Work in progress
Zadymka is a simple 2D graphics (and Input) module. It also has built-in ImGui support.
Language | C++14 |
Technology Chart
Window / Context / Input | GLFW 3 |
Rendering | OpenGL 3.3 |
OpenGL extensions | GLAD |
Math | glm |
Lua Binding | sol2 |
Font loading | Freetype2 |
Image loading | stb_image |
Other | ImGui |
Before building install GLFW3 / Freetype2 / any lua version( 5.2 and 5.3 were the only one I tested so far though) libraries. Header libraries will be cloned recursively, so you don't have to ship them yourself.
git clone --recursive
cd Zadymka
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. //-DEXAMPLES=ON to copy examples to build directory
make -j4
- Copy
Zadymka.dll or .so
along with other.dll's(freetype.dll and glfw3.dll(maybe?))
to the project directory local Zadymka = require('Zadymka')
in your codeZadymka.init()
to init graphics module (may be done automagically in the future)- You are ready to go :)
Check out examples directory to see Zadymka usage.
local Graphics = require('Zadymka.Graphics')
local window = Graphics.Window:new()
window:create(800, 600, 'title', window.Style.Windowed)
window.title = 'some title'
local font = Graphics.Font:new()
local text = Graphics.Text:new()
text:setPosition(100, 100)
while window.isOpen do
window:clear(125, 125, 125, 255) -- Clear window
window:drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100, 255, 0, 0, 255)
.. Not now? I guess? If you want to know usertypes/bindings check out src/(module name).cpp's.