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The GNA (Geographic Network Analysis) Project.
The GNA Project takes advantage of various open-source projects, primarily:
- PostgreSQL
- PostGIS
- Django & GeoDjango
- Python
- Geospatial libraries
- Python libraries
- Leaflet
- Leaflet.draw
- jQuery
The project has benefited from the open-source community and the works of others. It has either implemented, based parts of its code on, or simply taken inspiration from the following projects:
- Several open-source projects by Makina Corpus
- The GeoNode project
- The RENCI (Renaissance Computing Institute) Geoanalytics Platform
- v0.0.2, 18/08/2014 -- Initial alpha release.
- Implemented release cycle numbering.
- Released .core module
- Added API and utilities in .core
- Added Django Rest Framework for building API
- Added DRF-GIS for geojson support in API
- Confirmed API support for future release of ol3.js
- Released .units module
- Added geocoding and reverse geocoding through geopy
- Started implementing exceptions
- Added geos.centroid for calculating locations
- Initial release of .taxonomy module
- Added initial fixtures
- Initial release of .metadata module
- Added Primary Data and Conditions.choices
- Project-wide:
- Added AJAX in mapping views
- Added Django Bower for managing /components/bower_components
- Added Crispy Forms for managing Bootstrap 3
- Added Leaflet.js and Leaflet.draw for mapping
- Miscellaneous
- Initial release of vagrant settings
- Cleaned up directory structure and some code
- Cleaned up python requirements