How to make svn ignore jupyter checkpoints:
svn propset svn:ignore "*.pyc*
*checkpoint*" notebooks --recursive
Why install did not work properly at first:
in I used at first the same settings as in eidaqc:
packages = find_packages(where="src")
In dataqc however pip did not find the source files which is
why after installation in other environments the modules could
not be found.
Instead, this worked:
package_dir={'': 'src'},
packages=["data_quality_control"], #
I suspect, find_packages did not work because the directory
with the source files src/data_quality_control
has a different
name than the name of the package in the setup (dataqc
- module
is deprecated - possibly, the
class from moduleanalysis
should go tobase
because because it is parent class tosds_db.SDSDataBaseAnalyzer
. Then `analysis can be deprecated as well - Analyzer in sds_db can extract time ranges, including those passing midnight
reading psds from timelist: interpolation of times should occur outside of Analyzer class Usecase: Winddata, available at 6h-intervals. We want to extract times with certain ranges of velocities, e.g. all datetimes when 2 < v < 3 m/s. PSDs are available in 1h intervals. So we should interpolate the wind time series first to the higher interval, then select the times from the interpolated speeds.
The selection of the wind data has nothing to do with the properties of the PSDs except that we need to know the target interval
. But how we select the times from the wind data is specific to that data set. So for now, I suggest, that the Analyzer only needs to receive the final timelist. And we can provide a separate functionality that inrpolates the wind (or whatever) data to the right time grid and then allows customized selection. Maybe we could create a basic function, which can take the Analyzer as input and a tuple of times and values to interpolate. But extracting time and value from the raw data most likely needs a customized function because you never know how tims are provided, which columns to use etc. For selection, we also might require an intermediate, manual step, although we could probably build something standardized for simpler selection rules. -
Treat error due to merging of different sampling rates (GR.BFO..BHZ 30-Nov-2011)
- dataqc
process Options: - code - starttime, endtime - processing paramters - inventory_routing_type - sds_root
available Options: - code
plot needs to be able to differentiate between timelist and time range as input
Options: - code - starttime, endtime or timelist - -a, --a :plot all - -s, --spectrogram - --amplitude - --spectrogram3d
Calls: - dataqc plot code 2020-12-01 - dataqc plot code timelist.txt - dataqc plot code 2020-12-01 2020-12-02 2020-12-03 ... - dataqc windfilter wind.txt 2020-12-01 2021-01-01 3600 0 5| dataqc plot code
Logger managment
- Make logfile optional
- Make logfile destination optional
- Set logger from commandline
pass timelists or time range to Analyzer.get_data() via command line: Would be cool if the CLI would determine on its own whether the user gave
- 1 starttime, assuming time range until today
- 1 starttime, 1 endtime, defining a time range
- a file with a time list
- take time list from pipe However mutually exclusive mandatory arguments are not exactly planned in argparse. As of now, I think, we would need to build a relatively complicated if-else and try-except sequence to distinguish all the above cases. Maybe it is easier to pass them all as optional arguments and if no optional ars are given, we plot the entire available time range
base.GenericProcessor.expand_nslc(): add note to docs, that starttime, endtime must be set here as arguments so they can be called in child classes (e.g. for sds.db), even if they are not used in the base implementation.
For new Analyzer: when filtering for timelist, could we make it store the time range psd so that applying a different filter does not require reload? For the CLI it probably does not matter but for interactive use in ipython/jupyter it might be nice if you don't have to reload everything when you change the timelist.
to get metadata from HDF5 files (Interpolator) is it more efficient to access metadata dirctly?
Management of HDF5 output files: naming conventions, setting of start/endtime, determination of necessary array dimensions I tried allow any kernel_shift for the interpolator and thus every possible window size in the ProcessedData. Turns out though that this makes the handling of the continuous year/month/day/-output files horribly complicated. Especially, it makes it impossible to recompute a single file because the start/end date depends on the previous file and thus from the very first startdate in the sequence. Life would be much easier if we only allow window sizes that divide 24h without remainder. ....
DOC: Add note that window sizes are restricted to values that make integer quotients with days.
Interpolator: add kernelsize/shift as attributes?