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Prerequisites - Before setting up an AIFactory

Step 1) Create Azure Devops (or Github) projects

  • Purpose: Where the AIFactory acceleration code resides
  • Role needed: Central IT. Microsoft EntraID administrator. Azure Devops administrator
  • Mandatory: Yes.
  • What: CODE repository: Create your Azure Devops project to store the AIFactory acceleration code (IaC, and templates) and Azure Devops Service Connections, based on Service principal "esml-common-bicep" (see step 3-7)
  • TODO:
    1. Create a new Azure Devops project (or reuse an existing). GOAL & REASON: Admin to Create a Service Connection, based on a Service Principal (step 5) with OWNER permisson on subscription, and GET,LIST, SET access policys on seeding keyvault (step 3). The Service Connection should have access to "all pipelines" in Azure Devops (at crestion step there is a checkbox for this)
    2. Create 2 GIT repositories, in your Azure Devops
      • ESML-AIFactory-Common
      • ESML-AIFactory-Project001
      • How-to guide : Create GIT repos

Step 2) - Create Azure subscriptions (Enterprise Scale landing zone: Application landingzones)

  • Purpose: To have the AIFactory DEV, TEST, PROD environments
  • Role needed: Central IT / Cloud Team
  • Mandatory: DEV is mandatory. 1 Subscription
  • A) Create Subscriptions
    • Option A (Recommended to try out the AIFactory): Create 1 Azure subscription to act as the Dev environment. The AIFactory can simulate Test, Prod workflows (MLOps, LLMOps) with only a Dev
    • Option B (Recommended for productional use): For full AIFactory, create 3 Azure subscriptions (Dev, Stage, Prod)
    • How-to guide: Create Azure subscriptions
    • Read more about AIFactory Enterprise Scale Landing Zones
  • B) Enable resource providers: Enable the resource providers as specified here
  • C) ESGenAI and AzureOpenAI: For each subscription you need to have an approved application via a registration form, that you sign off on that you will use Azure OpenAI responsibly
    • TODO:
    • Planned scaling of AIFactory: If you need to scale the AIFactory beyond the 3 subscriptions (Dev-001, Test-001, Prod-001) technical quota roof, also do this beforehand:
      • Example: If you want to have twice compute quota, create 6 subscriptions: Dev-001, Dev-002, Test-001, Test-002,Prod-001, Prod-002, and apply via form for all six.

Step C - More info) - ESGenAI project: Azure OpenAI apply for each Azure subscriptions (Responsible AI purpose)

NB! If you only want to use the AIFActory for ESML projects, this is not needed. But if you want to use it for ESGenAI projects, meaning using Azure OpenAI for generative AI purpose, this is mandatory. Otherwise the Azure OpenAI services cannot be provisioned and used.

  • For each subscription: Dev, Test, Prod, you need to apply via a form, that you will use Azure OpenAI responsibly, otherwise the Azure OpenAI services cannot be provisioned and used in that Subscripion.
  • Info about AzureOpenAI limited access

Step 3) Create an Azure keyvault for the admin of Microsoft Entra ID: The so called seeding keyvault (IaC purpose), and created Service principals

  • Purpose: For the admin (usually Central IT), who has access to Microsoft Entra ID to created service principals, to store information, to be consumed by AIFactory IaC pipeline.
  • Role needed: Central IT / Cloud Team
  • Mandatory: Yes
  • How-to guide: Create & Use the AIFactory seeding keyvault

Step 4) Networking: Allocate vNet ranges in your IP-plan: 3 vNets with /16 CIDR size (at least /20)

  • Purpose: To be able to peer the AIFactory later.
  • Role needed: Network team within Central IT / Cloud Team
  • Mandatory: No. We an setup an AIFactory standalone. But it cannot be peered later on. We need to use Bastion & VM to access it.
  • Mandatory with /16 size: No. 16 is optimal, but a size /18 will also work (10 0000 IP adresses or more), but not recommended for productional use (not even for DEV environment)
  • TODO: Alloate at 1 or 3 vNet ranges, of size /16

Step 5) Create 3 service principals, and store info(appid, ObjectId, Secret) in the seeding keyvault (see step 3)

