is a collection of methods and utilities for the simulation of Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) networks. It provides a composites interface to be used together with
the D-Wave Ocean software stack.
To install from source:
python setup.py install
from qca_tools import QCAComposite
from dimod.reference.samplers import SimulatedAnnealingSampler
# Set-up file path
dir = './benchmarks/'
qca_filename = 'XOR.qca'
filepath = os.path.join(dir, qca_filename)
# Create sampler
child_sampler = SimulatedAnnealingSampler()
qca_sampler = QCAComposite(child_sampler, qca_filename)
# Collect samples
response = qca_sampler.sample()
A drawing of the QCA network can be generated using the NetworkX interpretation method. Either directly from a previously parsed QCANetwork:
# Using the sampler above
qca_network = qca_sampler.get_qca_network()
# Get NetworkX from QCA
QCAnx = QCANetworkX(qca_network)
Or from a *.qca file:
# From file
QCAnx = QCANetworkX.from_qca_file(filepath, ancilla=True, r_max=R_MAX)