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A WordPress plugin that serves up slimmer WP Rest API endpoints.



better-rest-endpoints/v1/posts Gets a collection of posts. Accepts the following parameters:

  • acf (boolean - setting to false omits acf from being returned)
  • author (string) limit posts by author nice name (user_nicename)
  • category id (int)
  • category_name (string)
  • content (boolean) set to false to omit content from showing in JSON response
  • exclude (int) a post ID to exclude from the response
  • media (boolean - setting to false omits media (featured media) from being returned)
  • order (string - 'ASC' vs 'DESC')
  • orderby (string)
  • page (int)
  • per_page (int)
  • tag id (int)
  • yoast (boolean - setting to false omits yoast from being returned)

It returns a JSON response with the following:

  • ACF fields, if applicable
  • all possible thumbnail sizes & URL
  • Author, user_nicename, & Author ID
  • Categories
  • Category IDs
  • content
  • date (ISO 8601)
  • excerpt
  • id
  • slug
  • Tag IDs
  • Tags
  • title
  • Yoast SEO fields, if applicable


better-rest-endpoints/v1/post/{id} Get a post by ID.

Accepts the following parameters:

  • ID (int)

Returns a JSON response with the following:

  • ACF fields, if applicable
  • all possible thumbnail sizes & URLs
  • Author, user_nicename, & Author ID
  • Categories
  • Category IDs
  • content
  • date (ISO 8601)
  • excerpt
  • id
  • slug
  • Tag IDs
  • Tags
  • title
  • Yoast SEO fields, if applicable

Post by slug

better-rest-endpoints/v1/post/{slug} Get a post by ID.

Accepts the following parameters:

  • slug (string)

Returns a JSON response with the following:

  • ACF fields, if applicable
  • all possible thumbnail sizes & URLs
  • Author, user_nicename, & Author ID
  • Categories
  • Category IDs
  • content
  • date (ISO 8601)
  • excerpt
  • id
  • slug
  • Tag IDs
  • Tags
  • title
  • Yoast SEO fields, if applicable


better-rest-endpoints/v1/pages Gets a collection of pages. Accepts the following parameters:

  • acf (boolean - setting to false omits acf from being returned)
  • content (boolean - setting to false hides the content from the response)
  • exclude (int)
  • exclude (int) a post ID to exclude from the response
  • media (boolean - setting to false omits media (featured media) from being returned)
  • order (string - 'ASC' vs 'DESC')
  • orderby (string)
  • page (int)
  • per_page (int)
  • yoast (boolean - setting to false omits yoast from being returned)

Returns the following JSON Response:

  • ACF Fields
  • all possible thumbnail sizes & URLs
  • Content
  • ID
  • Slug
  • Template Name
  • Title
  • Yoast SEO Fields

Page by ID

better-rest-endpoints/v1/page/{id} Get a page by ID.

Accepts the following parameters:

  • ID (int)

Returns a JSON response with the following:

  • ACF fields, if applicable
  • all possible thumbnail sizes & URLs
  • content
  • id
  • slug
  • template name
  • title
  • Yoast SEO fields, if applicable

Custom Post Type Collection

better-rest-endpoints/v1/{custom_post_type} Gets a collection of posts from a custom post type. Accepts the following parameters:

  • acf (boolean - setting to false omits acf from being returned)
  • content (boolean - setting to false omits the_content from being returned)
  • exclude (int) a post ID to exclude from the response
  • media (boolean - setting to false omits media (featured media) from being returned)
  • orderby (string) - see the codex for options, currently does not support multiple values
  • page (int)
  • per_page (int)
  • yoast (boolean - setting to false omits yoast from being returned)

Returns the following JSON response:

  • ACF fields if applicable
  • all possible thumbnail sizes & URLs
  • Author, user_nicename, & Author ID
  • content
  • date (ISO 8601)
  • excerpt
  • ID
  • post terms
  • slug
  • title
  • Yoast SEO fields if applicable

Custom Post Type Post by ID

better-rest-endpoints/v1/{custom_post_type}/{id} Gets a single custom post type item. Accepts the following parameters:

  • ID

Returns the following JSON Response:

  • ACF Fields, if applicable
  • all possible thumbnail sizes & URLs
  • Author, user_nicename, & Author ID
  • content
  • date (ISO 8601)
  • excerpt
  • ID
  • post terms
  • slug
  • title
  • Yoast SEO Fields, if applicable

Custom Post Type Post by Slug

better-rest-endpoints/v1/{custom_post_type}/{slug} Gets a single custom post type item. Accepts the following parameters:

  • slug

Returns the following JSON Response:

  • ACF Fields, if applicable
  • all possible thumbnail sizes & URLs
  • Author, user_nicename, & Author ID
  • content
  • date (ISO 8601)
  • excerpt
  • ID
  • post terms
  • slug
  • title
  • Yoast SEO Fields, if applicable

Get Posts Belonging To A Taxonomy Term

better-rest-endpoints/v1/{taxonomy}/{term} Gets posts from a taxonomy term. Accepts the following parameters:

  • acf (boolean - setting to false omits acf from being returned)
  • content (boolean - setting to false omits the_content from being returned)
  • exclude (int) a post ID to exclude from the response
  • media (boolean - setting to false omits media (featured media) from being returned)
  • orderby (string) - see the codex for options, currently does not support multiple values
  • page (int)
  • per_page (int)
  • yoast (boolean - setting to false omits yoast from being returned)

Returns the following JSON Response:

  • ACF Fields, if applicable
  • all possible thumbnail sizes & URLs
  • Author, user_nicename, & Author ID
  • content
  • date (ISO 8601)
  • excerpt
  • ID
  • post terms
  • slug
  • title
  • Yoast SEO Fields, if applicable


better-rest-endpoints/v1/menus/{menu-slug} Gets a WordPress Menu by slug. Accepts no parameters.

Returns the following JSON Response in each item object:

  • classes (array)
  • description
  • ID
  • menu item parent
  • menu_order
  • slug
  • target
  • title
  • url


better-rest-endpoints/v1/taxonomies Gets a list of taxonomies used by WordPress. Accepts no parameters.

Returns the following JSON response in each item object:

  • Description
  • Hierarchical (true/false)
  • Name
  • Slug


better-rest-endpoints/v1/search Gets a collection of posts and pages based on the search parameter. Accepts the following parameters:

  • acf (boolean - setting to false omits acf from being returned)
  • category id (int)
  • content (boolean) set to false to omit content from showing in JSON response
  • media (boolean - setting to false omits media (featured media) from being returned)
  • page (int)
  • per_page (int)
  • search (string | required)
  • tag id (int)
  • yoast (boolean - setting to false omits yoast from being returned)

It returns a JSON response with the following (returns an empty array if no posts found):

  • ACF fields, if applicable
  • all possible thumbnail sizes & URL
  • Author, user_nicename, & Author ID
  • Categories
  • Category IDs
  • content
  • date (ISO 8601)
  • excerpt
  • id
  • slug
  • Tag IDs
  • Tags
  • title
  • Yoast SEO fields, if applicable

Hooks and Filters

Filter the Custom Post Types endpoints

add_filter('better_rest_endpoints_cpt_collection', function($cpt_collection){
	$cpt_collection = array_flip($cpt_collection);
	$cpt_collection = array_values( array_flip($cpt_collection) );
	return $cpt_collection;


A WordPress plugin that serves up slimmer WP Rest API endpoints.







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  • PHP 99.6%
  • JavaScript 0.4%