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=== SyntaxHighlighter Evolved ===
Contributors: Viper007Bond, automattic
Donate link:
Tags: code, sourcecode, php, xhtml, html, css,
Requires at least: 2.7
Tested up to: 3.3
Stable tag: trunk

Easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without having to modify the code at all. As seen on

== Description ==

SyntaxHighlighter Evolved allows you to easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without losing it's formatting or making any manual changes. It uses the [SyntaxHighlighter JavaScript package by Alex Gorbatchev](

For a live demo, see [this plugin's homepage](

For a list of supported languages (most widely used languages are supported), see the [ support document](

*[As seen on](*

== Installation ==

###Upgrading From A Previous Version###

To upgrade from a previous version of this plugin, delete the entire folder and files from the previous version of the plugin and then follow the installation instructions below.

###Uploading The Plugin###

Extract all files from the ZIP file, **making sure to keep the file/folder structure intact**, and then upload it to `/wp-content/plugins/`.

**See Also:** ["Installing Plugins" article on the WP Codex](

###Plugin Activation###

Go to the admin area of your WordPress install and click on the "Plugins" menu. Click on "Activate" for the "SyntaxHighlighter" plugin.

###Plugin Usage###

Just wrap your code in `[language]`, such as `[php]code here[/php]` or `[css]code here[/css]`. For a list of supported languages (all widely used languages are supported), please [click here](

You do not need to escape HTML entities or anything, just post your code as-is. The plugin will handle the rest.

The shortcodes accept a wide variety of parameters. For details, see the bottom of the plugin's settings page.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= The code is just being displayed raw. It isn't being converted into a code box or anything. What's wrong?  =

Make sure your theme's `footer.php` file has `<?php wp_footer(); ?>` somewhere inside of it, otherwise the plugin won't be able to do it's thing.

== Screenshots ==

1. Example code display of some PHP inside some HTML.
2. A part of the Settings page which controls the defaults.

== ChangeLog ==

= Version 3.1.3 =

* Hide vertical overflow so that a vertical scrollbar doesn't show up in Chrome. Props Caio Proiete. Bump SH script version to bust browser caches.
* Allow the plugin's shortcodes to be escaped using double brackets like so: `[[code]Foobar[/code]]`. This is a core feature, but calling `do_shortcode()` on the content as it went into the database caused the extra brackets to be stripped.

= Version 3.1.2 =

* Register some placeholder shortcodes so that `strip_shortcodes()` and such work properly. Previously the shortcodes were only registered during the brief moment that they were processed by one of this plugin's filters.
* Add a `notranslate` CSS class to the `<pre>` output so that Google won't attempt to translate it. Props [Otto](
* Run the CSS classes aka SyntaxHighlighter script parameters through a filter.

= Version 3.1.1 =

* Fix default title setting not working.
* Force `<code>` to be inline. Fixes issues with themes that do `code { display: block; }`.
* Added Japanese translation thanks to [Makoto](

= Version 3.1.0 =

* Allow choosing between v2.x and v3.x of the SyntaxHighlighting package. Some people prefer the old one and there's nothing wrong with it really.
* Fix broken TinyMCE plugin URL.
* Force LTR text in v3.x.
* If global collapse default is on, force on the toolbar and force off light mode to avoid the code block from disappearing.
* Make the demo on the settings page the width of the content area on the front end so it's a better example of what the code will look like.
* Bring back v2.x specific settings like `linewrap`.

= Version 3.0.0 =

* Updated to SyntaxHighlighter v3.0.83. See [changes]( Main highlight is the ability to directly copy the code or double-click it to highlight it all.
* Allow specifying a line highlight range in the format of `5-10` (will highlight lines 5 through 10). Idea thanks to someone who's name I forgot. :(
* BuddyPress support! Props [Rich](
* Add third-party Clojure brush by [Travis Whitton](
* Add third-party R language brush by [Yihui Xie](
* Ukrainian transation update thanks to [AzzePis](
* An updated Italian transation thanks to [gidibao](

= Version 2.3.8 =

* Disable `[latex]` to avoid collisions with LaTeX rendering plugins. Use `[tex]` instead if you want to post LaTeX source.

= Version 2.3.7 =

* Add a checkbox to settings page to force all language brushes to always be loaded, even if they aren't needed. This is incase anyone wants to use the `<pre>` tags directly (without the shortcode), for example if they use [this Windows Live Writer plugin](

= Version 2.3.6 =

* Add third-party F-Sharp brush by [Steve Gilham](
* Add third-partyMATLAB brush by [Will Schleter]( (only highlights popular keywords to avoid browser lockups).
* Prevent double-encoding of shortcode contents save. I still have no idea why the `content_save_pre` filter is sometimes run twice.

