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CKEditor 4 Changelog

CKEditor 4.4.8

Fixed Issues:

  • #13232: [Safari] Fixed: Method element.appendText() work properly for empty elements.
  • #13233: Fixed: HTMLDataProcessor can process foo:href attributes.
  • #12899: Fixed: Corrected wrong tag ending for horizontal box definition in the Dialog User Interface plugin. Thanks to mizafish!
  • #13254: Fixed: Cannot outdent block after indent when using Divarea plugin. Thanks to Jonathan Cottrill!
  • #13268: Fixed: Documentation for CKEDITOR.dom.text is incorrect. Thanks to Ben Kiefer!
  • #12796: Fixed: The Indent List plugin unwraps parent <li> elements.
  • #12885: Added missing editor.getData() parameter documentation.
  • #11982: Bullet added in wrong position after the Enter key is pressed in a nested list.
  • #13027: Fixed: Keyboard navigation in dialogs with multiple tabs not following IBM CI 162 instructions or ARIA Authoring practices.
  • #12256: Fixed: Basic styles' classes are lost when pasting from Microsoft Word if basic styles were configured to use classes.
  • #12729: Incorrect structure created when merging a block into a list item on Backspace and Delete.
  • #13031: [Firefox] Fixed: No more line breaks in source view since Firefox 36.
  • #13131: Fixed: The Code Snippet plugin cannot be used without the IFrame Editing Area plugin.
  • #9086: Fixed: Invalid ARIA property used on paste iframe.
  • #13164: Fixed: Error when inserting a hidden field.

Other Changes:

  • #12844 and #13103: Upgraded the testing environment to Bender.js 0.2.3.
  • #12930: Because of licenses, removed truncated-mathjax/ from the tests/ directory. Now bender.config.mathJaxLibPath must be configured manually in order to run MathJax plugin's tests.
  • #13266: Added more shades of gray.

CKEditor 4.4.7

Fixed Issues:

  • #12825: Fixed: Preventing the Table Resize plugin from operating on elements outside the editor. Thanks to Paul Martin!
  • #12157: Fixed: Lost text formatting on pressing Tab when the config.tabSpaces configuration option value was greater than zero.
  • #12777: Fixed: The table-layout CSS property should be reset by skins. Thanks to vita10gy!
  • #12812: Fixed: An uncaught security exception is thrown when Line Utilities are used in an inline editor loaded in a cross-domain iframe. Thanks to Vitaliy Zurian!
  • #12735: Fixed: config.fillEmptyBlocks should only apply when outputting data.
  • #10032: Fixed: Paste from Word filter is executed for every paste after using the button.
  • #12597: [Blink/Webkit] Fixed: Multi-byte Japanese characters entry not working properly after Shift+Enter.
  • #12387: Fixed: An error is thrown if a skin does not have the chameleon property defined and config.uiColor is defined.
  • #12747: [IE8-10] Fixed: Opening a drop-down for a specific selection when the editor is maximized results in incorrect drop-down panel position.
  • #12850: [IEQM] Fixed: An error is thrown after focusing the editor.

CKEditor 4.4.6

Security Updates:

  • Fixed XSS vulnerability in the HTML parser reported by Maco Cortes.

    Issue summary: It was possible to execute XSS inside CKEditor after persuading the victim to: (i) switch CKEditor to source mode, then (ii) paste a specially crafted HTML code, prepared by the attacker, into the opened CKEditor source area, and (iii) switch back to WYSIWYG mode.

An upgrade is highly recommended!

New Features:

Fixed Issues:

  • #12506: [Safari] Fixed: Cannot paste into inline editor if the page has user-select: none style. Thanks to shaohua!
  • #12683: Fixed: Filter fails to remove custom tags. Thanks to timselier!
  • #12489 and #12491: Fixed: Various issues related to restoring the selection after performing operations on filler character. See the fixed cases.
  • #12621: Fixed: Cannot remove inline styles (bold, italic, etc.) in empty lines.
  • #12630: [Chrome] Fixed: Selection is placed outside the paragraph when the New Page button is clicked. This patch significantly simplified the way how the initial selection (a selection after the content of the editable is overwritten) is being fixed. That might have fixed many related scenarios in all browsers.
  • #11647: Fixed: The editor.blur event is not fired on first blur after initializing the inline editor on an already focused element.
  • #12601: Fixed: Strikethrough button tooltip spelling.
  • #12546: Fixed: The Preview tab in the Document Properties dialog window is always disabled.
  • #12300: Fixed: The editor.change event fired on first navigation key press after typing.
  • #12141: Fixed: List items are lost when indenting a list item with content wrapped with a block element.
  • #12515: Fixed: Cursor is in the wrong position when undoing after adding an image and typing some text.
  • #12484: [Blink/Webkit] Fixed: DOM is changed outside the editor area in a certain case.
  • #12688: Improved the tests of the styles system and fixed two minor issues.
  • #12403: Fixed: Changing the font style should not lead to nesting it in the previous style element.
  • #12609: Fixed: Incorrect config.magicline_putEverywhere name used for a Magic Line all-encompassing config.magicline_everywhere configuration option.

