I never heard about Git aliases before. Apparently you can define git
command aliases, so here goes a cool tip for getting started with aliases and of course a nice way to see what files where involved a specific number of commits back
Edit your ~/.gitconfig
and a alias section
lsch = "!f() { git diff --name-status -r "HEAD~$1"; }; f"
And then you can do:
$ git lsch 10
Output from my TIL repository, when writing this til (prior too committing)
$ git lsch 10
M _config.yml
A bash/create_dir_for_own_completions.md
M editorconfig/perl.md
A mojolicious/enable_syntax_highlighting_for_configuration_files.md
A ubuntu/install_updates_via_cli.md
A xml/fast_xml-xsd_validation_on_cli.md
Have fun exploiting the git
command aliases