Plain HTTP client connect with KIE-server and trigger migration API
This is a PIM client tool which calls directly KIE Server migration APIS to migrate process instances from one container to another version. This tool is build with Apache HTTP client. It support both basic and "cert" based authentication.
PIM migration is based on plan configuration data configured in plan.json file which is placed in resource folder of this project. You can have more than one plan for the same container.
Here are some example plan configuration.
#container level plan with single process id , which migrates all process instances . execution : M , multi thread other wise single thread
"planId" : "101",
"execution" :"M",
#container level plan with multiple process ids which migrates all process instances .
"planId" : "101",
"planId" : "103",
#container level plan with single process id with specific instance ids,
"planId" : "101",
"execution" :"M",
To get the application running with SSL certification based authentication :
Navigate to project folder and run the following mvn commands.
$ mvn clean compile assembly:single # Build and assemble all dependency as a one bundle .
$ java -D<pathtokyestore filename> -D<pathtokyestore password> -jar target/pimservice_client-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
To get the application with basic authentication (local testing) :
$ mvn clean compile assembly:single # Build and assemble all dependency as a one bundle .
$ java -DAUTH="basic" -jar target/pimservice_client-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar