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988 lines (870 loc) · 54.7 KB

Securing DB Access MGMT with HashiCorp Boundary


  • Terraform, Vault and Boundary CLI installed on your environment.
  • psql client
  • mongosh client

1. Building Vault and Boundary clusters in HCP and Database (RDS and DocumentDB) instances

The Plataform directory contains:

  • The code to build a Vault and Boundary cluster in HCP together with a VPC in your AWS account.
  • That VPC gets connected to HCP (where Vault is deployed) by means of a VPC peering with an HVN.
  • The VPC contains a Public and Private Subnet. In the private subnet we are deploying an RDS instance with a PostgreSQL engine (the database will be configured in a second steps) and DocumentDB cluster
  • After deploying the infrastructure we set a number of environmental variables that are required for the upcoming deployments.
  • Finally, we authenticate with Boundary using the credentials we have defined within the terraform.tfvars file. Vault cluster is configured to send logs to Datadog (simply comment the stanzas to avoid this).
<export AWS Creds>
<export HCP Creds or interactive login during apply>
cd 1_Plataform/
# Initialize TF
terraform init
# Requires interactive login to HCP to approve cluster creation
terraform apply -auto-approve
export BOUNDARY_ADDR=$(terraform output -json | jq -r .boundary_public_url.value)
export VAULT_ADDR=$(terraform output -raw vault_public_url)
export VAULT_NAMESPACE=admin
export VAULT_TOKEN=$(terraform output -raw vault_token)
# Log to boundary interactively using password Auth with admin user
boundary authenticate
export TF_VAR_authmethod=$(boundary auth-methods list -format json | jq -r '.items[0].id')

Note: This tutorial is supposed to be run in secuntial order making sure the enviromental variable installed above are used

1.1. Inputs

Variable Type Example Description Required
username String "admin" Boundary initial administrative account username Yes
password String "N0tS0Secr3tPas$w0rd" Boundary initial administrative account password Yes
vault_tier String "plus_small" HCP Vault Tier Yes
boundary_tier String "PLUS" HCP Boundary Tier Yes
datadog_api_key String <hex-api-key> Datadog API Key Optional, remove metrics_config and audit_log_config stanzas in Also remove variable datadog_api_key from
aws_vpc_cidr String "" Class A Must be used Yes
vault_cluster_id String "hcp-vault-cluster-for-boundary" HCP Vault Cluster Name Yes
boundary_cluster_id String "hcp-boundary-cluster" HCP Boundary Cluster Name Yes
db_username String "demo" Username of the master database user Yes
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env AWS Access Key No, you can use UserID
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env No, you can use SecretID

1.2 Outputs

Variable Type Description Example
boundary_public_url String HCP Boundary URL boundary_public_url = ""
docdb_cluster_endpoint String DocumentDB FQDN docdb_cluster_endpoint = ""
peering_id String HCP peering id peering_id = "pcx-00b430b2a631dbb85"
rds_hostname String PostgresSQL FQDN rds_hostname = ""
vault_private_url String Vault private endpoint FQDN (API) vault_private_url = ""
vault_proxy_endpoint String Vault FQDN for UI access vault_proxy_endpoint = ""
vault_public_url String Vault public endpoint FQDN (API) vault_public_url = ""
vault_token String Vault administrative token vault_token = "hvs.CAESII1E2spw7s563IIkV8sD7_NQ0CnEJ1CkKfi-zhq24Xt9GiYKImh2cy52TXdYSFpaSFFpNmpBWmZWSmRBYjFiT2gubHNPRkYQeQ"
vpc String VPC id vpc = "vpc-026c5921344de499e"

2. Create Self-Managed Worker, configure RDS and Boundary/Vault

In this second step we are going to deploy an EC2 that will play two roles:

  • On the one hand, it will work as Boundary Worker that will allow the connection to the Database and also to Vault itself via the private endpoint.
  • On the other hand, it will serve as database configuration manager. It will create the users and roles that will be leverage by Vault's dynamic secret engine as well as create a table with mock data.

Additionally, we are going to configure Vault Dynamic Secret Engine with 4 distint roles and Boundary logic within the Project:

  • Scopes (Organization and Project)
  • Credential Stores (using Vault to generated JIT credentials with TTL), Credential Libraries (the Vault paths)
  • Host Catalog, Host Set and Hosts (to hold our RDS instance)
  • Targets (mapping the RDS with the different credentials)

Targets are a wrapper of host (host-sets) and permisions (in the form of credentials). In this demo we have a single host, but different set of Credential Libraries associated with different paths in Vault that correspond to separated roles in our database.


