Alternative firmware for new models of radiosondes : Meteomodem M20 (including STM32L051R6T6 ADF7012 XM1110)
Made with STM32CubeIDE
Currently working on, I have been able to send a valid POCSAG frame for the moment.
More updates coming later on this Youtube playlist :
You can join us on Discord if you wanna talk about this project :
Thanks to:
- Salim CHIAD F4IFB (@schiad) who encouraged me a lot to start this project, he made some very useful functions like sending data to the transmitter registers or a function that translate frequency into the coorresponding register instruction.
- Jarek Surmacz (@infrat) who I think made the first opensource project on the M20, a simple thing that collect GPS data and print it to serial TX, it was inspiring for our first sandboxes.
- Tobias and Matthias who did an incredible M20 Reverse Enginering work on their personnal blog.
The magical PDF: PDF_M20_REVERSE