Final project in the course 'Introduction to Artificial Intelligence' at The Hebrew University
-- Usage --
install the requirements with (create before a virtual environment if needed):
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Running command: python3 <ARGS>
Running with human agent only works with adding --display and cannot run with more the one additional agent.
--display Add this argument to show GUI (only works with 2 agents)
--iterations Number of rounds between each two agents (default is 1)
--agents List of agents to run each one against the others:
ALL insert all agents except Human
H Human(human controlled agent)
R Random (performs random actions)
RX Reflex (chooses always the first legal action)
MM_G Minimax (with alpha-beta pruning) agent with General heuristic
MM_C Minimax (with alpha-beta pruning) agent with Corners heuristic
MM_A Minimax (with alpha-beta pruning) agent with Aggressive heuristic
MMD_G Minimax (with alpha-beta pruning and deviation random jumps) agent with General heuristic
MMD_C Minimax (with alpha-beta pruning and deviation random jumps) agent with Corners heuristic
MMD_A Minimax (with alpha-beta pruning and deviation random jumps) agent with Aggressive heuristic
python3 --display --agents MM_G H
python3 --agents ALL --iterations=10
python3 --agents R RX MM_G MM_A --iterations=50