cd ../2_Config
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve

2.1. Inputs

Variable Type Example Description Required
username String "admin" Boundary initial administrative account username Yes
password String "N0tS0Secr3tPas$w0rd" Boundary initial administrative account password Yes
region String "eu-west-2" AWS Region Yes
key_pair_name String "cert" Name of the key pair that will be used to create the EC2 instance Yes
authmethod String "ampw_g7gkG7hioT" Boundary Auth Method ID. Introduced as enviromental variable in step 1 Yes
db_username String "demo" Username of the master database user Yes
BOUNDARY_ADDR env Boundary URL Yes
VAULT_ADDR env Vault Public URL Yes
VAULT_TOKEN env Vault admin token Yes
TF_VAR_authmethod env auth method id Yes

2.2 Outputs

Variable Type Description Example
connect_documentDB_target_dba String Commands to connect to DocumentDB DBA target terraform output -raw connect_documentDB_target_readonly
connect_documentDB_target_readonly String Commands to connect to DocumentDB readonly target terraform output -raw connect_documentDB_target_readonly
connect_documentDB_target_readwrite String Commands to connect to DocumentDB readwrite target terraform output -raw connect_documentDB_target_readonly
connect_rds_target_dba String Command to connect to RDS DBA target boundary connect postgres -target-id ttcp_UflbyKyPWb -dbname northwind
connect_rds_target_readonly String Command to connect to RDS readonly target boundary connect postgres -target-id ttcp_y5a14LzaOT -dbname northwind
connect_rds_target_readwrite String Command to connect to RDS readwrite target boundary connect postgres -target-id ttcp_ezWrfC1F8h -dbname northwind
documentDB_target_dba String DocumentDB DBA Target ID ttcp_5KF7b2nemT
documentDB_target_readonly String DocumentDB ReadOnly Target ID ttcp_cmdRTvMpOX
documentDB_target_readwrite String DocumentDB ReadWrite Target ID ttcp_AV0272rFCb
rds_target_dba String RDS DBA Target ID ttcp_UflbyKyPWb
rds_target_readonly String RDS ReadOnly Target ID ttcp_y5a14LzaOT
rds_target_readwrite String RDS ReadWrite Target ID ttcp_ezWrfC1F8h
ssh_worker_fqdn String Command to connect to Boundary Worker via SSH (ec2 instance) ssh -i cert.pem
worker_fqdn String Boundary Worker Public FQDN (ec2 instance)

3. Mapping IdP (OIDC) Users to targets based on roles

In this step we are going to leverage Auth0 dev account to build an OIDC integration between Auth0 and Boundary. The first task will be to create an Application with access to Auth0 MGMT API:

  • Go to Applications, then click on [+ Create Application] button and select "Machine to Machine Applications".
  • Click on Create.
  • In the next page, in the drop-down menu select "Auth0 Management API" and provide All Permissions.
  • Finally click on Authorize


After its being created we can copy some of the details and pass them as enviromental variables so the Auth0 provider can consume them. Go to the setting tab and retrieve the values.


Export those values as enviromental variables and run the code

export AUTH0_DOMAIN="<domain>"
export AUTH0_CLIENT_ID="<client-id>" 
export AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET="<client_secret>"
cd ../3_RBAC
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve
  • We are setting up Boundary to use Auth0 for authentication, defining the proper callback URLs.
  • We are creating 4 users that will be mapped to different roles within Boundary.

You can test it via CLI using the email address of any of the 3 users returned as Terraform output

boundary authenticate oidc -auth-method-id $(terraform output -raw auth_method_id)
boundary targets list -scope-id $(terraform output -raw project-scope-id) -format json | jq -r .

3.1. Inputs

Variable Type Example Description Required
username String "admin" Boundary initial administrative account username Yes
password String "N0tS0Secr3tPas$w0rd" Boundary initial administrative account password Yes
auth0_password String "N0tS0Secr3tPas$w0rd" A password that will be associated to every user account we create in Auth0
authmethod String "ampw_g7gkG7hioT" Boundary Auth Method ID. Introduced as enviromental variable in step 1 Yes
BOUNDARY_ADDR env Boundary URL Yes
TF_VAR_authmethod env auth method id

3.2 Outputs

Variable Type Description Example
auth_method_id String OIDC Auth Method ID amoidc_kFalRmMWZw
boundary_authenticate_cli String Command to authenticate to boundary via Auth0 boundary authenticate oidc -auth-method-id amoidc_kFalRmMWZw
password String Password for all users created Passw0rd123!
project-scope-id String Project ID scope where all resources have been created p_3qnPearCT1
user_dba_email String Email address for DBA user
user_readonly_email String Email address for ReadOnly user
user_readwrite_email String Email address for ReadWrite user

4. Workflows

4.1. RDS DBA

> boundary authenticate oidc -auth-method-id amoidc_l17XJAoZXb
Opening returned authentication URL in your browser...

