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Jonas Schnelli edited this page Jul 8, 2015 · 4 revisions

8. July 2015

Decided to start a bitcoin fork (made 2015/05/corewallet as main branch in jonasschnelli/bitcoin) with the goal, later merging into the main bitcoin/bitcoin repository. This will allow people to track changes and contribute in form or code, issues or reviews.

Current status:

Corewallet can now send and receive transaction in parallel to the existing wallet. Its possible to send funds from one to another wallet. If corewallet has been enabled, mining (generate) will fund to the first corewallet wallet. Most of the logic has been taken from the existing wallet. Most functions has been heavily rewritten. WalletTx is now a real data model class and has no longer that much business logic. Somehow the design of the current wallet CWallet->CWalletTx->pWallet is very heavy to read and breaks most OO guidelines. The balance functions are also now gathered together in one function. Coinselection is more or less taken 1:1 from the existing wallet.

What is working

  • Full multiwallet support
  • Full HD support with multiple chains of keys per wallet, flexible chain path, internal/external chain
  • Full sending and receiving stack
  • New RPC interface over /corewallet endpoint
  • RPC fully and only supports key=value parameters
  • No wallet encryption right now
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