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Vertical split view controller with pull up gesture as seen in the iOS 10 Maps app


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A vertical split view controller with a pull up gesture as seen in the iOS 10 Maps app.

Screenshot showing sample app in expanded and collapsed state

ISHPullUp provides a simple UIViewControlller subclass with two child controllers. The layout can be managed entirely via delegation and is easy to use with autolayout.

View subclasses are provided to make beautiful iOS 10 style designs easier. ISHPullUpHandleView provides a drag handle as seen in the notification center or Maps app with three states: up, neutral, down. ISHPullUpRoundedView provides the perfect backing view for your bottom view controller with a hairline border and rounded top corners.

Combine it with ISHHoverBar to create a UI resembling the iOS 10 Maps app.

Basic usage

Screencast explaining the basic implementation details

To use the framework create an instance of ISHPullUpViewController and set the contentViewController and bottomViewController properties to your own view controller instances. That's it, everything else is optional.

Implement the appropriate delegates to fine-tune the behaviour. While all delegates are optional, the methods of all delegates themselves are mandatory.

You can customize a lot more via the ISHPullUpViewController properties:

  • When and if the bottom should snap to the collapsed and expanded positions
  • At what threshold the content should be dimmed using which color
  • If the bottom view controller should be shifted or resized

Controlling the height using the sizingDelegate

The height of the bottomViewController is controlled by the sizingDelegate. All heights are cached and updated regularly. You can use auto layout to calculate minimum and maximum heights (e.g. via systemLayoutSizeFitting(UILayoutFittingCompressedSize)).

You can customize:

  • The minimum height (collapsed): ...minimumHeightForBottomViewController...
  • The maximum height (expanded): ...maximumHeightForBottomViewController...
  • Intermediate snap positions: ...targetHeightForBottomViewController...

As an example, the minimum height is determined by the following delegate callback:

// Swift
func pullUpViewController(_ pullUpViewController: ISHPullUpViewController, minimumHeightForBottomViewController bottomVC: UIViewController) -> CGFloat 
// ObjC
- (CGFloat)pullUpViewController:(ISHPullUpViewController *)pullUpViewController minimumHeightForBottomViewController:(UIViewController *)bottomVC;

The sizing delegate also provides a callback to adjust the layout of the bottomViewController: ...updateEdgeInsets:forBottomViewController:.

Adjusting the layout of the contentViewController using the contentDelegate

The view of the contentViewController fills the entire view and is partly overlaid by the view of the bottomViewController. In addition the area covered by the bottom view can change. To adjust your layout accordingly you may set the contentDelegate. Additionally, we suggest that your content view controller uses a dedicated view as the first child to its own root view that provides layout margins for the rest of the layout. The typical implementation of the content delegate would then look like this:

// Swift
func pullUpViewController(_ vc: ISHPullUpViewController, update edgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets, forContentViewController _: UIViewController) {
	layoutView.layoutMargins = edgeInsets
	// call layoutIfNeeded right away to participate in animations
	// this method may be called from within animation blocks
// ObjC
- (void)pullUpViewController:(ISHPullUpViewController *)pullUpViewController updateEdgeInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)edgeInsets forContentViewController:(UIViewController *)contentVC {
	self.layoutView.layoutMargins = edgeInsets;
	// call layoutIfNeeded right away to participate in animations
	// this method may be called from within animation blocks
	[self.layoutView layoutIfNeeded];

Reacting to changes in state

The ISHPullUpViewController has four states: collapsed, dragging, intermediate, expanded.

You can react to state changes (e.g. to update the state of a ISHPullUpHandleView) by setting the stateDelegate and implementing its only method.

View subclasses


A view subclass providing corner radius for the top edges and shadow. The shadow is only applied outside of the view content allowing for transparency.

When using this subclass as the primary view for the bottom view controller the dimming (using ISHPullUpDimmingView) is automatically adjusted for the top edges' rounded corners.

You can configure most properties via Interface Builder or code including:

  • Shadow: opacity, offset, color, and radius
  • Stroke: color and line width
  • Corner radius

The ISHPullUpRoundedVisualEffectView subclass uses a UIVisualEffectView as a background.


The ISHPullUpHandleView can be used anywhere in your view hierarchy to show a drag handle. It provides three states (up, neutral, and down) and can animate between the states. Changing the state is up to the implementation allowing you to either match the state of the pullup view controller or to always display it in a neutral state.

The frame should not be set explicitly. You should rather use the intrinsic content size and rely on auto layout. In Interface Builder wait for the framework to be compiled once for the intrinsicContentSize to be correctly applied to your XIB.

You can configure most aspects via Interface Builder or code including:

  • Size of the arrow
  • Stroke: color and width
  • State (via code only)

General info

The framework is written in Objective-C to allow easy integration into any iOS project and has fully documented headers. All classes are annotated for easy integration into Swift code bases.

The sample app is written in Swift 3 and thus requires Xcode 8 to compile.

The framework and sample app have a Deployment Target of iOS 8.

Integration into your project

Dynamically-Linked Framework

Add the project file ISHPullUp.xcodeproj as a subproject of your app. Then add the framework ISHPullUp.framework to the app's embedded binaries (on the General tab of your app target's settings). On the Build Phases tab, verify that the framework has also been added to the Link Binary with Libraries phase, and that an Embed Frameworks phase has been created (unless it existed before).

The framework can be used as a module, so you can use @import ISHPullUp; (Objective-C) and import ISHPullUp (Swift) to import all public headers.

Further reading on Modules: Clang Documentation

Include files directly

Currently the project relies on 3 implementation files and their headers. You can include them directly into your project:

  • ISHPullUp/ISHPullUpHandleView.h{h/m}
  • ISHPullUp/ISHPullUpRoundedView.{h/m}
  • ISHPullUp/ISHPullUpViewController.{h/m}


You can use CocoaPods to install ISHPullUp as a static library. Add this to your Podfile:

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'ISHPullUp'

ISHPullUp can also be installed as a framework:

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'ISHPullUp'

See the official website to get started with CocoaPods.


Since ISHPullUp can be built as a framework, it supports Carthage, too. Add this to your Cartfile:

github iosphere/ISHPullUp

See the Carthage repository to get started with Carthage.

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ISHHoverBar - A floating UIToolBar replacement as seen in the iOS 10 Maps app, supporting both vertical and horizontal orientation


  • Add modal presentation mode for a bottom view controller


Vertical split view controller with pull up gesture as seen in the iOS 10 Maps app







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  • Objective-C 82.9%
  • Swift 14.8%
  • Ruby 2.3%