Recently with the hot days of summer, my computer was suffering from the heat and sometimes it was shutting down unexpectedly. My high GPU usage mixed up with the ~35-45°C summer temperatures could make my computer shut down many times in a few hours.
As a solution I decided to use monitoring tools to watch the temperatures of my graphic card and processor to predict and then prevent any shutdown (by reducing the load for example). The tools I had found online could do the job and showed the temperatures in real time but I couldn't really make my own board or use multiple charts with a nice look as I wanted.
Since I'm a developer, I decided to create my own monitoring dashboard, the target was to code a simple but efficient monitoring tool suiting my needs.
I also wanted to try new languages/frameworks I've never used before to challenge myself and learn new things. I made a python back API collecting the data (temperatures, load...) from Open Hardware Monitor. And for the front, I chose to use VueJS and the library Chart.js to create the dashboard and charts. The server and the client communicate on a socket to ensure a permanent flow of data.
Video capture (converted to gif)
- install Open Hardware Monitor
- install python if you don't have it yet
- install the required python libraries : socketio, wmi and eventlet
run the cmd as administrator and run theses commands to install the libraries :pip install python-socketio
pip install WMI
time and json libraries are also required but they should be installed by default with pythonpip install eventlet
- install Node.js to get node and npm
- open a CLI, navigate into the folder Client/ of the project and install the packages with this command :
npm install
- to start the python server you just need to launch the file Server/ with python
- start the client in development mode with the command :
npm run serve
- the application is available on you browser at http://localhost:8080/
you can also build for production to deploy on a server with the command :
npm run build
it will create a folder dist/ that you can use to deploy the application on your server
for example you can run the application client on a python server
to serve the client with python, use this command inside the dist/ folder :
python -m http.server 8080
the application is available on you browser at http://localhost:8080/