing those experiences and other information in this short piece. We will go through how the industry is going forward, the early misconceptions, resources to follow, tools to learn and other valuable resources to get started

Every industry is disrupted and embodied into digital space from birth of a kid to a funeral (Even there is a startup working on funeral management). If you could imagine the size of an IT team in every company currently, that the size of a digital growth team would be needed In future. I believe that every company would be trying to win the online space and visibility of their brand which means they would need the talents to fill this gap. The spending of a company budget in marketing technology is growing higher than IT spending according to multiple research insights.

There are a lot of factors to share. In simple, even the fundamentals of digital marketing could help anyone in their life journey. Would anyone says learning MS-Excel is a waste of time? It going to be the same case for digital marketing. That’s why they teach you that in school. Even if you are a designer, you need a bit of digital marketing knowledge to market yourself. So digital marketing or however you call it, this knowledge is going to help your name/brand on the online space, exposure to your service/product and do whatever you intended to do with it.

If you believe in what I shared above, do continue reading the rest 🙂

The sharing would be on the bigger picture, so am able to cover the breadth of everything instead of going into depth of it. The depth can be learned from other resources links am sharing.

Who this guide is for?

Initially I intended to write for professionals who are already working in a company in different domain(not DM) and looking for a change in career path. Also some of my intern colleagues (basically students) who are just getting started in their career. This are the 2 people in my mind. My sharing here is not going to be expert writeup about the domain but rather an exposure and clarification of different things. This set the stage for your career PATH planning.

Without wasting your time, focus on the below topics based on your level (The page number for each title is in the index)

If you are beginner Beginners have no idea of what is funnel, channel, metrics, etc If you are an intermediate You know the fundamentals but you are looking for what is next, and also how do you sharpen your existing axe Fundamentals (Funnel, Channels, etc) Exposure(Growth Funnel) & AARRR Metrics Digital Marketing vs Data Analytics Digital Marketing vs Growth Marketing Starting Career in Digital Marketing Data Analytics vs Data Engineering vs Data Science Starting Career in Data Analytics T Skill vs Jack of All vs Master of one Starting Career in Technical Marketing For Intermediate & Striving to Excellence Starting Career in Marketing Data Engineering Approach: Easy vs Hard Route There will be one expected biased points on this guide in terms of industry coverage. As i have worked with mostly on E-Commerce companies and online consumer tech, my examples and stories would be more into that.

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