CKEditor 4.4.5

New Features:

Fixed Issues:

  • #12423: [Safari7.1+] Fixed: Enter key moved cursor to a strange position.
  • #12381: [iOS] Fixed: Selection issue. Thanks to Remiremi!
  • #10804: Fixed: CKEDITOR_GETURL is not used with some plugins where it should be used. Thanks to Thomas Andraschko!
  • #9137: Fixed: The <base> tag is not created when <head> has an attribute. Thanks to naoki.fujikawa!
  • #12377: Fixed: Errors thrown in the Image plugin when removing preview from the dialog window definition. Thanks to Axinet!
  • #12162: Fixed: Auto paragraphing and Enter key in nested editables.
  • #12315: Fixed: Marked config.autoParagraph as deprecated.
  • #12113: Fixed: A code snippet should be presented in the elements path as "code snippet" (translatable).
  • #12311: Fixed: Remove Format should also remove <cite> elements.
  • #12261: Fixed: Filter has to be destroyed and removed from CKEDITOR.filter.instances on editor destroy.
  • #12398: Fixed: Maximize does not work on an instance without a title.
  • #12097: Fixed: JAWS not reading the number of options correctly in the Text Color and Background Color button menu.
  • #12411: Fixed: Page Break used directly in the editable breaks the editor.
  • #12354: Fixed: Various issues in undo manager when holding keys.
  • #12324: [IE8] Fixed: Undo steps are not recorded when changing the caret position by clicking below the body.
  • #12332: Fixed: Lowered DOM events listeners' priorities in undo manager in order to avoid ambiguity.
  • #12402: [Blink] Fixed: Workaround for Blink bug with document.title which breaks updating title in the full HTML mode.
  • #12338: Fixed: The CKEditor package contains unoptimized images.

CKEditor 4.4.4

Fixed Issues:

  • #12268: Cleanup of UI Color YUI styles. Thanks to CasherWest!
  • #12263: Fixed: Paste from Word filter does not properly normalize semicolons style text. Thanks to Alin Purcaru!
  • #12243: Fixed: Text formatting lost when pasting from Word. Thanks to Alin Purcaru!
  • #111739: Fixed: keypress listeners should not be used in the undo manager. A complete rewrite of keyboard handling in the undo manager was made. Numerous smaller issues were fixed, among others:
  • #10916: Fixed: Magic Line icon in Right-To-Left environments.
  • #11970: [IE] Fixed: CKEditor paste event is not fired when pasting with Shift+Ins.
  • #12111: Fixed: Linked image attributes are not read when opening the image dialog window by doubleclicking.
  • #10030: [IE] Fixed: Prevented "Unspecified Error" thrown in various cases when IE8-9 does not allow access to document.activeElement.
  • #12273: Fixed: Applying block style in a description list breaks it.
  • #12218: Fixed: Minor syntax issue in CSS files.
  • #12178: [Blink/WebKit] Fixed: Iterator does not return the block if the selection is located at the end of it.
  • #12185: [IE9QM] Fixed: Error thrown when moving the mouse over focused editor's scrollbar.
  • #12215: Fixed: Basepath resolution does not recognize semicolon as a query separator.
  • #12135: Fixed: Remove Format does not work on widgets.
  • #12298: [IE11] Fixed: Clicking below <body> in Compatibility Mode will no longer reset selection to the first line.
  • #12204: Fixed: Editor's voice label is not affected by config.title.
  • #11915: Fixed: With SCAYT enabled, cursor moves to the beginning of the first highlighted, misspelled word after typing or pasting into the editor.
  • SCAYT: Fixed: Error thrown in the console after enabling SCAYT and trying to add a new image.

Other Changes:

  • #12296: Merged benderjs-ckeditor into the main CKEditor repository.

CKEditor 4.4.3

Security Updates:

  • Fixed XSS vulnerability in the Preview plugin reported by Mario Heiderich of Cure53.

An upgrade is highly recommended!

New Features:

  • #12164: Added the "Justify" option to the "Horizontal Alignment" drop-down in the Table Cell Properties dialog window.

Fixed Issues:

  • #12110: Fixed: Editor crash after deleting a table. Thanks to Alin Purcaru!
  • #11897: Fixed: Enter key used in an empty list item creates a new line instead of breaking the list. Thanks to noam-si!
  • #12140: Fixed: Double-clicking linked widgets opens two dialog windows.
  • #12132: Fixed: Image is inserted with width and height styles even when they are not allowed.
  • #9317: [IE] Fixed: config.disableObjectResizing does not work on IE. Note: We were not able to fix this issue on IE11+ because necessary events stopped working. See a last resort workaround and make sure to support our complaint to Microsoft.
  • #9638: Fixed: There should be no information about accessibility help available under the Alt+0 keyboard shortcut if the Accessibility Help plugin is not available.
  • #8117 and #9186: Fixed: In HTML5 <meta> tags should be allowed everywhere, including inside the <body> element.
  • #10422: Fixed: config.fillEmptyBlocks not working properly if a function is specified.