Authentication information:
  Account ID:      acctoidc_mhycKeWZdd
  Auth Method ID:  amoidc_l17XJAoZXb
  Expiration Time: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 07:48:44 CET
  User ID:         u_W4zdXRaLQB

The token name "default" was successfully stored in the chosen keyring and is not displayed here.

> boundary targets list -recursive

Target information:
  ID:                    ttcp_f6iyFgSkzK
    Scope ID:            p_MfRkfe58Bd
    Version:             3
    Type:                tcp
    Name:                RDS DBA Access
    Description:         RDS DBA Permissions
    Authorized Actions:

  ID:                    ttcp_1Xky8n4iI8
    Scope ID:            p_MfRkfe58Bd
    Version:             3
    Type:                tcp
    Name:                DocumentDB DBA Access
    Description:         DocumentDB: DBA Permissions
    Authorized Actions:
> boundary connect postgres -target-id ttcp_f6iyFgSkzK -dbname northwind
psql (14.10 (Homebrew), server 13.13)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

northwind=> \conninfo
You are connected to database "northwind" as user "v-token-to-dba-wNVIPCDSDa1RNUeLajDv-1707202187" on host "" at port "57865".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)

northwind=> create database dbatest;

northwind=> \l
                                                                        List of databases
   Name    |                     Owner                      | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    |                      Access privileges   
 dbatest   | v-token-to-dba-wNVIPCDSDa1RNUeLajDv-1707202187 | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 
 northwind | demo                                           | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | demo=CTc/demo                                               +
           |                                                |          |             |             | "v-token-to-readonly-HXt20oWkIjJ20qHIfTx2-1707201737"=c/demo+
           |                                                |          |             |             | "v-token-to-dba-wNVIPCDSDa1RNUeLajDv-1707202187"=c/demo
 postgres  | demo                                           | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 
 rdsadmin  | rdsadmin                                       | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | rdsadmin=CTc/rdsadmin                                       +
           |                                                |          |             |             | rdstopmgr=Tc/rdsadmin
 template0 | rdsadmin                                       | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/rdsadmin                                                 +
           |                                                |          |             |             | rdsadmin=CTc/rdsadmin
 template1 | demo                                           | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/demo                                                     +
           |                                                |          |             |             | demo=CTc/demo
(6 rows)

northwind=> CREATE ROLE bob;
northwind=> \du
                                                                                 List of roles
                      Role name                      |                         Attributes                         |                          Member of      
 bob                                                 | Cannot login                                               | {}
 demo                                                | Create role, Create DB                                    +| {rds_superuser}
                                                     | Password valid until infinity                              | 
 rds_ad                                              | Cannot login                                               | {}
 rds_iam                                             | Cannot login                                               | {}
 rds_password                                        | Cannot login                                               | {}
 rds_replication                                     | Cannot login                                               | {}
 rds_superuser                                       | Cannot login                                               | {pg_monitor,pg_signal_backend,rds_replication,rds_password}
 rdsadmin                                            | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS+| {}
                                                     | Password valid until infinity                              | 
 rdsrepladmin                                        | No inheritance, Cannot login, Replication                  | {}
 rdstopmgr                                           | Password valid until infinity                              | {pg_monitor}
 v-token-to-dba-wNVIPCDSDa1RNUeLajDv-1707202187      | Create role, Create DB                                    +| {rds_superuser}
                                                     | Password valid until 2024-02-06 07:49:52+00                | 
 v-token-to-readonly-HXt20oWkIjJ20qHIfTx2-1707201737 | Password valid until 2024-02-06 07:42:22+00                | {}

northwind=> CREATE TABLE "test" ("fullName" varchar(255), "isUser" varchar(255), "rating" varchar(255));
INSERT INTO "test" ("fullName", "isUser", "rating")

        VALUES ('Almeda Shields', 'true', '⭐️⭐️'), ('Daniele Upward', 'false', '⭐️⭐️');
northwind=> \dt
                                    List of relations
 Schema |          Name          | Type  |                     Owner  
 public | categories             | table | demo
 public | customer_customer_demo | table | demo
 public | customer_demographics  | table | demo
 public | customers              | table | demo
 public | employee_territories   | table | demo
 public | employees              | table | demo
 public | order_details          | table | demo
 public | orders                 | table | demo
 public | products               | table | demo
 public | region                 | table | demo
 public | shippers               | table | demo
 public | suppliers              | table | demo
 public | territories            | table | demo
 public | test                   | table | v-token-to-dba-wNVIPCDSDa1RNUeLajDv-1707202187
 public | us_states              | table | demo
(15 rows)

