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Jonathan Öhrström edited this page May 25, 2020 · 8 revisions


BetterWarden - Core

ConVar Default Description
sm_warden_version Plugin Version Current version running. Debugging purposes only! Do NOT change this!
sm_warden_admin b The flag used for admin commands.
sm_warden_noblock 1 Give the warden the ability to toggle noblock via sm_noblock? 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.
sm_warden_cellscmd 1 Give the warden ability to toggle cell-doors via sm_open? Cell doors on every map needs to be setup with SmartJailDoors for this to work! 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.
sm_warden_same_twice 0 Prevent the same warden from becoming warden next round instantly? This should only be used on populated servers for obvious reasons. 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.
sm_warden_stats 1 Have a hint message up during the round with information about who's warden, how many players there are etc. 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.
sm_warden_colorR 33 The Red value of the color the warden gets.
sm_warden_colorG 114 The Green value of the color the warden gets.
sm_warden_colorB 255 The Blue value of the color the warden gets.
sm_warden_icon 1 Have an icon above the wardens' head? 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.
sm_warden_icon_path decals/BetterWarden/warden The path to the icon. Do not include file extensions! The path here should be from whithin the materials/ folder.
sm_warden_deathsound 1 Play a sound telling everyone the warden has died? 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.
sm_warden_createsound 1 Play a sound to everyone when someone becomes warden 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.
sm_warden_logs 0 Do you want the plugin to write logs? Generally only necessary when you're experiencing any sort of issue. 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.
sm_warden_nolr 1 Allow warden to control if terrorists can do a !lastrequest or !lr when available? 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.

BetterWarden - Menu

ConVar Default Description
sm_cmenu_hns 1 Add an option for Hide and Seek in the menu? 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.
sm_cmenu_hns_godmode 1 Makes CT's invulnerable against attacks from T's during HnS to prevent rebels. 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.
sm_cmenu_hns_rounds 2 How many times is HnS allowed per map? Set to 0 for unlimited.
sm_cmenu_freeday 1 Add an option for a freeday in the menu? 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.
sm_cmenu_freeday_rounds 2 How many times is a Freeday allowed per map? Set to 0 for unlimited.
sm_cmenu_warday 1 Add an option for Warday in the menu? 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.
sm_cmenu_warday_rounds 1 How many times is a Warday allowed per map? Set to 0 for unlimited.
sm_cmenu_gravity 1 Add an option for a gravity freeday in the menu? 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.
sm_cmenu_gravity_team 2 Which team should get a special gravity on Gravity Freedays? 0 = All teams. 1 = Counter-Terrorists. 2 = Terorrists.
sm_cmenu_gravity_strength 0.5 What should the gravity be set to on Gravity Freedays?
sm_cmenu_gravity_rounds 1 How many times is a Gravity Freeday allowed per map? Set to 0 for unlimited.
sm_cmenu_noblock 1 sm_warden_noblock needs to be set to 1 for this to work! Add an option for toggling noblock in the menu? 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.
sm_cmenu_auto_open 1 Automatically open the menu when a user becomes warden? 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.
sm_cmenu_weapons 1 Add an option for giving the warden a list of weapons via the menu? 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.
sm_cmenu_restricted_freeday 1 Add an option for a restricted freeday in the menu? This event uses the same configuration as a normal freeday. 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.
sm_cmenu_player_freeday 1 Add an option for giving a specific player a freeday in the menu? 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.
sm_cmenu_doors 1 sm_warden_cellscmd needs to be set to 1 for this to work! Add an option for opening doors via the menu. 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable

BetterWarden - Catch Add-On!

ConVar Default Description
sm_warden_catch_freezetime 1 Freeze all CT's for a specified time when game is started? 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.
sm_warden_catch_freezetime_amount 5 If sm_warden_catch_freezetime is set to 1, how long should they be frozen? In seconds.

BetterWarden - Models Add-On!

ConVar Default Description
sm_warden_model 1 Enable or disable the warden getting a player model.
sm_warden_deputy_model 0 Give the other CT's a fitting model aswell?
sm_warden_prisoner_model 0 Give all the T a prisoner model?

BetterWarden - Vote Day Add-On!

ConVar Default Description
sm_warden_vote_duration 30.0 The duration of event day votes.
sm_warden_vote_spam 1 Prevent users from starting another vote after one has failed in the same round? 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.

BetterWarden - Wild West Add-On!

ConVar Default Description
sm_betterwarden_wildwest_weapon weapon_revolver What weapon is supposed to be used? Use the entity names.

BetterWarden - Zombie Add-On!

ConVar Default Description
sm_warden_zombie_swapback 1 In the round after a zombie round, swap back the CT's, that were infected, to Counter-Terrorists? 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.
sm_warden_zombie_health 2000 How much max-health should zombies have?

BetterWarden - Gangs Add-On!

ConVar Default Description
sm_warden_gang_tside 1 Only allow Terrorists to use Gang-functions? This is usually a good idea since CT can ghost via gang chat otherwise. 1= Enable. 0 = Disable
sm_warden_gang_chat 1 Enable private gang chat channels? This is done by typing a % before the message in team-chat. 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.
sm_warden_gang_chattag 1 Show the player's gang name in chat before the name. 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.
sm_warden_gang_clantag 1 Show the player's gang name as a clan tag. 1 = Enable. 0 = Disable.
sm_warden_gang_clantag_timer 5 This only matters if sm_warden_gang_clantag is set to 1! The amount of seconds the plugin should check a clients tag. You only really need to modify this if you have another plugin conflicting.
sm_warden_gang_ownerinvite 1 Only allow the owner to invite other players to the gang? 1 = Only owner can invite. 0 = Every member can invite.