CKEditor 4.4.2

Important Notes:

  • The CKEditor testing environment is now publicly available. Read more about how to set up the environment and execute tests in the CKEditor Testing Environment guide. Please note that the tests/ directory which contains editor tests is not available in release packages. It can only be found in the development version of CKEditor on GitHub.

New Features:

Fixed Issues:

  • #11757: Fixed: Imperfections in the Moono skin. Thanks to danyaPostfactum!
  • #10091: Blockquote should be treated like an object by the styles system. Thanks to dan-james-deeson!
  • #11478: Fixed: Issue with passing jQuery objects to adapter configuration.
  • #10867: Fixed: Issue with setting encoded URI as image link.
  • #11983: Fixed: Clicking a nested widget does not focus it. Additionally, performance of the widget.repository.getByElement() method was improved.
  • #12000: Fixed: Nested widgets should be initialized on editor.setData() and nestedEditable.setData().
  • #12022: Fixed: Outer widget's drag handler is not created at all if it has any nested widgets inside.
  • #11960: [Blink/WebKit] Fixed: The caret should be scrolled into view on Backspace and Delete (covers only the merging blocks case).
  • #11306: [OSX][Blink/WebKit] Fixed: No widget entries in the context menu on widget right-click.
  • #11957: Fixed: Alignment labels in the Enhanced Image dialog window are not translated.
  • #11980: [Blink/WebKit] Fixed: <span> elements created when joining adjacent elements (non-collapsed selection).
  • #12009: [Nested widgets] Integration with the Magic Line plugin.
  • #11387: Fixed: role="radiogroup" should be applied only to radio inputs' container.
  • #7975: [IE8] Fixed: Errors when trying to select an empty table cell.
  • #11947: [Firefox+IE11] Fixed: Shift+Enter in lists produces two line breaks.
  • #11972: Fixed: Feature detection in the element.setText() method should not trigger the layout engine.
  • #7634: Fixed: The Flash Dialog plugin omits the allowFullScreen parameter in the editor data if set to true.
  • #11910: Fixed: Enhanced Image does not take config.baseHref into account when updating image dimensions.
  • #11753: Fixed: Wrong checkDirty() method value after focusing or blurring a widget.
  • #11830: Fixed: Impossible to pass some arguments to CKBuilder when using the /dev/builder/ script.
  • #11945: Fixed: Form Elements plugin should not change a core method.
  • #11384: [IE9+] Fixed: IndexSizeError thrown when pasting into a non-empty selection anchored in one text node.

CKEditor 4.4.1

New Features:

  • #9661: Added the option to configure anchor tags with JavaScript code in the href attribute.

Fixed Issues:

  • #11861: [Webkit/Blink] Fixed: Span elements created while joining adjacent elements. Note: This patch only covers cases when Backspace or Delete is pressed on a collapsed (empty) selection. The remaining case, with a non-empty selection, will be fixed in the next release.
  • #10714: [iOS] Fixed: Selection and drop-downs are broken if a touch event listener is used due to a Webkit bug. Thanks to Arty Gus!
  • #11911: Fixed setting the dir attribute for a preloaded language in CKEDITOR.lang. Thanks to Akash Mohapatra!
  • #11926: Fixed: Code Snippet does not decode HTML entities when loading code from the <code> element.
  • #11223: Fixed: Issue when Protected Source was not working in the <title> element.
  • #11859: Fixed: Removed the Source Dialog plugin dependency from the Code Snippet sample.
  • #11754: [Chrome] Fixed: Infinite loop when content includes not closed attributes.
  • #11848: [IE] Fixed: editor.insertElement() throwing an exception when there was no selection in the editor.
  • #11801: Fixed: Editor anchors unavailable when linking the Enhanced Image widget.
  • #11626: Fixed: Table Resize sets invalid column width.
  • #11872: Made element.addClass() chainable symmetrically to element.removeClass().
  • #11813: Fixed: Link lost while pasting a captioned image and restoring an undo snapshot (Enhanced Image).
  • #11814: Fixed: Link and Unlink entries persistently displayed in the Enhanced Image context menu.
  • #11839: [IE9] Fixed: The caret jumps out of the editable area when resizing the editor in the source mode.
  • #11822: [Webkit] Fixed: Editing anchors by double-click is broken in some cases.
  • #11823: [IE8] Fixed: Table Resize throws an error over scrollbar.
  • #11788: Fixed: It is not possible to change the language back to Not set in the Code Snippet dialog window.
  • #11788: Fixed: Filter rules are not applied inside elements with the contenteditable attribute set to true.
  • #11798: Fixed: Inserting a non-editable element inside a table cell breaks the table.
  • #11793: Fixed: Drop-down is not "on" when clicking it while the editor is blurred.
  • #11850: Fixed: Fake objects with the contenteditable attribute set to false are not downcasted properly.
  • #11811: Fixed: Widget's data is not encoded correctly when passed to an attribute.
  • #11777: Fixed encoding ampersand in the Mathematical Formulas plugin.
  • #11880: [IE8-9] Fixed: Linked image has a default thick border.

Other Changes:

  • #11807: Updated jQuery version used in the sample to 1.11.0 and tested CKEditor jQuery Adapter with version 1.11.0 and 2.1.0.
  • #9504: Stopped using deprecated attribute.specified in all browsers except Internet Explorer.
  • #11809: Changed tab size in <pre> to 4 spaces.

