Fritbot XMPP Connector
Requires the following config structure to be given via config.yml or a similarly passed in config object:
- module: fb-xmpp-connector # Name of the connector, do not change
host: # Hostname of your XMPP/Slack/Hipchat/Jabber etc server
conference_host: # Hostname of the chat server, usually prepend conference. to your host name.
user: your_username # Bot username
resource: your_resource # Bot resource. Some services require it to match a specific value (e.g., Slack requires it to match the username).
# Check your login information to find this value.
password: your_password # Bot password
presence: The Angriest Bot # Presence/Status, can change this to whatever you want
rooms: [room_to_join] # List of rooms to join. You should have at least one room.
# This is a list of strings - do not omit the []