Files for deployment of OCR-D processing-server
Start OCR-D Processing-Server together with the OCR-D Webapi in a VM
- Processing-Server and Webapi run in docker on the VM
- Workers are started on the VM
- Workers are installed in a venv
- Traefik to route to either the Processing-Server or Webapi (for workflows/workspaces management)
- create venv on VM with script The needed processors are installed to this venv. venv is added to PATH with ~/.profile:
if [ -d '$HOME/venv-ocrd/bin' ]; then
- create ssh-key for Procesing-Server to ssh into the VM (its own host)
- the pub-key is added to ~/.ssh/authorized keys and the private key will be volume-mounted to the Processing-Server Docker Container
- clone Webapi-Repo
- Reason: Webapi-container will be build from this cloned repo
- Create Volume folder for workspaces:
- /tmp/ocrd-webapi-data
- owner is normal user (uid 1000)
- folder must be created before webapi-container startup, otherwise it will be owned by root
- must be identically for what is used in the webapi:
and the volume mount of/tmp/ocrd-webapi-data:/tmp/ocrd-webapi-data
. Otherwise workspace_id resolving will not work
- upload processing-server config:
- must be volume mounted to the processing-server
- start docker-compose.yml in vm
- currently username and password are commented in the docker-compose file. They must be set to make uploading possible
- I use the ansible-playbook to set up the VM
- the repos structure currently is based on my needs to work together with my other ansible stuff I use for other projects.
- I forgot how I installed ansible, but that should be simple
- Ansible needs to know how to login to the servers. There is a default way to provide
this info (
-file in /etc/ansible). But I wanted to keep the hosts here so I use ansible.cfg to set where to look for the hosts - So it is neccessary to copy ansible.cfg.example to ansible.cfg and set
to the folder of this repo.- info regarding ansible.cfg detection:
- first it checks env-var, then current dir, then home then /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
- info regarding ansible.cfg detection:
- Hosts file must be copied as well:
cp hosts.example hosts
and the path to the ssh-key must be set
ansible-playbook p_install_processing_server.yml
- In ansible there are roles and tasks. For this script I only use tasks because of interference with my other ansible playbooks/setup
- I have a ansible-script to to a basic cloud-server setup (I use that for all my vms): install some stuff like fzf and ripgrep, disable password login, vimrc, docker-mtu etc. But this is not included here, this playbook is only about what is specific for ocrd-webapi/processing-server
- the examples folder contains example workflows and my script which I use to test a running installation
- create config.yaml from template config.example.yaml. Fill variables especially
which are required for running a workflow ./ run-workflow -e PAGE