CKEditor 4.4

Important Notes:

  • Marked the editor.beforePaste event as deprecated.
  • The default class of captioned images has changed to image (was: caption). Please note that once edited in CKEditor 4.4+, all existing images of the caption class (<figure class="caption">) will be filtered out unless the config.image2_captionedClass option is set to caption. For backward compatibility (i.e. when upgrading), it is highly recommended to use this setting, which also helps prevent CSS conflicts, etc. This does not apply to new CKEditor integrations.
  • Widgets without defined buttons are no longer registered automatically to the Advanced Content Filter. Before CKEditor 4.4 widgets were registered to the ACF which was an incorrect behavior (#11567). This change should not have any impact on standard scenarios, but if your button does not execute the widget command, you need to set allowedContent and requiredContent properties for it manually, because the editor will not be able to find them.
  • The Show Borders plugin was added to the Standard installation package in order to ensure that unstyled tables are still visible for the user (#11665).
  • Since CKEditor 4.4 the editor instance should be passed to methods to ensure full compatibility with other features (e.g. applying styles to widgets requires that). We ensured backward compatibility though, so the will work even when the editor instance is not provided.

New Features:

Other Changes:

  • #11377: Unified internal representation of empty anchors using the fake objects.
  • #11422: Removed Firefox 3.x, Internet Explorer 6 and Opera 12.x leftovers in code.
  • #5217: Setting data (including switching between modes) creates a new undo snapshot. Besides that:
  • The WebSpellChecker plugin was updated to the latest version.

Fixed Issues:

  • #10190: Fixed: Removing block style with editor.removeStyle() should result in a paragraph and not a div.
  • #11727: Fixed: The editor tries to select a non-editable image which was clicked.

CKEditor 4.3.5

New Features:

  • Added new translation: Tatar.

Fixed Issues:

CKEditor 4.3.4

Fixed Issues:

  • #11597: [IE11] Fixed: Error thrown when trying to open the preview using the keyboard.
  • #11544: Placeholders will no longer be upcasted in parents not accepting <span> elements.
  • #8663: Fixed element.renameNode() not clearing the element.getName() cache.
  • #11574: Fixed: Backspace destroying the DOM structure if an inline editable is placed in a list item.
  • #11603: Fixed: Table Resize attaches to tables outside the editable.
  • #9205, #7805, #8216: Fixed: {cke_protected_1} appearing in data in various cases where HTML comments are placed next to " or '.
  • #11635: Fixed: Some attributes are not protected before the content is passed through the fix bin.
  • #11660: [IE] Fixed: Table content is lost when some extra markup is inside the table.
  • #11641: Fixed: Switching between modes in the classic editor removes content styles for the inline editor.
  • #11568: Fixed: Styles drop-down list is not enabled on selection change.

CKEditor 4.3.3

Fixed Issues:

CKEditor 4.3.2

Fixed Issues:

  • #11331: A menu button will have a changed label when selected instead of using the aria-pressed attribute.
  • #11177: Widget drag handler improvements:
    • #11176: Fixed: Initial position is not updated when the widget data object is empty.
    • #11001: Fixed: Multiple synchronous layout recalculations are caused by initial drag handler positioning causing performance issues.
    • #11161: Fixed: Drag handler is not repositioned in various situations.
    • #11281: Fixed: Drag handler and mask are duplicated after widget reinitialization.
  • #11207: [Firefox] Fixed: Misplaced Enhanced Image resizer in the inline editor.
  • #11102: CKEDITOR.template improvements:
    • #11102: Added newline character support.
    • #11216: Added "\'" substring support.
  • #11121: [Firefox] Fixed: High Contrast mode is enabled when the editor is loaded in a hidden iframe.
  • #11350: The default value of config.contentsCss is affected by CKEDITOR.getUrl().
  • #11097: Improved the Autogrow plugin performance when dealing with very big tables.
  • #11290: Removed redundant code in the Source Dialog plugin.
  • #11133: Page Break becomes editable if pasted.
  • #11126: Fixed: Native Undo executed once the bottom of the snapshot stack is reached.
  • #11131: Div Editing Area: Fixed: Error thrown when switching to source mode if the selection was in widget's nested editable.
  • #11139: Div Editing Area: Fixed: Elements Path is not cleared after switching to source mode.
  • #10778: Fixed a bug with range enlargement. The range no longer expands to visible whitespace.
  • #11146: [IE] Fixed: Preview window switches Internet Explorer to Quirks Mode.
  • #10762: [IE] Fixed: JavaScript code displayed in preview window's URL bar.
  • #11186: Introduced the widgets.repository.addUpcastCallback() method that allows to block upcasting given element to a widget.
  • #11307: Fixed: Paste as Plain Text conflict with the MooTools library.
  • #11140: [IE11] Fixed: Anchors are not draggable.
  • #11379: Changed default contents line-height to unitless values to avoid huge text overlapping (like in #9696).
  • #10787: [Firefox] Fixed: Broken replacement of text while pasting into div-based editor.
  • #10884: Widgets integration with the Show Blocks plugin.
  • #11021: Fixed: An error thrown when selecting entire editable contents while fake selection is on.
  • #11086: [IE8] Re-enable inline widgets drag&drop in Internet Explorer 8.
  • #11372: Widgets: Special characters encoded twice in nested editables.
  • #10068: Fixed: Support for protocol-relative URLs.
  • #11283: Enhanced Image: A <div> element with text-align: center and an image inside is not recognised correctly.
  • #11196: Accessibility Instructions: Allowed additional keyboard button labels to be translated in the dialog window.

