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This gem is intended to be installed into Blacklight applications ( ) to generate an SVG of date data into a heat-map style grid from date facet data.

date range heat map


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'blacklight_dates2svg'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install blacklight_dates2svg

Add asset references to application.css and application.js.

$ rails generate blacklight_dates2svg


This gem simply provides the form elements to interact with the SVG grid, the logic to inject the range query into Blacklight's Solr parameters, and brings in a few other gems/plugins to drive the interaction and process the data for Blacklight.

Solr Requirements

The data should be a facet that is a DateField ( ). The facet limit should be set to return all values in the response to drive the SVG grid. Alternatively you can pass an array of dates in as a :dates option (see Usage below).


Once the gem is installed you will need to include the BlacklightDates2SVG module into you search controller (CatalogController by default in Blacklight).

include BlacklightDates2SVG

You will need to add 2 lines in the contorller level Blacklight configuration ( configure_blacklight block ). One to configure the facet (and most likely set :show to false) and another to let the gem know which field is the date field.

config.add_facet_field 'date_facet', :label => "Date", :show => false
config.search_date_field = 'date_facet'

Now in any helper or view rendered under that controller will have the render_date_range_selector_grid helper method available.

<%= render_date_range_selector_grid %>

You can pass all the options described in the README of the Dates2SVG gem to the render_date_range_selector_grid helper method.

This gem adds an additional :dates option that when passed will ignore the facets in the response and just use the array passed in that option.

dates = [ => "2012-03-23", :hits => 836), => "2012-02-21", :hits => 584)]

svg = render_date_range_selector_grid(:dates => dates)


There are 4 partials that can be overridden at the application level to customize some markup.

  1. app/views/blacklight_dates2svg/_date_range_selector (The main layout)
  2. app/views/blacklight_dates2svg/_date_range_grid (The SVG grid)
  3. app/views/blacklight_dates2svg/_date_range_form (The form elements and the rendering of the legend partial)
  4. app/views/blacklight_dates2svg/_legend (The legend)

The svgMonthGridSelector jQuery plugin has some defaults that we adhere to. If you customize the form you may want to instantiate the plugin on your own and pass the necessary options to customize the behavior of the jQuery plugin.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Generates a month SVG grid for date facet data from Blacklight







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