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Operating Systems and Software

mrseidel edited this page Feb 8, 2023 · 8 revisions

πŸ“™ Task(s)

Reading: Open Source Software

This project will be focusing on open source software and alternatives. As such, read through this article about what open source software is.

Linux Operating System

Market Share Location Windows Mac
(OS X and iOS)
(incl. Android)
(not incl. Linux, iOS, or MacOS)
Desktop and Laptop 75.48% 15.84% 2.19%
Mobile Device 29.51% 69.71%
Web Servers 20.5% 0% (more likely 77.4%) 79.8% (more likely < 1%)
Supercomputers 100%

Data for table above retrieved February 13, 2022

Using the career you chose in the Hardware Project and based on the information provided above, in a word-processing document respond to the following prompts:

  • Linux might not seem like it has a large presence in the desktop world, but based on the table of information it is used in a lot of other scenarios. Why might Linux have such a large presence in every space except the desktop/laptop domain? Include specific examples.
  • Three of the most user-friendly Linux distributions include: Manjaro, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint. If you were going into the career you decided upon previously, which would you choose and why?
  • Based on the distribution you chose above:
    • Describe what features it possesses that would persuade someone from using Windows or MacOS to switch over to Linux?
    • What limitations exist in using this operating system over using something like Windows or MacOS?

Open Source Software

Type of Software Commercial Software Open Source Alternative(s)
Notetaking Microsoft OneNote,, etc. Joplin, Standard Notes, TiddlyWiki, Zettlr
Office Suite Microsoft Office, Google Suite, etc. LibreOffice
Raster Image Manipulation Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Photo, etc. GNU Image Manipulation Program, Darktable
Vector Graphics Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer, etc. Inkscape
Video Editing Adobe Premiere, Windows Movie Maker, etc. OpenShot
Programming Tools Visual Studio Code (VS Code) VSCodium
Website Building Weebly, Wix, SquareSpace, etc. Gatsby JS, Hugo, WordPress

Using the career you chose in the Hardware Project choose at least two rows from the table above. In a word-processing document, respond to the following prompts for each row chosen:

  • Why might someone in your chosen career want to use the open source alternatives over the commercial option? Justify your responses with specific examples.
  • Describe the main feature(s) of the open source alternative(s) that would entice someone in the career you chose to use the open source software over the commercial software.
  • Compare the open source alternative(s) with the commercial software including unique software features of each.
  • Describe why it is important to update your open-source software on a regular basis.

For the above software choices, include at least one offline-only option available in the open-source community in case a user does not have internet access at all times.


For the above tasks, complete the following regarding citations:

  • Cite your work using IEEE format.
  • Cite all images used. You can provide a list of hyperlinks to the images used.

Due Dates and Submission Details

Please see the due dates page for more details on when this is due and how to submit your work.

Learning Goals and Success Criteria

The Overarching Learning Goal for this is Computer Systems.

The specific learning goal(s) for this include:

  • We are learning to assess software products and operating system needs.
Success Criteria Look Fors
I can describe the features and limitations of various operating systems functions that meet diverse user needs. πŸ“™ * specific examples included in responses,
* thorough comparison of choice of Linux distribution chosen,
* clear communication,
* clearly justified response related to career choice,
* various features discussed and compared with similar Windows/MacOS,
* multiple limitations of Linux conferred with clarity
I can assess user computing needs and select appropriate software for different situations. πŸ“™ * very specific career chosen,
* needs of a user in this career clearly identified,
* justified persuasive argument includes specific points backed up by sources,
* comparison includes multitude of features that relate to specific career