- ./db_maker/db.uml.org - org file for uml to svg exporting
pdf_merger - merges two directories of pdfs and matches based on keywords
- place the files to merge in the two directories, summary and status:
python ./main.py
- [X] v0.001 - takes input pdf’s from the summary and status directories, merges based on keyword
- [ ] v0.002 - change directory names? select how many directories to check from? change file type?
(yeold scripts)
## [bounty_hunter](https://github.com/jknoxdev/scripts/tree/main/bounty_hunter)
- A collection of scripts written inside of code blocks in an emacs formatted org-file to implement the techniques discussed within Jason Haddix 2020 Defcon Talk [The Bug Hunter’s Methodology Full 2-hour Training by Jason Haddix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKWu6yhnhbQ)
- This org file is organized into different branches.
## [rtfm_base](https://github.com/jknoxdev/scripts/tree/main/rtfm_base)
- Here is were I’ve fixed some of the scripts from the [rtfm](https://www.amazon.com/Rtfm-Red-Team-Field-Manual/dp/1494295504) and am making them usable in the field.
## [cracking](https://github.com/jknoxdev/scripts/tree/main/cracking) <<<<<<< HEAD
- Scripts to help with cracking of various file type
- Scripts to help with cracking of various file types
>>>>>>> refs/remotes/origin/main