northwind=> select * from us_states;
 state_id |      state_name      | state_abbr | state_region 
        1 | Alabama              | AL         | south
        2 | Alaska               | AK         | north
        3 | Arizona              | AZ         | west
        4 | Arkansas             | AR         | south
        5 | California           | CA         | west
        6 | Colorado             | CO         | west
        7 | Connecticut          | CT         | east
        8 | Delaware             | DE         | east
        9 | District of Columbia | DC         | east
       10 | Florida              | FL         | south
       11 | Georgia              | GA         | south
       12 | Hawaii               | HI         | west
       13 | Idaho                | ID         | midwest
       14 | Illinois             | IL         | midwest
       15 | Indiana              | IN         | midwest
       16 | Iowa                 | IO         | midwest
       17 | Kansas               | KS         | midwest
       18 | Kentucky             | KY         | south
       19 | Louisiana            | LA         | south
       20 | Maine                | ME         | north
       21 | Maryland             | MD         | east
       22 | Massachusetts        | MA         | north
       23 | Michigan             | MI         | north
       24 | Minnesota            | MN         | north
       25 | Mississippi          | MS         | south
       26 | Missouri             | MO         | south
       27 | Montana              | MT         | west
       28 | Nebraska             | NE         | midwest
       29 | Nevada               | NV         | west
       30 | New Hampshire        | NH         | east
       31 | New Jersey           | NJ         | east
       32 | New Mexico           | NM         | west
       33 | New York             | NY         | east
       34 | North Carolina       | NC         | east
       35 | North Dakota         | ND         | midwest
       36 | Ohio                 | OH         | midwest
       37 | Oklahoma             | OK         | midwest
       38 | Oregon               | OR         | west
       39 | Pennsylvania         | PA         | east
       40 | Rhode Island         | RI         | east
       41 | South Carolina       | SC         | east
       42 | South Dakota         | SD         | midwest
       43 | Tennessee            | TN         | midwest
       44 | Texas                | TX         | west
       45 | Utah                 | UT         | west
       46 | Vermont              | VT         | east
       47 | Virginia             | VA         | east
       48 | Washington           | WA         | west
       49 | West Virginia        | WV         | south
       50 | Wisconsin            | WI         | midwest
       51 | Wyoming              | WY         | west
(51 rows)

northwind=> select * from test;
    fullName    | isUser | rating 
 Almeda Shields | true   | ⭐️⭐️
 Daniele Upward | false  | ⭐️⭐️
(2 rows)

4.2. RDS ReadWrite


> boundary authenticate oidc -auth-method-id amoidc_l17XJAoZXb  
Opening returned authentication URL in your browser...

Authentication information:
  Account ID:      acctoidc_tVPFQqd66p
  Auth Method ID:  amoidc_l17XJAoZXb
  Expiration Time: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 10:54:01 CET
  User ID:         u_AWdADm7539

The token name "default" was successfully stored in the chosen keyring and is not displayed here.

> boundary targets list -recursive

Target information:
  ID:                    ttcp_O4XOrZkkm2
    Scope ID:            p_MfRkfe58Bd
    Version:             3
    Type:                tcp
    Name:                DocumentDB Read/Write Access
    Description:         DocumentDB: readWriteAllDBs
    Authorized Actions:

  ID:                    ttcp_NJQ4NO87QJ
    Scope ID:            p_MfRkfe58Bd
    Version:             3
    Type:                tcp
    Name:                RDS Read/Write Access
    Description:         RDS: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
    Authorized Actions:

> boundary connect postgres -target-id ttcp_NJQ4NO87QJ -dbname northwind
psql (14.10 (Homebrew), server 13.13)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

northwind=> \conninfo
You are connected to database "northwind" as user "v-token-to-write-hcFLGfD40CeKPDpG4dSA-1707213290" on host "" at port "59908".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
northwind=> create database dbatest2;
ERROR:  permission denied to create database
northwind=> \l
                                                                       List of databases
   Name    |                     Owner                      | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    |                     Access privileges   
 dbatest   | v-token-to-dba-wNVIPCDSDa1RNUeLajDv-1707202187 | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 
 northwind | demo                                           | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | demo=CTc/demo                                            +
           |                                                |          |             |             | "v-token-to-write-hcFLGfD40CeKPDpG4dSA-1707213290"=c/demo
 postgres  | demo                                           | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 
 rdsadmin  | rdsadmin                                       | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | rdsadmin=CTc/rdsadmin                                    +
           |                                                |          |             |             | rdstopmgr=Tc/rdsadmin
 template0 | rdsadmin                                       | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/rdsadmin                                              +
           |                                                |          |             |             | rdsadmin=CTc/rdsadmin
 template1 | demo                                           | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/demo                                                  +
           |                                                |          |             |             | demo=CTc/demo
(6 rows)

