A dedicated card for the Versatile Thermostat has been developed (based on Better Thermostat). It is available here: Versatile Thermostat UI Card and offers a modern view of all the VTherm statuses:
To make the most out of the Versatile Thermostat, I recommend using it with the Scheduler Component. The scheduler component provides climate scheduling based on predefined modes. While this feature is somewhat limited with the generic thermostat, it becomes very powerful when paired with the Versatile Thermostat.
Assuming you have installed both the Versatile Thermostat and the Scheduler Component, here’s an example:
In Scheduler, add a schedule:
Choose the "Climate" group, select one (or more) entity, pick "MAKE SCHEME," and click next: (You can also choose "SET PRESET," but I prefer "MAKE SCHEME.")
Define your mode scheme and save:
In this example, I set ECO mode during the night and when no one is home during the day, BOOST in the morning, and COMFORT in the evening.
I hope this example helps; feel free to share your feedback!
You can obtain a curve similar to the one shown in some results using a Plotly graph configuration by leveraging the thermostat's custom attributes described here:
Replace the values between [[ ]]
with your own.
- type: custom:plotly-graph
- entity: '[[climate]]'
attribute: temperature
yaxis: y1
name: Consigne
- entity: '[[climate]]'
attribute: current_temperature
yaxis: y1
name: T°
- entity: '[[climate]]'
attribute: ema_temp
yaxis: y1
name: Ema
- entity: '[[climate]]'
attribute: on_percent
yaxis: y2
name: Power percent
fill: tozeroy
fillcolor: rgba(200, 10, 10, 0.3)
color: rgba(200, 10, 10, 0.9)
- entity: '[[slope]]'
name: Slope
fill: tozeroy
yaxis: y9
fillcolor: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.3)
color: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.9)
hours_to_show: 4
refresh_interval: 10
height: 800
scrollZoom: true
r: 50
x: 0
'y': 1.2
groupclick: togglegroup
side: top right
visible: true
position: 0
visible: true
position: 0
fixedrange: true
- 0
- 1
visible: true
fixedrange: false
- -2
- 2
position: 1
'y': 1.1
x: 0.7
- count: 1
step: hour
- count: 12
step: hour
- count: 1
step: day
- count: 7
step: day
Example of curves obtained with Plotly:
This automation leverages the excellent AppDaemon app named NOTIFIER, developed by Horizon Domotique, demonstrated here, and the code is available here. It allows users to be notified of security-related events occurring on any Versatile Thermostat.
This is a great example of using the notifications described here: notification.
alias: Surveillance Mode Sécurité chauffage
description: Envoi une notification si un thermostat passe en mode sécurité ou power
- platform: event
event_type: versatile_thermostat_security_event
id: versatile_thermostat_security_event
- platform: event
event_type: versatile_thermostat_power_event
id: versatile_thermostat_power_event
- platform: event
event_type: versatile_thermostat_temperature_event
id: versatile_thermostat_temperature_event
condition: []
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
id: versatile_thermostat_security_event
- event: NOTIFIER
action: send_to_jmc
title: >-
Radiateur {{ trigger.event.data.name }} - {{
trigger.event.data.type }} Sécurité
message: >-
Le radiateur {{ trigger.event.data.name }} est passé en {{
trigger.event.data.type }} sécurité car le thermomètre ne répond
plus.\n{{ trigger.event.data }}
- title: Stopper chauffage
event: stopper_chauffage
image_url: /media/local/alerte-securite.jpg
click_url: /lovelace-chauffage/4
icon: mdi:radiator-off
tag: radiateur_security_alerte
persistent: true
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
id: versatile_thermostat_power_event
- event: NOTIFIER
action: send_to_jmc
title: >-
Radiateur {{ trigger.event.data.name }} - {{
trigger.event.data.type }} Délestage
message: >-
Le radiateur {{ trigger.event.data.name }} est passé en {{
trigger.event.data.type }} délestage car la puissance max est
dépassée.\n{{ trigger.event.data }}
- title: Stopper chauffage
event: stopper_chauffage
image_url: /media/local/alerte-delestage.jpg
click_url: /lovelace-chauffage/4
icon: mdi:radiator-off
tag: radiateur_power_alerte
persistent: true
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
id: versatile_thermostat_temperature_event
- event: NOTIFIER
action: send_to_jmc
title: >-
Le thermomètre du radiateur {{ trigger.event.data.name }} ne
répond plus
message: >-
Le thermomètre du radiateur {{ trigger.event.data.name }} ne
répond plus depuis longtemps.\n{{ trigger.event.data }}
image_url: /media/local/thermometre-alerte.jpg
click_url: /lovelace-chauffage/4
icon: mdi:radiator-disabled
tag: radiateur_thermometre_alerte
persistent: true
mode: queued
max: 30