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Technical challenge for a Backend Engineer position at Consensys [Infura]. Consist of a Go rest api, acting as a middleware to Infura api, applying some caching and load testing. Uses GoLang, Redis, Docker, Compose, ddosify.

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Infura Infra Test

Run me

  1. Run go get
  2. Enable ENV vars for API_BASE_URL, INFURA_PROJECT_ID, and PORT.
  3. Run docker run --name infura-test-redis -p 6379:6379 --rm redis for launching a redis db instance.
  4. Run the app go run main.go

Using the Docker image:

  1. Run docker compose up


  1. Used fiber web framework for building the Rest API, fiber is for Go what express is for node. WHy I used it?
    • It's Built on top of go fasthttp (an alternative to Go default net/http module) which is basically a better implementation to the way net/http launches a thread per request.
    • Fasthttp is built for handling thousands of rps, low or mid-size.
    • Fiber routing is pretty easy to set up, also has a lot of configs and middlewares available.
    • I've used it for a while.
  2. Used a single endpoint InfuraHttpRequest. To handle a good amount of methods from the infura API.
  3. The Dockerfile is a pretty simple Multi stage Docker, compiling the Go code in container A, moving the generated executable to container B, running the container B.
  4. Added 2 caching layers, the 1st made with redis, and the 2nd as a middleware from the fiber framework. (docker-compose.yaml with redis db added)
  5. For the load tests, the project uses ddosify a pretty simple yet powerful cli testing tool. DETAILS ABOUT THE LOAD TESTS RESULTS HERE


Technical challenge for a Backend Engineer position at Consensys [Infura]. Consist of a Go rest api, acting as a middleware to Infura api, applying some caching and load testing. Uses GoLang, Redis, Docker, Compose, ddosify.







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