Develop an e-commerce website with inventory, sales functionality with card payment, administrative and client privileges, etc. A supplier portal for inventory and Orders tracking and a bank for all entities to track their balances.
- MongoDb - Express.js - React.js - Node.js -
- 3 Sections. created An E-Commerce(Client+Admin), A Supplier and A Bank Site with MERN.
- Implemented Interconnecting API's of the 3 sections ##API :
Stripe-Fronted for payments
MongoDB for Database,used 4 Collections for whole project.
Order Tracking
User can see 3 States of Products "ordered" , "under shipment " and "Shipped"
Admin must approve every order manually and forware to 'Supplier'
Suppliers see 2 States , 'order arrvied' or 'order delivered'
Admin can Add new Product with varients and varients price.
Every SALES transaction :
==>> User Checkout using Online payment ==>> Admin Approves and Gets SUBTOTAL in his account. ==>> Forwards Order to Suppliers and keeps 20% Incentive ==>> Supplier accepts and Order status is 'delivered'
Every User/Admin/Suppliers can check their Bank Balance in Bank Server
Product **Click and View ** Details
Purchase Diagram :
1. Clone this repository into your local machine.
2. Open a terminal by pressing Crtl+Alt+T
and install the client side dependencies by running this command npm install
in following directories :
If there's any problem in Step: 2 try sudo npm install
These commands will install all the necessary node modules for this project.
3. Now open 3 terminals & run the command nodemon
in following directories :
The backend is now up and running
4. Now open 3 terminals & run the command npm start
in following directories :
The frontend is now up and running
The whole project should be running now on different ports of localhost