FELTS is a Fast Extractor for Large Term Sets. It was successfully tested with over 9.5 millions of distinct multiword terms composed of over 4.5 million distinct words (Wikipedia article titles for french + english + spanish). In this particular task :
- it allows extracting from any text, all occurences of wikipedia french, english or spanish entries
- it only requires 500 Mb of RAM
- it can process ten million of words less than an hour
- create a dictionnary file with a sorted list of multiword terms (one term per line, one space between words). - for example : - wget https://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 - bunzip2 enwiki-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 - egrep -o '[[[^]]]]' enwiki-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml | egrep -v "[[[^:]:[^:]" | sed 's:[[::g' | sed 's:.|::' | sed 's:]]::g' | egrep -v "Category:" | tr 'A-ZÂÁÀÄÊÉÈËÏÍÎÖÓÔÖÚÙÛÑÇ' 'a-zâáàäêéèëïíîöóôöúùûñç' | sort -u > dic/sample.dic (This will create in dic/sample.dic a list of all (lower case) terms in english wikipedia articles that are linked explicitly to wikipedia pages.
- set the DICT variable in makefile to your dictionnary file
- make the executable files : mkdir bin ; make
- make the hash function :
make mph
- start a server, e.g :
bin/felts_server -p 11111 -d dic/sample.dic -f dic/sample.mph
- extract terms, e.g. :
cat text_in.txt | sed 's/[[:space:]][[:space:]]*/ /g' | sed 's/^[[:space:]]//' |tr 'A-ZÂÁÀÄÊÉÈËÏÍÎÖÓÔÖÚÙÛÑÇ' 'a-zâáàäêéèëïíîöóôöúùûñç'| bin/felts_client localhost 11111 | sed '/^$/d' > terms_out.txt
WARNING : input text should be utf-8, lower case, without punctuation and words must be separated by a single space. (that justifies the sequence of filters used before sending the text to felts_client)
cat enwiki-20160601-pages-articles-multistream.xml frwiki-20160601-pages-articles-multiream.xml eswiki-20160601-pages-articles-multistream.xml | egrep -o " [A-Za-zÂÁÀÄÊÉÈËÏÍÎÖÓÔÖÚÙÛÑÇâáàäêéèëïíîöóôöúùûñç]* " | sed 's/^ //' | sed 's/ $//' | tr 'A-ZÂÁÀÄÊÉÈËÏÍÎÖÓÔÖÚÙÛÑÇ' 'a-zâáàäêéèëïíîöóôöúùûñç' | sort -u > en+es+fr+wiki-20160601.dic
cat enwiki-20160601-pages-articles-multistream.xml frwiki-20160601-pages-articles-multiream.xml eswiki-20160601-pages-articles-multistream.xml | egrep -o " [A-Za-zÂÁÀÄÊÉÈËÏÍÎÖÓÔÖÚÙÛÑÇâáàäêéèëïíîöóôöúùûñç]* " | sed 's/^ //' | sed 's/ $//' | tr 'A-ZÂÁÀÄÊÉÈËÏÍÎÖÓÔÖÚÙÛÑÇ' 'a-zaaaaeeeeiiioooouuunc' | sort -u > en+es+fr+wiki-20160601.dic