  • Purpose: To be used to setup the AIFactory. The information of the service principals: ObjectID, ApplicationID, Secret needs to be stored in the seeding keyvault
    • SP1: esml-common-bicep-sp: IaC purpose. This service principal will be used as a Service connection in Azure Devops. Used in a pipeline to create the AIFactory.
      • Store the info in the seeding keyvault.
      • Secret names example: esml-common-bicep-sp-id, esml-common-bicep-sp-oid,esml-common-bicep-sp-secret
    • SP2: esml-common-sp:: DataOps automation purpose. This SP be delegated access by SP1 to AIFactory resources in the Common area of the AIFactory
    • SP3: esml-project001-sp: MLOps automation purpose. This SP be delegated access by SP1 to AIFactory resources to a proejct specific area of the AIFactory
      • Tip: Create 5 or 10 in one go, and store the seeding keuyvault, to have for later.
        • Example: esml-project001-sp,esml-project002-sp,esml-project003-sp
  • Role needed: Microsoft EntraID administrator: Central IT / Cloud Team
  • Mandatory: Yes
  • TODO: Create the 3 service principals below

AFactory IaC Service Principal (1st)

- Name: esml-common-bicep-sp
- Permissons: OWNER on Subscriptions created in step 2
- Purpose: For the ESML AIFactory CoreTeam and its data ingestion team, for DataOps pipelines unattended

Role: CoreTeam Service Principal (2nd)

- Name: esml-common-sp
- Permissions: None
- Purpose: For the ESML AIFactory CoreTeam and its data ingestion team, for DataOps pipelines unattended

Role: ProjectTeam Service Principal (3rd)

- Name: esml-project001-sp
- Permissions: None
- Purpose: For the ESML AIFactory project teams, to be able to run their MLOps and LLMOps pipelines unattended

Read more here aobut the permisssions and service principals

Step 6) Delegate User Access: Onboard a Microsoft EntraID user, with access to the Azure Devops created in step 1, and with OWNER permission on the Subscriptions created in Step 2,

  • Purpose: Efficiency. To be able to troubleshoot, manually login to Azure for the AIFactory setup mentor
  • Role needed: Microsoft EntraID administrator: Central IT / Cloud Team
  • Mandatory: Yes. Very hard to debug, troubleshoot if no insights that permission is set correctly. Nedd to have read access in EntraID to see the servic principal and keyvault permissions. Someone needs to verify that the Azure Devops Service connection works, that service principal (SP) esml-common-bicep has Get, List, Set to seeding keyvault. That the SP is OWNER on the subscriptions.
  • TODO:
    1. Create user in Microsoft EntraID
    2. Azure DevOps: Delegate access to Azure Devops project for user, with role BASIC. (Not role: STAKEHOLDER)
      • Access to GIT in that Azure Devops project is required.
      • How-to guide : Delegate user access
    3. Azure: Delegate either permission as option A or B to user. (A downside with option B is lower means to trouble shoot during the setup phase)
      • Option A) Delegate OWNER permission on the Subscriptions created in Step 2
      • Option B) Delegate OWNER permission on the Resource Groups created by the AIFactory via the service principal esml-common-bicep-sp created in step 5
        • Note: To delegate a user access to the resource groups, you need to have SETUP the AIFactory first
          • Resource groups that will be created looks similar as this: dc-heroes-esml-project001-weu-dev-001-rg, dc-heroes-esml-project001-weu-test-001-rg, dc-heroes-esml-project001-weu-prod-001-rg

Step 7) Delgate Service Principal Access in Azure Devops + Import IaC pipelines + Set service connection to pipeline steps

Step 8) Register Resource providers on Subscriptions

How-to - run script to enable resource providers

Step 9) If you want to have Private DNS zones centrally in HUB (recommended) = centralDnsZoneByPolicyInHub=true

  1. Create the Private DNS Zones in the HUB as specified:
  2. Apply the policy to add A-records for all PaaS services that creates a private endpoint to have an A-record added to the central Private DNS zones

MORE INFO: Service principals & permissions explained:

  • Read more here aobut the permisssions and service principals.
  • Read more abou the Seeding Keyvault in the AIFactory

MORE INFO: Network topology - Hub & Spoke & DNS Zones

Read more here about networking