northwind=> CREATE TABLE "test2" ("fullName" varchar(255), "isUser" varchar(255), "rating" varchar(255));
ERROR:  permission denied for schema public
LINE 1: CREATE TABLE "test2" ("fullName" varchar(255), "isUser" varc...
northwind=> INSERT INTO "test" ("fullName", "isUser", "rating") VALUES ('Katie Kildea', 'false', '⭐️⭐️'), ('Micah Bonass', 'true', '⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'), ('Brigid Whitsey', 'true', '⭐️⭐️');
northwind=> select * from us_states;
 state_id |      state_name      | state_abbr | state_region 
        1 | Alabama              | AL         | south
        2 | Alaska               | AK         | north
        3 | Arizona              | AZ         | west
        4 | Arkansas             | AR         | south
        5 | California           | CA         | west
        6 | Colorado             | CO         | west
        7 | Connecticut          | CT         | east
        8 | Delaware             | DE         | east
        9 | District of Columbia | DC         | east
       10 | Florida              | FL         | south
       11 | Georgia              | GA         | south
       12 | Hawaii               | HI         | west
       13 | Idaho                | ID         | midwest
       14 | Illinois             | IL         | midwest
       15 | Indiana              | IN         | midwest
       16 | Iowa                 | IO         | midwest
       17 | Kansas               | KS         | midwest
       18 | Kentucky             | KY         | south
       19 | Louisiana            | LA         | south
       20 | Maine                | ME         | north
       21 | Maryland             | MD         | east
       22 | Massachusetts        | MA         | north
       23 | Michigan             | MI         | north
       24 | Minnesota            | MN         | north
       25 | Mississippi          | MS         | south
       26 | Missouri             | MO         | south
       27 | Montana              | MT         | west
       28 | Nebraska             | NE         | midwest
       29 | Nevada               | NV         | west
       30 | New Hampshire        | NH         | east
       31 | New Jersey           | NJ         | east
       32 | New Mexico           | NM         | west
       33 | New York             | NY         | east
       34 | North Carolina       | NC         | east
       35 | North Dakota         | ND         | midwest
       36 | Ohio                 | OH         | midwest
       37 | Oklahoma             | OK         | midwest
       38 | Oregon               | OR         | west
       39 | Pennsylvania         | PA         | east
       40 | Rhode Island         | RI         | east
       41 | South Carolina       | SC         | east
       42 | South Dakota         | SD         | midwest
       43 | Tennessee            | TN         | midwest
       44 | Texas                | TX         | west
       45 | Utah                 | UT         | west
       46 | Vermont              | VT         | east
       47 | Virginia             | VA         | east
       48 | Washington           | WA         | west
       49 | West Virginia        | WV         | south
       50 | Wisconsin            | WI         | midwest
       51 | Wyoming              | WY         | west
(51 rows)

northwind=> select * from test;
    fullName    | isUser | rating 
 Almeda Shields | true   | ⭐️⭐️
 Daniele Upward | false  | ⭐️⭐️
 Katie Kildea   | false  | ⭐️⭐️
 Micah Bonass   | true   | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
 Brigid Whitsey | true   | ⭐️⭐️
(5 rows)

4.3. RDS ReadOnly


> boundary authenticate oidc -auth-method-id amoidc_l17XJAoZXb
Opening returned authentication URL in your browser...

Authentication information:
  Account ID:      acctoidc_pAmhCujkNE
  Auth Method ID:  amoidc_l17XJAoZXb
  Expiration Time: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 11:11:07 CET
  User ID:         u_h3xO0X79Og

The token name "default" was successfully stored in the chosen keyring and is not displayed here.

> boundary targets list -recursive

Target information:
  ID:                    ttcp_NyckluxxQp
    Scope ID:            p_MfRkfe58Bd
    Version:             3
    Type:                tcp
    Name:                RDS ReadOnly Access
    Description:         RDS: SELECT
    Authorized Actions:

  ID:                    ttcp_18raqgMmbq
    Scope ID:            p_MfRkfe58Bd
    Version:             3
    Type:                tcp
    Name:                DocumentDB ReadOnly Access
    Description:         DocumentDB: readAllDBs
    Authorized Actions:

