This script is still being finalized and is only intended as a starting point for people, please use at your own risk.
Workstation Requirements:
- Windows 7 or newer (Windows Management Framework 4.0 is required for Windows 7)
- MySQL Data Connector (installed via K1000 script)
Asset Settings:
- Go to Asset > Asset Types > Computer
- Add an asset field called "Desired Name" or something of that sort
- Use MySQL Workbench to lookup what name this new field is assigned
- It should be located in something similar to ORG1.ASSET_DATA_5 (may be different for you)
Label to target computers with new names:
- Create a smart label that targets computers as such:
- "Desired Name" != "" (blank)
Script Settings:
- Type: Online KScript
- Labels: the smart label you created above
- Operating Systems: Win7+
- Windows Run As: Local System
- Dependencies:
- MySql Data Connector installer MSI
- The powershell script created to rename the computer
- Task - Run Batch: powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file "set-name.ps1"
What this should do:
- Put any computer you add a "Desired Name" for in it's asset item to a smart label group
- Run the set-name file and rename the computer and restart at midnight