kubash build
First you should set an ssh key to be added to the
on the hosts, either set the key as an environment veriable directly as
export KEYS_TO_ADD='ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTY68No= adminuser@testbox'
Or alternatively give it an url to a set of pubkeys
export KEYS_URL='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/myorg/keys/master/keys'
--builder packer
This will build images using packer
--builder coreos
This will download the official coreos images
--target-os ubuntu
This will build ubuntu images
--target-os debian
This will build debian images
--target-os fedora
This will build fedora images
--target-os centos
This will build centos images
--target-os coreos
This will build coreos images (* no packer build for this*)
--target-os kubeadm
This will build centos images
with the addition of getting the kube repos added and kubeadm etc installed
--target-os kubeadm2ha
This will build centos images
with the addition of prepping for the kubeadm2ha ansible playbook
--target-os kubespray
This will build centos images
with the addition of prepping for the kubespray ansible playbook
--target-os openshift
This will build centos images
with the addition of prepping for the openshift ansible playbook
For the packer build you can specify alternate json files to use
--target-build my-alternate.json
This must exist in $KUBASH_DIR/pax/$target_os/my-alternate.json
For the coreos option this sets the channel (stable,beta,alpha)
--target-build beta