This project is a bit outdated and isn't getting the TLC it needs. If someone would like to take over the reigns of maintaining it feel free to contact me 🙏
This library serves as an amalgamation between Flask-RESTPlus and Marshmallow, allowing you to use Marshmallow schemas to define Swagger API schema, as well as handle request validation and response marshalling.
This project was spawned as a fork from frol's (maintainer of Flask-RESTPlus) Flask-RestPLUS fork, which added Marshmallow schema functionality, which in turn spawned from this issue thread in the Flask-RESTPlus project. This project slightly modifies the parent fork, augmenting with MIT specific features.
from flask import Flask, Blueprint
from flask_restplus_marshmallow import abort, Api, Schema, Resource, Namespace, JSONParameters
from marshmallow import fields
from pony.orm import db_session
import typing
app = Flask(__name__)
blueprint = Blueprint('my-api', __name__)
api = Api(
title='My REST API',
description='My super helpful description for my REST API'
auth_ns = Namespace(
description='My authentication related routes',
class AuthenticationRequestSchema(JSONParameters):
password = fields.String(required=True)
email = fields.Email(required=True)
class AuthenticationSuccessfulResponseSchema(Schema):
user = fields.Nested('MyUserSchema')
token = fields.String()
class LoginRoutes(Resource):
def post(self, data: typing.Dict) -> typing.Dict:
successfully_authenticated = ... # some authentication related business logic here
if successfully_authenticated:
return {
"user": {}, # JSON response here
"token": "foo_bar_baz"
return abort(401)
helper methodSchema
schema related module
Contributions are welcome! Simply create a feature branch off of master
and open a pull request. This project is maintained by the Motional Internal Tools team whom can be reached on Slack at #motion-internal-tools
- Remove dependency on Pony ORM
, allow this to be optional