Although unmaintained from August, 2023, I'm still using Packer as my plugin manager.
For more information about packer you can refer to:
Installing packer:
Unix, Linux
git clone --depth 1\
Windows Powershell
git clone "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim-data\site\pack\packer\start\packer.nvim"
├── after
│ └── plugin
│ ├── fugative.lua
│ ├── gitsigns.lua
│ ├── harpoon.lua
│ ├── lsp.lua
│ ├── lualine.lua
│ ├── telescope.lua
│ ├── tmux-switch.lua
│ ├── treesiter.lua
│ └── trouble.lua
├── init.lua
├── lua
│ └── jk
│ ├── colorscheme.lua
│ ├── init.lua
│ ├── packer.lua
│ ├── remaps.lua
│ └── set.lua
└── tmux_script
- Telescope && harpoon for fuzzy finding and file navigation.
- TMUX switch for TMUX session managment within Neovim
- Vim-fugative && gitsigns as git integration tools
- Mason (lsp, formatter, linter).
- Nvim-cmp as a completion engine.
- Treesitter as a syntax highlighter.
- Vim commentary for making commenting code a lot easier
Keybind | Action |
, |
Leader key |
Keybind | Action |
<leader>e |
Open netrw directory listings |
<leader>b |
Go to previous buffer |
<leader>v |
Vertical split |
<leader>s |
Source file in current buffer |
Keybind | Action |
<leader>t |
Toggle floating terminal |
Keybind | Action |
<c-h> |
Move to left |
<c-l> |
Move to right |
<c-k> |
Move up |
<c-j> |
Move down |
Keybind | Action |
<leader>ss |
Enable spelling check |
<leader>sns |
Disable spelling check |
<leader>srn |
Enable relative numbers |
<leader>snrn |
Disable relative numbers |
<leader>sn |
Enable line numbers |
<leader>snn |
Disable line numbers |
Keybind | Action |
<K> |
Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window |
<gd> |
Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor |
<K> |
Definition on hover |
<gr> |
Show references |
<gD> |
Declaration |
<gi> |
Go to implementation |
<F4> |
Selects a code action available at the current cursor position |
<C-n> |
Goes to next available suggested completion option |
<CR> |
Confirms suggested completion option |
<leader>rn |
Rename stuff under the cursor |
Keybind | Action |
<leader>g |
Opens vim-fugitive in vertical split (:0Git) |
<leader>gc |
Git commit |
<leader>gca |
Git commit --amend |
<leader>gb |
Git blame % |
<leader>gl |
Git log % |
<leader>glo |
Git log --oneline % |
<leader>gll |
Git log -1 HEAD % |
<leader>gl5 |
Git log -n 5 |
<leader>glp |
Git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s" |
<leader>glg |
Git log --graph |
<leader>glgo |
Git log --graph --oneline |
<leader>grs |
Git reset --soft HEAD~1 |
<leader>grh |
Git reset --hard HEAD~1 |
<leader>glr |
Git log --reverse --no-decorate |
- |
Stage or unstage file under the cursor |
= |
Show changes in file under the cursor |
Keybind | Action |
<leader>ph |
Preview hunk |
<leader>sh |
Stage hunk |
<leader>hh |
Reset hunk |
<leader>ush |
Undo stage hunk |
Keybind | Action |
<leader>ff |
Find files |
<leader>fg |
Live grep |
<leader>fb |
Buffers |
<leader>fh |
Help tags |
Keybind | Action |
<C-f> |
Open TMUX switch UI |
<leader>cs |
Create new TMUX session with given name |
<leader>rs |
Rename current TMUX session |
Keybind | Action |
<leader>tt |
Trouble diagnostics toggle |
<leader>t |
Trouble diagnostics toggle (current buffer) |
Keybind | Action |
<C-e> |
Open Harpoon UI |
<leader>a |
Add file in current buffer to Harpoon navigation list |
<C-q> |
Go to first file in Harpoon navigation list |
<C-w> |
Go to second file in Harpoon navigation list |
<C-t> |
Go to third file in Harpoon navigation list |
<C-z> |
Run tmux switch script located under /tmux_scripts directory |
If you already have nvim configuration, you might want to do a backup first and then clone this one with:
git -C ~/.config/ clone nvim