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Sprint Report

Jørgen Finsveen edited this page May 2, 2023 · 1 revision

Sprint 1

Date 16.01.2023 - 05.02.2023
Attendees Petter Edvardsen, Even Johan Pereira Haslerud, Jørgen Finsveen, Håvard Hetland Vestbø, Ole Kristian Dvergsdal
Topics Establish group, discuss clients and research


What went well? What did not go so well? What will we do differently?
Cooperation and brainstorming Group contract should have included meeting schedule Take advantage of the classes we have at the campus to have meetings and discuss ideas
Agreeing on certain design principles

Action items

Action item Person responsible Due date
Groupwork and research Petter Edvardsen 05.02.2023
Groupwork and research Even Johan Pereira Haslerud 05.02.2023
Groupwork and research Jørgen Finsveen 05.02.2023
Groupwork and research Håvard Hetland Vestbø 05.02.2023
Groupwork and research Ole Kristian Dvergsdal 05.02.2023

Sprint 2

Date 06.02.2023 - 26.02.2023
Attendees Petter Edvardsen, Even Johan Pereira Haslerud, Jørgen Finsveen, Håvard Hetland Vestbø, Ole Kristian Dvergsdal
Topics Initial User-story, Use-case and wireframes, Usability tests


What went well? What did not go so well? What will we do differently?
Productive user testing
Design principles were agreed upon
Wireframes and mockups finishes

Action items

Action item Person responsible Due date
Research, usertests Petter Edvardsen 26.02.2023
Contact client Even Johan Pereira Haslerud 26.02.2023
Research, usertest Jørgen Finsveen 26.02.2023
Contact client Håvard Hetland Vestbø 26.02.2023
Research, usertests Ole Kristian Dvergsdal 26.02.2023

Sprint 3

Date 27.02.2023 - 19.03.2023
Attendees Petter Edvardsen, Even Johan Pereira Haslerud, Jørgen Finsveen, Håvard Hetland Vestbø, Ole Kristian Dvergsdal
Topics Evaluation of Usability testing, prepare new iteration of testing


What went well? What did not go so well? What will we do differently?
Good and valuable feedback from user testing of wireframes

Action items

Action item Person responsible Due date
User Testing, Prepare next iteration of testing Petter Edvardsen 19.03.2023
User Testing, documentation, arrange meeting with stakeholder Even Johan Pereira Haslerud 19.03.2023
User Testing, documentation Jørgen Finsveen 19.03.2023
User Testing, documentation Håvard Hetland Vestbø 19.03.2023
User Testing, documentation Ole Kristian Dvergsdal 19.03.2023

Sprint 4

Date 20.03.2023 - 09.04.2023
Attendees Petter Edvardsen, Even Johan Pereira Haslerud, Jørgen Finsveen, Håvard Hetland Vestbø, Ole Kristian Dvergsdal
Topics Final usability tests, Application development


What went well? What did not go so well? What will we do differently?
Big progress on the application Finish all issues Commit more regularly

Action items

Action item Person responsible Due date
Work on application, and new user testing Petter Edvardsen 09.04.2023
Work on application, and new user testing Even Johan Pereira Haslerud 09.04.2023
Work on application, and new user testing Jørgen Finsveen 09.04.2023
Work on application, and new user testing Håvard Hetland Vestbø 09.04.2023
Work on application, and new user testing Ole Kristian Dvergsdal 09.04.2023

Sprint 5

Date 10.04.2023 - 28.04.2023
Attendees Petter Edvardsen, Even Johan Pereira Haslerud, Jørgen Finsveen, Håvard Hetland Vestbø, Ole Kristian Dvergsdal
Topics Finalize project - refactoring, documentation, feedback


What went well? What did not go so well? What will we do differently?
Project was ready for delivery early

Action items

Action item Person responsible Due date
Finalize report and front-end Petter Edvardsen 28.04.2023
Finalize back-end and front-end Even Johan Pereira Haslerud 28.04.2023
Finalize back-end and front-end Jørgen Finsveen 28.04.2023
Finalize wiki documentation Håvard Hetland Vestbø 28.04.2023
Finalize back-end Ole Kristian Dvergsdal 28.04.2023
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