This repository contains documentation/bindings generators and the configs for all Bricks and Bricklets, which describe the different language bindings.
- language/ (c, python, etc):
- Contains language specific IP Connection
- and language specific documentation/bindings generators
- configs/:
- Contains the configs for all Bricks and Bricklets
- Generates all bindings and documentations
- Copies all bindings and documentations to the corresponding places
The generators are written in Python and meant to be executed on Linux. They work with Python 2.7. Python 3 will probably not work.
The generators for specific bindings can have extra requirements, typically the compilers for compiled languages (the following list is incomplete):
- C#:
- Mono 3.2 or higher (gmcs + runtime)
If you only want to generate the bindings it is sufficient to clone this repository. For example, to generate the C# bindings execute the following commands:
cd csharp python python
If you want to generate the documentation as well, you have to clone all
Brick gits and all Bricklet gits in parallel to the generators git.
Otherwise the
scripts can't find the
examples that are used in the documentation.