CKEditor 4.3.1

Important Notes:

  • To match the naming convention, the language button is now Language (#11201).
  • Enhanced Image button, context menu, command, and icon names match those of the Image plugin (#11222).

Fixed Issues:

  • #11244: Changed: The widget.repository.checkWidgets() method now fires the widget.repository.checkWidgets event, so from CKEditor 4.3.1 it is preferred to use the method rather than fire the event.
  • #11171: Fixed: editor.insertElement() and editor.insertText() methods do not call the widget.repository.checkWidgets() method.
  • #11085: [IE8] Replaced preview generated by the Mathematical Formulas widget with a placeholder.
  • #11044: Enhanced WAI-ARIA support for the Language plugin drop-down menu.
  • #11075: With drop-down menu button focused, pressing the Down Arrow key will now open the menu and focus its first option.
  • #11165: Fixed: The File Browser plugin cannot be removed from the editor.
  • #11159: [IE9-10] Enhanced Image: Fixed buggy discovery of image dimensions.
  • #11101: Drop-down lists no longer break when given double quotes.
  • #11077: Enhanced Image: Empty undo step recorded when resizing the image.
  • #10853: Enhanced Image: Widget has paragraph wrapper when de-captioning unaligned image.
  • #11198: Widgets: Drag handler is not fully visible when an inline widget is in a heading.
  • #11132: [Firefox] Fixed: Caret is lost after drag and drop of an inline widget.
  • #11182: [IE10-11] Fixed: Editor crashes (IE11) or works with minor issues (IE10) if a page is loaded in Quirks Mode. See env.quirks for more details.
  • #11204: Added figure and figcaption styles to the contents.css file so Enhanced Image looks nicer.
  • #11202: Fixed: No newline in BBCode mode.
  • #10890: Fixed: Error thrown when pressing the Delete key in a list item.
  • #10055: [IE8-10] Fixed: Delete pressed on a selected image causes the browser to go back.
  • #11183: Fixed: Inserting a horizontal rule or a table in multiple row selection causes a browser crash. Additionally, the editor.insertElement() method does not insert the element into every range of a selection any more.
  • #11042: Fixed: Selection made on an element containing a non-editable element was not auto faked.
  • #11125: Fixed: Keyboard navigation through menu and drop-down items will now cycle.
  • #11011: Fixed: The editor.applyStyle() method removes attributes from nested elements.
  • #11179: Fixed: editor.destroy() does not cleanup content generated by the Table Resize plugin for inline editors.
  • #11237: Fixed: Table border attribute value is deleted when pasting content from Microsoft Word.
  • #11250: Fixed: HTML entities inside the <textarea> element are not encoded.
  • #11260: Fixed: Initially disabled buttons are not read by JAWS as disabled.
  • #11200: Added Clipboard plugin as a dependency for Widget to fix drag and drop.

CKEditor 4.3

New Features:

  • #10612: Internet Explorer 11 support.
  • #10869: Widgets: Added better integration with the Elements Path plugin.
  • #10886: Widgets: Added tooltip to the drag handle.
  • #10933: Widgets: Introduced drag and drop of block widgets with the Line Utilities plugin.
  • #10936: Widget System changes for easier integration with other dialog systems.
  • #10895: Enhanced Image: Added file browser integration.
  • #11002: Added the draggable option to disable drag and drop support for widgets.
  • #10937: Mathematical Formulas widget improvements:
    • loading indicator (#10948),
    • applying paragraph changes (like font color change) to iframe (#10841),
    • Firefox and IE9 clipboard fixes (#10857),
    • fixing same origin policy issue (#10840),
    • fixing undo bugs (#10842, #10930),
    • fixing other minor bugs.
  • #10862: Placeholder plugin was rewritten as a widget.
  • #10822: Added styles system integration with non-editable elements (for example widgets) and their nested editables. Styles cannot change non-editable content and are applied in nested editable only if allowed by its type and content filter.
  • #10856: Menu buttons will now toggle the visibility of their panels when clicked multiple times. Language plugin fixes: Added active language highlighting, added an option to remove the language.
  • #10028: New config.dialog_noConfirmCancel configuration option that eliminates the need to confirm closing of a dialog window when the user changed any of its fields.
  • #10848: Integrate remaining plugins (Styles, Format, Font, Color Button, Language and Indent) with active filter.
  • #10855: Change the extension of emoticons in the BBCode sample from GIF to PNG.

