Upload an image containing text, have the text extracted and played back to you. Serverless architecture consisting mostly of Lambda, DynamoDB, 3rd party services and spaghetti code.
Technologies involved:
- [Serverless][2]
- DynamoDB, Lambda, S3, API Gateway
- CloudFormation
- VanillaJS Frontend (don't look at it)
- Google Cloud Vision
- Amazon Polly
- Ensure you have AWS configured to use the correct account region
- Create a hosted zone for the domain you want to use
- Ensure you have a log role for APIGateway set up, [see here][1]
- Create a Facebook app, take note of app id
- Create a Google app and API Key, take note of the key
- Set the following environment vars according to your project:
export PROJECT_NAME=$(basename $PWD)
export GOOGLE_API_KEY=<your api key>
export FB_APP_ID=<your app id>
export DOMAIN_NAME=<your domain>
- Using Makefile:
make clean deploy
- This will run the serverless deployment and publish website assets
- For more info, see the Makefile
- Currently porting to [serverless][2]
- See Devlog