Check the projects tab for a roadmap of tasks
Start by pulling from the main branch of the GitHub repo and unit testing your code locally.
git checkout main
git pull
Push your branch up to GitHub and make a pull request.
There should be a button to the right of your branch on GitHub that allows you to "Comapre and Pull Request" _
git add .
git commit -m "some meaningful message"
git push
Create a remote connection to Heroku
Only necessary for innitial push
heroku git:remote -a poosd-large-project-group-8
Push to main on Heroku
git push heroku main
Go to to see your changes reflected on the server
start by installing tailwind css
npm install tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
Generate Tailwind Configuration File
npx tailwindcss init
Configure for tailwind in the tailwind.config.json. It should look like this:
Configure the app.css file to look like this:
Include Your Tailwind CSS File in the Project. In your React project, you should have an entry file like index.js or App.js. Import the Tailwind CSS file there:
import './tailwind.css';