The repo is the source code for
Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
This site was built entirely by my hands, from scratch, using a combination of Jekyll, Tailwind and Alpine.js. However, I would like to give a big shout out to Brittany Chiang for much inspiration.
I am happy to pay it forward. If you would like to fork this site please go ahead, but you must have attribution to visible on your site. Maybe give this repo a star too if you do not mind.
Getting Jekyll and Tailwind to play together took a little bit of searching and tinkering but overall, the combination is super easy to work with. Add in Alpine.js and overall you have a very quick and easy way to build ann interactive static website.
Before you go any further:
For local development, use the following script to view your site:
# runs: bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
updates the browser real-time as you make changes to your code.
You can test your build with the following script:
# runs: JEKYLL_ENV=production NODE_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build
This site comes with a GitHub Workflow to deploy to your GitHub Pages site.
You will need to configure GitHub Pages on your account:
- Go to your repo settings
- Select Pages from the left hand menu
- If you have not already done so, follow the instructions for setting up your Pages site
- For Build and deployment, select GitHub Actions for
- Every time you commit changes to
the GitHub Workflow will trigger