Jmix UI test suite
- JUnit 5 (
- Selenide (
- Testcontainers (
- SpringBoot (
- Liquibase (
- Jmix Masquerade (
There are two packages in jmix-ui-tests
- contains UI tests for testing Jmix projectssampler
- contains UI tests for testing Jmix Sampler project
- Use
property to define the base host of the main application for selenide browsers in ui package; - Use
property to define the base url for selenide browsers in sampler package;
All tests in UI package are based on Spring Boot tests. This means that you do not need to separately launch the main
application. The application instance is launched along with the tests. The test application instance runs on a random port,
using SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT
the setting. This way you can run multiple tests at the same time, as
well as run tests while the main application is running.
In order to have JUnit 5 library support, you need to add the SpringBootExtension in your tests.
Tests in sampler package are not based on Spring Boot tests. Therefore, they need to be launched only when the Jmix Sampler application is already running.
Test browser containers are used to instantiate web browsers. Creation of browser containers is fast, so it's actually
quite feasible to have a totally fresh browser instance for every test.
There are two browser containers in jmix-ui-tests
- ChromeExtension - a junit5 extension that
creates a test container with Chrome browser for each test:
@ExtendWith(ChromeExtension) class UiTest { @Test void test() { ... } }
- FirefoxExtension - a junit5 extension that
creates a test container with Firefox browser for each test:
@ExtendWith(FirefoxExtension) class UiTest { @Test void test() { ... } }
Each test browser container contains VNC recorder for debugging tests. You can find the following line in the logs when starting the test:
INFO 5504 --- [Test worker] i.j.t.extension.BrowserExtension : VNC recorder url: vnc://localhost:32903, password='secret'
Then open the page from the URL in your browser and enter the password provided.
Please note that you need to download one of the latest versions of the web driver
depending on the browser you want to use to testing. For Chrome browser this is
chromedriver, for Firefox this is
geckodriver. Also, you need to
remove the use of @ExtendWith(ChromeExtension)
annotation for test class.
If you run your tests in Chrome browser, you need to edit standard test configuration for the test project in IntelliJ. To do so, click the Select Run/Debug Configuration button and select Edit Configurations in the drop-down list. In the VM options field, add the following:
- UI package
- Sampler package
where <your_path>
is the path to the chrome driver on your computer.
After that select the simple test or the test class you want to run, right click on it and select Debug option.
To run the tests using Gradle, run the following task in the terminal:
- UI package
gradle testUi -Pselenide.browser=chrome<your_path>/chromedriver.exe -Pjmix.tests.ui.baseHost=http://localhost
- Sampler package
gradle testSampler -Pselenide.browser=chrome<your_path>/chromedriver.exe -Pjmix.tests.sampler.baseUrl=http://localhost:8080/sampler
where <your_path>
is the path to the chrome driver on your computer.
If you run your tests in Firefox browser, you need to edit standard test configuration for the test project in IntelliJ. To do so, click the Select Run/Debug Configuration button and select Edit Configurations in the drop-down list. In the VM options field, add the following:
- UI package
- Sampler package
where <your_path>
is the path to the firefox driver on your computer.
After that select the simple test or the test class you want to run, right click on it and select Debug option.
To run the tests using Gradle, run the following task in the terminal:
- UI package
gradle testUi -Pselenide.browser=firefox -Pwebdriver.gecko.driver=<your_path>/geckodriver.exe -Pjmix.tests.ui.baseHost=http://localhost
- Sampler package
gradle testSampler -Pselenide.browser=firefox -Pwebdriver.gecko.driver=<your_path>/geckodriver.exe -Pjmix.tests.sampler.baseUrl=http://localhost:8080/sampler
where <your_path>
is the path to the firefox driver on your computer.
The database containers are used from the Testcontainers
library. For example, in order to add a container with a
database, you need to add two dependencies:
testRuntime 'org.postgresql:postgresql:42.2.16'
- a PostgreSql database implmentation;testImplementation 'org.testcontainers:postgresql:1.14.3'
- a test container implementation.
A fresh database is created for each test class. In order to determine what data should be initialized in the database, liquibase contexts are used. The context for main application is "base", it must always be added to the list of contexts for the application to work correctly.
To create UI test that uses a test dataset in addition to the base dataset, you need to follow these steps:
- Create an extension to define database test container:
class PostgreSQLExtension extends SpringExtension {
private PostgreSQLContainer postgreSQLContainer
void beforeAll(ExtensionContext context) throws Exception {
postgreSQLContainer = new PostgreSQLContainer()
void afterAll(ExtensionContext context) throws Exception {
- Create a Spring Initializer or
file to define datasource properties:
class TestContextInitializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext) {
- Create a changeSet and define a context for it:
<changeSet id="4" author="jmix-ui-tests" context="test-role">
<insert tableName="SEC_ROLE_ENTITY">
<column name="ID" value="cc9e420a-2b7a-4c42-8654-a9027ee14083"/>
<column name="VERSION" value="1"/>
<column name="NAME" value="test-selenium"/>
<column name="CODE" value="test-selenium"/>
In the above example, we have created a change set with the test-role
4. Create a Spring Boot test, define jmix.liquibase.contexts
property inside @SpringBootTest
annotation and define
the initializer class inside @ContextConfiguration
@SpringBootTest(classes = JmixUiTestsApplication,
webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT,
properties = ['jmix.liquibase.contexts=base,test-role'])
@ContextConfiguration(initializers = TestContextInitializer)
class UserUiTest extends BaseUiTest {
void test() {
As a result, your tests will have data from two contexts: base
and test-role
- Tests in UI package -
gradle testUI
- Tests in Sampler package -
gradle testSampler
- All tests
gradle test
@SpringBootTest(classes = JmixUiTestsApplication,
webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT,
properties = ['jmix.liquibase.contexts=base,test-role'])
@ContextConfiguration(initializers = PostgreSQLContextInitializer)
class UserUiTest extends BaseUiTest {
@DisplayName("Creates new user")
void createNewUser() {
$j(MainScreen).with {
$j(UserEditor).with {
$j(RoleModelLookup).with {
class ButtonSamplerUiTest extends BaseSamplerUiTest {
@DisplayName("Checks that user can click on simple button")
void clickOnSimpleButton() {
$j(Button.class, 'helloButton')
.shouldHave(caption('Say Hello!'))
.shouldHave(caption('Hello, world!'))