Easily customize macOS NSWindow and adapt on the fly.
Simply import WindowMaker into the Swift file you want to use it in.
In SwiftUI, add an optional window variable to the top of the View struct and attach the WindowMaker to a background modifier as seen below.
@State private var window: NSWindow?
.background(WindowMaker(window: $window, settings: .init(identifier: Wnd.shareView.rawValue, showCloseButton: false, showMiniaturizeButton: false, showZoomButton: false, backgroundColor: .black, isOpaque: true, isMovable: true, isMovableByWindowBackground: true, acceptsMouseMovedEvents: true, titleVisibility: .hidden, titleBarAppearsTransparent: true, showsToolbarButton: false, toolbarIsVisible: false, contentAspectRatio: controller.unwrappedAspectRatio)))
You can also react to changes to the window as below.
.onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: NSApplication.willTerminateNotification), perform: { _ in
window?.isReleasedWhenClosed = true
There are two ways to open the customized window
- Register the Wnd url with the info.plist & use Wnd.open(_ identifier: String)
- You can either add "URL types" -> add item -> Document Role (Editor) + URL Schemes (WindowMaker or the name of your choice but if you customize this name make sure you change the Wnd.urlName at run-time) or you can go to the Target -> Info tab (along top) -> URL Types -> click + button and add in the name for "URL Schemes"
- Add the WindowGroup in the main app file and add "handlesExternalEvents(matching: )" to the WindowGroup.
WindowGroup {
if controller.shareFile {
.handlesExternalEvents(matching: Set(arrayLiteral: Wnd.shareView.rawValue))
- Then you simply call Wnd.open(_ identifier: String) and pass in the window identifier from anywhere in the app you want.
- Manually activate the window easily by calling an @objc func and pass in the name.
- This method is more forceful and show be avoided unless there are issues with the first way.
@objc func activateShareWindow(_ sender: AnyObject) {
NSApp.setActivationPolicy(.regular) //Optionally, set the activation policy.
// This needs to be done on the main queue or the app will have issues rendering and with performance.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
NSApp.windows.forEach({ Console("Window: \($0.identifier?.rawValue ?? "N/A")") })
if let window = NSApp.windows.first(where: { $0.identifier?.rawValue ?? "" == Wnd.shareView.rawValue }) {
If you use Swift Package Manager, simply add ReactiveSwift as a dependency
of your package in Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/jonnyholland/WindowMaker.git", from: "1.0.0")