> boundary connect postgres -target-id ttcp_NyckluxxQp -dbname northwind   
psql (14.10 (Homebrew), server 13.13)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

northwind=> \conninfo
You are connected to database "northwind" as user "v-token-to-readonly-pLqGwK7sOeRJIl35s0JG-1707214382" on host "" at port "60227".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
northwind=> CREATE TABLE "test3" ("fullName" varchar(255), "isUser" varchar(255), "rating" varchar(255));
ERROR:  permission denied for schema public
LINE 1: CREATE TABLE "test3" ("fullName" varchar(255), "isUser" varc...
northwind=> INSERT INTO "test" ("fullName", "isUser", "rating") VALUES ('Katie Kildea', 'false', '⭐️⭐️'), ('Micah Bonass', 'true', '⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'), ('Brigid Whitsey', 'true', '⭐️⭐️');
ERROR:  permission denied for table test
northwind=> select * from us_states;
 state_id |      state_name      | state_abbr | state_region 
        1 | Alabama              | AL         | south
        2 | Alaska               | AK         | north
        3 | Arizona              | AZ         | west
        4 | Arkansas             | AR         | south
        5 | California           | CA         | west
        6 | Colorado             | CO         | west
        7 | Connecticut          | CT         | east
        8 | Delaware             | DE         | east
        9 | District of Columbia | DC         | east
       10 | Florida              | FL         | south
       11 | Georgia              | GA         | south
       12 | Hawaii               | HI         | west
       13 | Idaho                | ID         | midwest
       14 | Illinois             | IL         | midwest
       15 | Indiana              | IN         | midwest
       16 | Iowa                 | IO         | midwest
       17 | Kansas               | KS         | midwest
       18 | Kentucky             | KY         | south
       19 | Louisiana            | LA         | south
       20 | Maine                | ME         | north
       21 | Maryland             | MD         | east
       22 | Massachusetts        | MA         | north
       23 | Michigan             | MI         | north
       24 | Minnesota            | MN         | north
       25 | Mississippi          | MS         | south
       26 | Missouri             | MO         | south
       27 | Montana              | MT         | west
       28 | Nebraska             | NE         | midwest
       29 | Nevada               | NV         | west
       30 | New Hampshire        | NH         | east
       31 | New Jersey           | NJ         | east
       32 | New Mexico           | NM         | west
       33 | New York             | NY         | east
       34 | North Carolina       | NC         | east
       35 | North Dakota         | ND         | midwest
       36 | Ohio                 | OH         | midwest
       37 | Oklahoma             | OK         | midwest
       38 | Oregon               | OR         | west
       39 | Pennsylvania         | PA         | east
       40 | Rhode Island         | RI         | east
       41 | South Carolina       | SC         | east
       42 | South Dakota         | SD         | midwest
       43 | Tennessee            | TN         | midwest
       44 | Texas                | TX         | west
       45 | Utah                 | UT         | west
       46 | Vermont              | VT         | east
       47 | Virginia             | VA         | east
       48 | Washington           | WA         | west
       49 | West Virginia        | WV         | south
       50 | Wisconsin            | WI         | midwest
       51 | Wyoming              | WY         | west
(51 rows)

northwind=> select * from test;
    fullName    | isUser | rating 
 Almeda Shields | true   | ⭐️⭐️
 Daniele Upward | false  | ⭐️⭐️
 Katie Kildea   | false  | ⭐️⭐️
 Micah Bonass   | true   | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
 Brigid Whitsey | true   | ⭐️⭐️
(5 rows)

4.4. DocumentDB DBA

> boundary authenticate oidc -auth-method-id amoidc_kFalRmMWZw
Opening returned authentication URL in your browser...

Authentication information:
  Account ID:      acctoidc_0eWZg22j0a
  Auth Method ID:  amoidc_kFalRmMWZw
  Expiration Time: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 09:06:10 CET
  User ID:         u_3x6ierNAGn

The token name "default" was successfully stored in the chosen keyring and is not displayed here.

> boundary targets list -recursive

Target information:
  ID:                    ttcp_5KF7b2nemT
    Scope ID:            p_3qnPearCT1
    Version:             3
    Type:                tcp
    Name:                DocumentDB DBA Access
    Description:         DocumentDB: DBA Permissions
    Authorized Actions:

  ID:                    ttcp_UflbyKyPWb
    Scope ID:            p_3qnPearCT1
    Version:             3
    Type:                tcp
    Name:                RDS DBA Access
    Description:         RDS DBA Permissions
    Authorized Actions:

eval "$(boundary targets authorize-session -id ttcp_5KF7b2nemT -format json | jq -r '.item | "export BOUNDARY_SESSION_TOKEN=\(.authorization_token) BOUNDARY_SESSION_USERNAME=\(.credentials[0].secret.decoded.username) BOUNDARY_SESSION_PASSWORD=\(.credentials[0].secret.decoded.password)"')
> boundary connect -exec mongosh -authz-token=$BOUNDARY_SESSION_TOKEN --  --tls --host {{boundary.addr}} --username $BOUNDARY_SESSION_USERNAME --password $BOUNDARY_SESSION_PASSWORD --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates --retryWrites false

