REQUIRES: Python >= 3.6.6, Django >= 3.0.7 and other packages specified in 'reqs.txt'
Clone or download the source code. Create a virtual enviroment (venv) with
python -m venv mynewvirtualenv
. A folder called 'mynewvirtualenv' will be created -
Go inside the 'mynewvirtualenv' folder, then go inside 'Scripts' folder and activate the virtual enviroment with
. activate
, then go back to the root of the proyect -
Install pip, update it if necessary; do it with
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
. Then install the required packages with the commandpip install -r reqs.txt
Run migrations with
python migrate
Create a superuser with
python createsuperuser
and fill the required info
IMPORTANT: After step 5 a blog_author object must be created, this object will have a One To One relation with the superuser due the models are configured that way to create also an author when a user is created. In production, the blog_author object for the superuser isn't actually required (that's why neither the slug, email or bio are needed) but it is required at the set-up moment in order not to produce an error that says that the blog_author instance is missing. Now we'll see how to avoid this and create the object from the python shell
* Open the interactive shell: `python shell`, then import the model with `from MyApp.models import blog_author`
* Import the superuser: `from django.contrib.auth.models import User`, you can verify if the superuser has been created with
`User.objects.all()` - You'll see the user you've created in step 5.
* Create the supusr object with `supusr = User.objects.get(username='Username')`, Username is the same you wrote in step 5
* Then create the blog_author object with `blog_author.objects.create(name=supusr)` and that's it
Rename .env.example to .env and modify the values
Go to the root project folder and run the server with
python runserver
For further information read the DjangoTutorial.txt file
NOTE: Don't forget to install Node dependencies with npm install