Fixed Issues:

  • #10831: Enhanced Image: Merged image2inline and image2block into one image2 widget.
  • #10835: Enhanced Image: Improved visibility of the resize handle.
  • #10836: Enhanced Image: Preserve custom mouse cursor while resizing the image.
  • #10939: [Firefox] Enhanced Image: hovering the image causes it to change.
  • #10866: Fixed: Broken Tab key navigation in the Enhanced Image dialog window.
  • #10833: Fixed: Lock ratio option should be on by default in the Enhanced Image dialog window.
  • #10881: Various improvements to Enter key behavior in nested editables.
  • #10879: Remove Format should not leak from a nested editable.
  • #10877: Fixed: WebSpellChecker fails to apply changes if a nested editable was focused.
  • #10877: Fixed: SCAYT blocks typing in nested editables.
  • #11079: Add button icons to the Placeholder sample.
  • #10870: The paste command is no longer being disabled when the clipboard is empty.
  • #10854: Fixed: Firefox prepends <br> to <body>, so it is stripped by the HTML data processor.
  • #10823: Fixed: Link plugin does not work with non-editable content.
  • #10828: Magic Line integration with the Widget System.
  • #10865: Improved hiding copybin, so copying widgets works smoothly.
  • #11066: Widget's private parts use CSS reset.
  • #11027: Fixed: Block commands break on widgets; added the contentDomInvalidated event.
  • #10430: Resolve dependence of the Image plugin on the Form Elements plugin.
  • #10911: Fixed: Browser Alt hotkeys will no longer be blocked while a widget is focused.
  • #11082: Fixed: Selected widget is not copied or cut when using toolbar buttons or context menu.
  • #11083: Fixed list and div element application to block widgets.
  • #10887: Internet Explorer 8 compatibility issues related to the Widget System.
  • #11074: Temporarily disabled inline widget drag and drop, because of seriously buggy native range#moveToPoint method.
  • #11098: Fixed: Wrong selection position after undoing widget drag and drop.
  • #11110: Fixed: IFrame and Flash objects are being incorrectly pasted in certain conditions.
  • #11129: Page break is lost when loading data.
  • #11123: [Firefox] Widget is destroyed after being dragged outside of <body>.
  • #11124: Fixed the Elements Path in an editor using the Div Editing Area.

CKEditor 4.3 Beta

New Features:

CKEditor 4.2.3

Fixed Issues:

  • #10994: Fixed: Loading external jQuery library when opening the jQuery Adapter sample directly from file.
  • #10975: [IE] Fixed: Error thrown while opening the color palette.
  • #9929: [Blink/WebKit] Fixed: A non-breaking space is created once a character is deleted and a regular space is typed.
  • #10963: Fixed: JAWS issue with the keyboard shortcut for Magic Line.
  • #11096: Fixed: TypeError: Object has no method 'is'.

CKEditor 4.2.2

Fixed Issues:

  • #9314: Fixed: Incorrect error message on closing a dialog window without saving changs.
  • #10308: [IE10] Fixed: Unspecified error when deleting a row.
  • #10945: [Chrome] Fixed: Clicking with a mouse inside the editor does not show the caret.
  • #10912: Prevent default action when content of a non-editable link is clicked.
  • #10913: Fixed CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal() not handling paths including file name specified.
  • #10666: Fixed not working cross frame.
  • #10910: [IE9] Fixed JavaScript error thrown in Compatibility Mode when clicking and/or typing in the editing area.
  • #10868: [IE8] Prevent the browser from crashing when applying the Inline Quotation style.
  • #10915: Fixed: Invalid CSS filter in the Kama skin.
  • #10914: Plugins Indent List and Indent Block are now included in the build configuration.
  • #10812: Fixed range.createBookmark2() incorrectly normalizing offsets. This bug was causing many issues: #10850, #10842.
  • #10951: Reviewed and optimized focus handling on panels (combo, menu buttons, color buttons, and context menu) to enhance accessibility. Fixed #10705, #10706 and #10707.
  • #10704: Fixed a JAWS issue with the Select Color dialog window title not being announced.
  • #10753: The floating toolbar in inline instances now has a dedicated accessibility label.

CKEditor 4.2.1

Fixed Issues:

  • #10301: [IE9-10] Undo fails after 3+ consecutive paste actions with a JavaScript error.
  • #10689: Save toolbar button saves only the first editor instance.
  • #10368: Move language reading direction definition (dir) from main language file to core.
  • #9330: Fixed pasting anchors from MS Word.
  • #8103: Fixed pasting nested lists from MS Word.
  • #9958: [IE9] Pressing the "OK" button will trigger the onbeforeunload event in the popup dialog.
  • #10662: Fixed styles from the Styles drop-down list not registering to the ACF in case when the Shared Spaces plugin is used.
  • #9654: Problems with Internet Explorer 10 Quirks Mode.
  • #9816: Floating toolbar does not reposition vertically in several cases.
  • #10646: Removing a selected sublist or nested table with Backspace/Delete removes the parent element.
  • #10623: [WebKit] Page is scrolled when opening a drop-down list.
  • #10004: [ChromeVox] Button names are not announced.
  • #10731: WebSpellChecker plugin breaks cloning of editor configuration.
  • It is now possible to set per instance WebSpellChecker plugin configuration instead of setting the configuration globally.