Proxy listening information:
  Connection Limit:    3600
  Expiration:          Thu, 15 Feb 2024 17:11:05 CET
  Port:                58558
  Protocol:            tcp
  Session ID:          s_PK2t9h2KN5
Current Mongosh Log ID:	65cdc7297b18a74a9f2010b1
Connecting to:		mongodb://<credentials>@
Using MongoDB:		5.0.0
Using Mongosh:		2.1.3
mongosh 2.1.4 is available for download:

For mongosh info see:

rs0 [direct: primary] test> db.runCommand({connectionStatus : 1})
  authInfo: {
    authenticatedUsers: [
        user: 'v-token-token-dba-9NB04Eptj9j8J2z2UeJZ-1707244196',
        db: 'admin'
    authenticatedUserRoles: [
      { role: 'dbAdminAnyDatabase', db: 'admin' },
      { role: 'readWriteAnyDatabase', db: 'admin' },
      { role: 'userAdminAnyDatabase', db: 'admin' }
  ok: 1,
  operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1707244136, i: 1 })

rs0 [direct: primary] testdb> use mydatabase
switched to db mydatabase
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase> 

rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase> db.createCollection("mycollection")
{ ok: 1 }
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase> db.mycollection.insertOne({
   name: 'John Doe',
   age: 30,
   city: 'New York'
  acknowledged: true,
  insertedId: ObjectId('65c27da614fec5f6b5dedcff')
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase> db.mycollection.find()
    _id: ObjectId('65c27da614fec5f6b5dedcff'),
    name: 'John Doe',
    age: 30,
    city: 'New York'
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase> db.mycollection.drop()
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase> db.dropDatabase()
{ ok: 1, dropped: 'mydatabase' }
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase> use test
switched to db test
rs0 [direct: primary] test> db.getUsers()
  ok: 1,
  users: [
      _id: 'serviceadmin',
      user: 'serviceadmin',
      db: 'admin',
      roles: [ { db: 'admin', role: 'root' } ]
      _id: 'demo',
      user: 'demo',
      db: 'admin',
      roles: [ { db: 'admin', role: 'root' } ]
      _id: 'v-token-token-dba-9NB04Eptj9j8J2z2UeJZ-1707244196',
      user: 'v-token-token-dba-9NB04Eptj9j8J2z2UeJZ-1707244196',
      db: 'admin',
      roles: [
        { db: 'admin', role: 'userAdminAnyDatabase' },
        { db: 'admin', role: 'dbAdminAnyDatabase' },
        { db: 'admin', role: 'readWriteAnyDatabase' }
  operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1707245099, i: 1 })

4.5. DocumentDB ReadWrite

> boundary authenticate oidc -auth-method-id amoidc_kFalRmMWZw
Opening returned authentication URL in your browser...

Authentication information:
  Account ID:      acctoidc_gfwbHESwrq
  Auth Method ID:  amoidc_kFalRmMWZw
  Expiration Time: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 09:32:53 CET
  User ID:         u_5WmplVDem2

The token name "default" was successfully stored in the chosen keyring and is not displayed here.
> boundary targets list -recursive

Target information:
  ID:                    ttcp_ezWrfC1F8h
    Scope ID:            p_3qnPearCT1
    Version:             3
    Type:                tcp
    Name:                RDS Read/Write Access
    Description:         RDS: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
    Authorized Actions:

  ID:                    ttcp_AV0272rFCb
    Scope ID:            p_3qnPearCT1
    Version:             3
    Type:                tcp
    Name:                DocumentDB Read/Write Access
    Description:         DocumentDB: readWriteAllDBs
    Authorized Actions:

> eval "$(boundary targets authorize-session -id ttcp_AV0272rFCb -format json | jq -r '.item | "export BOUNDARY_SESSION_TOKEN=\(.authorization_token) BOUNDARY_SESSION_USERNAME=\(.credentials[0].secret.decoded.username) BOUNDARY_SESSION_PASSWORD=\(.credentials[0].secret.decoded.password)"')"
boundary connect -exec mongosh -authz-token=$BOUNDARY_SESSION_TOKEN --  --tls --host {{boundary.addr}} --username $BOUNDARY_SESSION_USERNAME --password $BOUNDARY_SESSION_PASSWORD --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates --retryWrites false

Proxy listening information:
  Connection Limit:    3600
  Expiration:          Thu, 15 Feb 2024 17:33:58 CET
  Port:                58931
  Protocol:            tcp
  Session ID:          s_VJlsI25TKo
Current Mongosh Log ID:	65cdcc770e4edc0a8dd1ddb7
Connecting to:		mongodb://<credentials>@
Using MongoDB:		5.0.0
Using Mongosh:		2.1.3
mongosh 2.1.4 is available for download:

