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bite-sized dependency management for PHP

install demo

🚀 Try it now

docker run -it -v "$(pwd):/app" jlaswell/compote install


First things first; compote is not designed as a replacement for composer but as a compliment for specific use-cases. (While you're here, why not consider heading over there and supporting?)

compote is designed as a subset implementation of composer commands. Currently, it can install locked dependencies and show locked dependencies for a project.

If you don't have one of the following use-cases, then composer will continue to serve you well. This project is still very much a work-in-progress, but it works well enough for my use-cases at this point. Expect things to change a lot moving towards v1.

You might consider compote in favor of composer when trying to speed-up CI pipelines and automated workflows or when working within a memory constrained environment.

For now, you should stick with composer when adding or removing packages, updating dependencies, and (at this point) even generating autoloading!



Here's a snippet to run compote locally via a container until there is a better process for binaries.

$ alias dcompote='docker run -it -v "$(pwd):/app" jlaswell/compote'
$ dcompote install

Your composer.lock file is expected to be present within the current directory when running dcompote.

Within CI

When using an automated workflow, I suggest mounting your project to /app in the jlaswell/compote container and running install. Remember, compote doesn't handle autoloading yet! so you will still need to rely on composer. Here's an example workflow:

docker run -it -v "$(pwd):/app" jlaswell/compote install
composer dump-auto


  compote [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  install     Install packages locked to this project
  show        Display information about packages

      --config string     Config file (default is $HOME/.compote.yaml)
  -f, --filepath string   Path to the directory or composer file to work from (default ".")
  -h, --help              help for compote
  -q, --quiet             Do not write any output

Use "compote [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Issues and Contributions

Issue reporting and contributes are very welcomed! You can see the current state of work in the projects section. While I'd like to keep the scope of compote rather narrow, if you have a feature request or idea on how to improve compote, please open an issue and use the appropriate labels or submit a pull request.