- pull based system
- max 256 KB message size
- decouples producer and consumer of messages
- types
- standard (default)
- unlimited TPS
- not ordered, best effort
- a least one message deliveried
- fifo
- ordered perserved
- limited to 300 TPS
- standard (default)
- message lifetime 1 minute to 14 days, default is 4 days
- visiblity timeout, time message is invisible after it has been picked up a reader
- default 30 seconds
- max 12 hours
- polling
- short polling
- long polling
- waits for message or timeout
- push notification
- HTTP endpoint
- lambda function
- pub/sub model
- topics
- multiple subscribers
- stored redundantly
- pay as you go,
- $0.50 per 1 million requests
- $0.06 per 100,000 HTTP notifications
- $0.75 per 100 SMS notifications
- $2.00 per 100,000 emails
- pay as you go
- can receive emails delivered to S3 bucket
- incoming emails can trigger lambda or SNS notifications
- streaming data service
- load and analyze stream data
- types of streams
- Video
- not covered ??
- Streams
- store for 24 hours (default) up to 7 days
- stored in shards
- consumers
- EC2, Lambda, EMR, Kinesis Data Analytics
- a single shard
- reads 5 TPS, up to 2 MB per second
- writes 1000 TPS, up to 1 MB per second
- 10 shards limited per region
- Firehose
- automated streams
- no data retention
- data sent to S3 or Elasticsearch Cluster
- Analytics
- SQL queries of dta
- store query results into S3, RedShift, Elasticsearch Cluster
- Video
- versioned key value store
- standard
- up to 10,000 parameters
- 4 KB max values size
- advanced
- more than 10,000 parameters
- 8 KB max values size
- value types
- String
- StringList
- SecureString
- Encrypt using KMS key