= Version 2.3.5 =

* Move third-party brushes to their own folder to make it easier to keep track of them.
* Fix broken Objective-C brush. Props Yoav.
* Add third-party LaTeX brush. This won't render LaTex, it will merely allow you to post LaTeX souce. Props [Jorge Martinez de Salinas](

= Version 2.3.4 =

* Use the `get_comment_text` filter instead of the `comment_text` filter to make sure to catch the output everywhere.
* Allow `on` and `off` as parameter values.

= Version 2.3.3 =

* Add `print` to PHP keywords. Props bundyxc.
* Changes to make this plugin work properly with code that creates posts from outside of the admin area, namely the [P2 theme](

= Version 2.3.2 =

* Allow `\0` inside of code posts for low-access users. Previously it was stripped by KSES. Also introduces new filter that can be used to escape other similar types of strings.
* Remove `min-height` CSS. I don't see the point of it and it's screwing it up in certain themes.

= Version 2.3.1 =

* Additional CSS to help prevent themes from breaking SyntaxHighlighter (stopping `code { display: block; }`).
* Add a grey border to the default theme when line numbering is enabled.
* Italian transation update thanks to [gidibao](
* Minor code improvements.

= Version 2.3.0 =

Major overhaul, mainly to extend flexibility so that this plugin could be used on without any more plugin code modification (only actions/filters are used instead to modify it).

* Updated SyntaxHighlighter package to v2.1.364. Highlights of the [changelog]( include:
	* ColdFusion brush (aliases: `coldfusion`, `cf`)
	* Erlang brush (aliases: `erl`, `erlang`)
	* Objective-C brush (aliases: `objc`, `obj-c`)
	* Eclipse theme
	* `padlinenumbers` parameter. Set it to `false` for no line number padding, `true` for automatic padding, or an integer (number) for forced padding.
	* `rb` alias for Ruby
* Commenters can now use this plugin to post code.
* Plugin's shortcodes now work inside of the text widget again. Requires WordPress 2.9+ though.
* Overhaul of the TinyMCE plugin that assists in keeping your code sound when switching editor views. Thanks to Andrew Ozz!
* This plugin's stylesheets are now dynamically loaded. If they aren't needed, they aren't loaded.
* Lots of sanitization of shortcode attributes. Invalid keys/values are no longer used.
* New filter to control what shortcodes are registered. Used by to trim down the number of them.
* Saving of user's settings is now done using `register_setting()` instead of manually handing `$_POST`. Yay!
* By default, a post meta is used to mark posts as being encoded using the 2.x encoding format. This is bad for a site like You can use the new `syntaxhighlighter_pre_getcodeformat` filter to return `1` or `2` (based on say `post_modified`). See `SyntaxHighlighter:get_code_format()` for more details. Don't forget to `remove_action( 'save_post', array(&$SyntaxHighlighter, 'mark_as_encoded'), 10, 2 );` to stop the post meta from being added.
* New `syntaxhighlighter_precode` filter to modify raw code before it's highlighted.
* New `syntaxhighlighter_democode` filter to modify example code on the settings page.


* Danish translation update thanks to [Georg S. Adamsen](
* Chinese translation thanks to Hinker Liu. Will need updating for v2.3.0.

= Version 2.2.1 =

* Italian transation thanks to [gidibao](

= Version 2.2.0 =

* Stop whitespace from being stripped when switching editor views. Props [Abel Braaksma](
* Fixed an issue with SyntaxHighlighter itself in which the Bash highlighter had issues with `<` and `>`.
* Force a specific font size for the code so themes don't mess with it.
* Allow the usage of custom aliases that aren't allowed by the highlighting package. Props [Anton Shevchuk](
* Danish translation thanks to [Georg S. Adamsen](
* Turkish translation thanks to [Alper](

= Version 2.1.0 =

* Updated to reflect the new features of [v2.0.320 of Alex's script]( Note the `stripBrs` parameter is not supported in my plugin as it is not needed in this implementation.

= Version 2.0.1 =

* Andrew Ozz was kind enough to fix a bug related to `<p>`'s being stripped when switching from the Visual to HTML tab
* Added a link to the settings page to the plugins page in the admin area

= Version 2.0.0 =

* Complete recode from scratch. Features v2 of Alex Gorbatchev's script, usage of shortcodes, and so much more.

= Version 1.1.1 =

* Encode single quotes so `wptexturize()` doesn't transform them into fancy quotes and screw up code.

= Version 1.1.0 =

* mdawaffe [fixed]( an encoding issue relating to kses and users without the `unfiltered_html` capability. Mad props to mdawaffe.

= Version 1.0.1 =

* Minor CSS fixes.
* Filter text widgets to allow posting of code.

= Version 1.0.0 =

* Initial release!


WordPress plugin that makes it easy to post syntax-highlighted code snippets






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  • JavaScript 73.1%
  • PHP 26.9%