A Typeorm storage backend for jolocom-sdk
In your ormconfig.ts
you need to add the jolocom-sdk entities to your
config option. Here's a full example typeorm config file:
export default {
type: 'sqlite',
database: './db.sqlite3',
logging: ['error', 'warn', 'schema'],
entities: [ 'node_modules/@jolocom/sdk-storage-typeorm/js/src/entities/*.js' ],
/** or if you list entity classes, then simply add the SDK entities
entities: [
// your entities here
// then
// migrations are recommended!
migrations: ['./migrations/*.ts'],
migrationsRun: true,
synchronize: false,
cli: {
migrationsDir: './migrations',
Then you need to generate migrations, for example using
yarn run typeorm migration:generate -n JolocomSDK
If you have { migrationsRun: true }
in your ormconfig.ts
as in the above
example, then the migration will automatically be run when you start the app
next. Otherwise you have to run it manually
Next, in your application, instantiate the storage module with a typeorm connection, then pass it to the JolocomSDK constrcutor
Full app example:
const typeorm = require('typeorm')
const { JolocomTypeormStorage } = require('@jolocom/sdk-storage-typeorm')
const { JolocomSDK } = require('jolocom-sdk')
const typeormConfig = require('./ormconfig')
async function init() {
const typeormConnection = await typeorm.createConnection(typeormConfig)
const storage = new JolocomTypeormStorage(typeormConnection)
console.log('about to create SDK instance')
const sdk = new JolocomSDK({ storage })
// Running sdk.init() with no arguments will:
// - create an identity if it doesn't exist
// - load the identity from storage
const identityWallet = await sdk.init()
console.log('Agent identity', identityWallet.identity)