For mongosh info see:

rs0 [direct: primary] test> db.runCommand({connectionStatus : 1})
  authInfo: {
    authenticatedUsers: [
        user: 'v-token-token-read_write-7fvTfU6B4kUh9acVkilx-1707287236',
        db: 'admin'
    authenticatedUserRoles: [ { role: 'readWriteAnyDatabase', db: 'admin' } ]
  ok: 1,
  operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1707287426, i: 1 })
rs0 [direct: primary] test> use mydatabase2
switched to db mydatabase2
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase2> db.createCollection("mycollection2")
{ ok: 1 }
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase2> db.mycollection2.insertOne({
    name: 'John Doe',
    age: 30,
    city: 'New York'
  acknowledged: true,
  insertedId: ObjectId('65c323da6f5259b2e84bf429')
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase2> db.mycollection.find()
    _id: ObjectId('65c323da6f5259b2e84bf429'),
    name: 'John Doe',
    age: 30,
    city: 'New York'
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase2> db.mycollection.drop()
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase2> db.dropDatabase()
MongoServerError: Authorization failure
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase2> use test
switched to db test
rs0 [direct: primary] test> db.getUsers()
MongoServerError: Authorization failure

4.6. DocumentDB ReadOnly

> boundary authenticate oidc -auth-method-id amoidc_kFalRmMWZw
Opening returned authentication URL in your browser...

Authentication information:
  Account ID:      acctoidc_dXQcGlVZXS
  Auth Method ID:  amoidc_kFalRmMWZw
  Expiration Time: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 09:36:11 CET
  User ID:         u_X93PKT600F

The token name "default" was successfully stored in the chosen keyring and is not displayed here.

> boundary targets list -recursive

Target information:
  ID:                    ttcp_cmdRTvMpOX
    Scope ID:            p_3qnPearCT1
    Version:             3
    Type:                tcp
    Name:                DocumentDB ReadOnly Access
    Description:         DocumentDB: readAllDBs
    Authorized Actions:

  ID:                    ttcp_y5a14LzaOT
    Scope ID:            p_3qnPearCT1
    Version:             3
    Type:                tcp
    Name:                RDS ReadOnly Access
    Description:         RDS: SELECT
    Authorized Actions:

> eval "$(boundary targets authorize-session -id ttcp_cmdRTvMpOX -format json | jq -r '.item | "export BOUNDARY_SESSION_TOKEN=\(.authorization_token) BOUNDARY_SESSION_USERNAME=\(.credentials[0].secret.decoded.username) BOUNDARY_SESSION_PASSWORD=\(.credentials[0].secret.decoded.password)"')"
boundary connect -exec mongosh -authz-token=$BOUNDARY_SESSION_TOKEN --  --tls --host {{boundary.addr}} --username $BOUNDARY_SESSION_USERNAME --password $BOUNDARY_SESSION_PASSWORD --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates --retryWrites false

rs0 [direct: primary] test> db.runCommand({connectionStatus : 1})
  authInfo: {
    authenticatedUsers: [
        user: 'v-token-token-read_only-Tpyaf33LpBFFHesRysey-1707287972',
        db: 'admin'
    authenticatedUserRoles: [ { role: 'readAnyDatabase', db: 'admin' } ]
  ok: 1,
  operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1707288068, i: 1 })
rs0 [direct: primary] test> use mydatabase3
switched to db mydatabase3
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase3> db.createCollection("mycollection3")
MongoServerError: Authorization failure
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase3> use mydatabase2
switched to db mydatabase2
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase2> db.mycollection.insertOne({
...     name: 'John Doe',
...     age: 30,
...     city: 'New York'
... })
MongoServerError: Authorization failure

rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase2> db.runCommand(
...    {
...        listCollections: 1.0,
...        authorizedCollections: true,
...        nameOnly: true
...    }
... )
  waitedMS: Long('0'),
  cursor: {
    firstBatch: [ { name: 'mycollection2', type: 'collection' } ],
    id: Long('0'),
    ns: 'mydatabase2.$cmd.listCollections'
  ok: 1,
  operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1707288297, i: 1 })

rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase2> db.mycollection2.find()
    _id: ObjectId('65c327e8feed21cc028b8bd7'),
    name: 'John Doe',
    age: 30,
    city: 'New York'
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase2> db.mycollection2.drop()
MongoServerError: Authorization failure
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase2> db.dropDatabase()
MongoServerError: Authorization failure
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase2> db.getUsers()
MongoServerError: Authorization failure
rs0 [direct: primary] mydatabase2> exit

5. Clean Up

terraform destroy -auto-approve
cd ../2_Config/
vault lease revoke -force -prefix database && vault lease revoke -force -prefix mongo && terraform destroy -auto-approve && rm -rf cert.pem
cd ../1_Platform
terraform destroy -auto-approve