This repo presents a tutorial series with examples and exercises on spatial raster data for the R-exercises website. A total of 10 posts will be developed covering different aspects and topics related to raster data processing.
- Vector data model
- Raster data model
- Vector vs. raster usage
- Raster package functions
Raster attributes
- Raster summary attributes
- Number of cells, rows, columns and layers
- Data type
- Extent
- Coordinate Reference System (CRS)
Raster values
- Summary and cell statistics
- Data visualization
- Extracting raster values
- RasterStack objects as multi-layer raster data
Raster algebra
- Creating a RasterStack object
- Different methods in raster calculation/algebra
- Memory usage
- Cropping a raster dataset
- Extent objects
Reprojection and resampling
- Changing the coordinate reference system (CRS) of a raster
- Resampling rasters
Raster masks
Raster aggregation