When the user signs up or logs in the app, they will have an inspirational quote of the day. They will also have emojis to choose from, based on their mood. They will then click on their mood emoji and get funny, crazy, sad, romantic or angry gifs, or maybe a book or movie recommendation.
This has been one hell of a year and people have been affected by the pandemic in different ways. Some ae angry, sad but definitely CRAZY!. Others may be on a better path and are able to be happy with romance in the air!
This application incorporates a login feature where a user can login if they are a returning user or create an account with their email & password if they are a new user. The login feature uses the Passport NPM package and stores that information in MySQL Workbench via Sequelize.
Giphy API
Google API
Movie db API
Zen quotes API
MySQL Workbench
Check out our app on the main website use the following link, https://pumpkin-pudding-29996.herokuapp.com/
Jacob Hohing
Jen Kelly
Kiera Cullen
Ro Phillips