CKEditor 4.2

Important Notes:

  • Dropped compatibility support for Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 3.6.

  • Both the Basic and the Standard distribution packages will not contain the new Indent Block plugin. Because of this the Advanced Content Filter might remove block indentations from existing contents. If you want to prevent this, either add an appropriate ACF rule to your filter or create a custom build based on the Basic/Standard package and add the Indent Block plugin in CKBuilder.

New Features:

Fixed Issues:

  • #10599: Indent plugin is no longer required by the List plugin.
  • #10370: Inconsistency in data events between framed and inline editors.
  • #10438: [FF, IE] No selection is done on an editable element on executing editor.setData().

CKEditor 4.1.3

New Features:

  • Added new translation: Indonesian.

Fixed Issues:

CKEditor 4.1.2

New Features:

  • Added new translation: Sinhala.

Fixed Issues:

  • #10339: Fixed: Error thrown when inserted data was totally stripped out after filtering and processing.
  • #10298: Fixed: Data processor breaks attributes containing protected parts.
  • #10367: Fixed: editable.insertText() loses characters when RegExp replace controls are being inserted.
  • #10165: [IE] Access denied error when document.domain has been altered.
  • #9761: Update the Backspace key state in keystrokeHandler.blockedKeystrokes when calling editor.setReadOnly().
  • #6504: Fixed: Race condition while loading several config.customConfig files.
  • #10146: [Firefox] Empty lines are being removed while config.enterMode is CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR.
  • #10360: Fixed: ARIA role="application" should not be used for dialog windows.
  • #10361: Fixed: ARIA role="application" should not be used for floating panels.
  • #10510: Introduced unique voice labels to differentiate between different editor instances.
  • #9945: [iOS] Scrolling not possible on iPad.
  • #10389: Fixed: Invalid HTML in the "Text and Table" template.
  • WebSpellChecker plugin user interface was changed to match CKEditor 4 style.

CKEditor 4.1.1

New Features:

  • Added new translation: Albanian.

Fixed Issues:

  • #10172: Pressing Delete or Backspace in an empty table cell moves the cursor to the next/previous cell.
  • #10219: Error thrown when destroying an editor instance in parallel with a mouseup event.
  • #10265: Wrong loop type in the File Browser plugin.
  • #10249: Wrong undo/redo states at start.
  • #10268: Show Blocks does not recover after switching to Source view.
  • #9995: HTML code in the <textarea> should not be modified by the htmlDataProcessor.
  • #10320: Justify plugin should add elements to Advanced Content Filter based on current Enter mode.
  • #10260: Fixed: Advanced Content Filter blocks tabSpaces. Unified data-cke-* attributes filtering.
  • #10315: [WebKit] Undo manager should not record snapshots after a filling character was added/removed.
  • #10291: [WebKit] Space after a filling character should be secured.
  • #10330: [WebKit] The filling character is not removed on keydown in specific cases.
  • #10285: Fixed: Styled text pasted from MS Word causes an infinite loop.
  • #10131: Fixed: undoManager.update() does not refresh the command state.
  • #10337: Fixed: Unable to remove <s> using Remove Format.

CKEditor 4.1

Fixed Issues:

  • #10192: Closing lists with the Enter key does not work with Advanced Content Filter in several cases.
  • #10191: Fixed allowed content rules unification, so the filter.allowedContent property always contains rules in the same format.
  • #10224: Advanced Content Filter does not remove non-empty <a> elements anymore.
  • Minor issues in plugin integration with Advanced Content Filter:
    • #10166: Added transformation from the align attribute to float style to preserve backward compatibility after the introduction of Advanced Content Filter.
    • #10195: Image plugin no longer registers rules for links to Advanced Content Filter.
    • #10213: Justify plugin is now correctly registering rules to Advanced Content Filter when config.justifyClasses is defined.

CKEditor 4.1 RC

New Features:

  • #9829: Advanced Content Filter - data and features activation based on editor configuration.

    Brand new data filtering system that works in 2 modes:

    • Based on loaded features (toolbar items, plugins) - the data will be filtered according to what the editor in its current configuration can handle.
    • Based on config.allowedContent rules - the data will be filtered and the editor features (toolbar items, commands, keystrokes) will be enabled if they are allowed.

    See the datafiltering.html sample, guides and CKEDITOR.filter API documentation.

  • #9387: Reintroduced Shared Spaces - the ability to display toolbar and bottom editor space in selected locations and to share them by different editor instances.

  • #9907: Added the contentPreview event for preview data manipulation.

  • #9713: Introduced the Source Dialog plugin that brings raw HTML editing for inline editor instances.

  • Included in #9829: Introduced new events, toHtml and toDataFormat, allowing for better integration with data processing.

  • #9981: Added ability to filter htmlParser.fragment, htmlParser.element etc. by many htmlParser.filters before writing structure to an HTML string.

  • Included in #10103:

  • #9796: Introduced <s> as a default tag for strikethrough, which replaces obsolete <strike> in HTML5.

CKEditor 4.0.3

Fixed Issues:

  • #10196: Fixed context menus not opening with keyboard shortcuts when Autogrow is enabled.
  • #10212: [IE7-10] Undo command throws errors after multiple switches between Source and WYSIWYG view.
  • #10219: [Inline editor] Error thrown after calling editor.destroy().

