Replace the below paramaters with your model class
class OnClickListener(val clickListener: (meme: Meme) -> Unit) {
fun onClick(meme: Meme) = clickListener(meme)
We have created a class called OnClickListener
that takes in a lambda with
one Meme item as a parameter in its Constructor. This class contains a matching function called onClick
that will set to the lambda parameter. All this creates a sort of a named lambda
class MemesAdapter(private val onClickListener: OnClickListener) :
ListAdapter<Meme, MemesAdapter.MyViewHolder>(MyDiffUtil)
Then we have added an onClickListener property on the Constructor of the MemesAdapter
holder.itemView.setOnClickListener {
We finish our work in MemesAdapter by calling our onClickListener
inside the itemView's
onClickListener in onBindViewHolder
with a Meme from the ViewHolder
adapter = MemesAdapter(MemesAdapter.OnClickListener { photo ->
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "${}", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
In the MemesAdapter instance, we'll add MemesAdapter OnClickListener
object to the MemesAdapter Constructor which returns a passed in Meme from the Adapter. For now we can try and Toast the name of the clicked Meme. On other scenarios one may need to navigate to other activities or fragments and display details of the clicked item.