CKEditor 4.0.2

Fixed Issues:

  • #9779: Fixed overriding CKEDITOR.getUrl() with CKEDITOR_GETURL.
  • #9772: Custom buttons in the dialog window footer have different look and size (Moono, Kama skins).
  • #9029: Custom styles added with the stylesSet.add() are displayed in the wrong order.
  • #9887: Disable Magic Line when editor.readOnly is set.
  • #9882: Fixed empty document title on editor.getData() if set via the Document Properties dialog window.
  • #9773: Fixed rendering problems with selection fields in the Kama skin.
  • #9851: The selectionChange event is not fired when mouse selection ended outside editable.
  • #9903: [Inline editor] Bad positioning of floating space with page horizontal scroll.
  • #9872: editor.checkDirty() returns true when called onload. Removed the obsolete editor.mayBeDirty flag.
  • #9893: [IE] Fixed broken toolbar when editing mixed direction content in Quirks mode.
  • #9845: Fixed TAB navigation in the Link dialog window when the Anchor option is used and no anchors are available.
  • #9883: Maximizing was making the entire page editable with divarea-based editors.
  • #9940: [Firefox] Navigating back to a page with the editor was making the entire page editable.
  • #9966: Fixed: Unable to type square brackets with French keyboard layout. Changed Magic Line keystrokes.
  • #9507: [Firefox] Selection is moved before editable position when the editor is focused for the first time.
  • #9947: [WebKit] Editor overflows parent container in some edge cases.
  • #10105: Fixed: Broken sourcearea view when an RTL language is set.
  • #10123: [WebKit] Fixed: Several dialog windows have broken layout since the latest WebKit release.
  • #10152: Fixed: Invalid ARIA property used on menu items.


Fixed Issues:

  • Security update: Added protection against XSS attack and possible path disclosure in the PHP sample.

CKEditor 4.0.1

Fixed Issues:

  • #9655: Support for IE Quirks Mode in the new Moono skin.
  • Accessibility issues (mainly in inline editor): #9364, #9368, #9369, #9370, #9541, #9543, #9841, #9844.
  • Magic Line plugin:
    • #9481: Added accessibility support for Magic Line.
    • #9509: Added Magic Line support for forms.
    • #9573: Magic Line does not disappear on mouseout in a specific case.
  • #9754: [WebKit] Cutting & pasting simple unformatted text generates an inline wrapper in WebKit browsers.
  • #9456: [Chrome] Properly paste bullet list style from MS Word.
  • #9699, #9758: Improved selection locking when selecting by dragging.
  • Context menu:
    • #9712: Opening the context menu destroys editor focus.
    • #9366: Context menu should be displayed over the floating toolbar.
    • #9706: Context menu generates a JavaScript error in inline mode when the editor is attached to a header element.
  • #9800: Hide float panel when resizing the window.
  • #9721: Padding in content of div-based editor puts the editing area under the bottom UI space.
  • #9528: Host page box-sizing style should not influence the editor UI elements.
  • #9503: Form Elements plugin adds context menu listeners only on supported input types. Added support for tel, email, search and url input types.
  • #9769: Improved floating toolbar positioning in a narrow window.
  • #9875: Table dialog window does not populate width correctly.
  • #8675: Deleting cells in a nested table removes the outer table cell.
  • #9815: Cannot edit dialog window fields in an editor initialized in the jQuery UI modal dialog.
  • #8888: CKEditor dialog windows do not show completely in a small window.
  • #9360: [Inline editor] Blocks shown for a <div> element stay permanently even after the user exits editing the <div>.
  • #9531: [Firefox & Inline editor] Toolbar is lost when closing the Format drop-down list by clicking its button.
  • #9553: Table width incorrectly set when the border-width style is specified.
  • #9594: Cannot tab past CKEditor when it is in read-only mode.
  • #9658: [IE9] Justify not working on selected images.
  • #9686: Added missing contents styles for <pre> elements.
  • #9709: Paste from Word should not depend on configuration from other styles.
  • #9726: Removed Color Dialog plugin dependency from Table Tools.
  • #9765: Toolbar Collapse command documented incorrectly in the Accessibility Instructions dialog window.
  • #9771: [WebKit & Opera] Fixed scrolling issues when pasting.
  • #9787: [IE9] onChange is not fired for checkboxes in dialogs.
  • #9842: [Firefox 17] When opening a toolbar menu for the first time and pressing the Down Arrow key, focus goes to the next toolbar button instead of the menu options.
  • #9847: Elements Path should not be initialized in the inline editor.
  • #9853: editor.addRemoveFormatFilter() is exposed before it really works.
  • #8893: Value of the pasteFromWordCleanupFile configuration option is now taken from the instance configuration.
  • #9693: Removed "Live Preview" checkbox from UI color picker.

CKEditor 4.0

The first stable release of the new CKEditor 4 code line.

The CKEditor JavaScript API has been kept compatible with CKEditor 4, whenever possible. The list of relevant changes can be found in the API Changes page of the CKEditor 4 documentation.