Author: Jordan Buttkevitz
- Java 1.8
- Maven
- MySQL 5.6 with login and database specified in - Liquibase will create the database.** goal to move to a in-memory database for testing.
Defaults found at:
- mvn clean install
- mvn spring-boot:run
Example: get all teams curl -v http://localhost:8080/api/team/
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data
- Spring Security
- Hibernate
- Netflix Hystrix
- Katharsis HATEOAS - serializes JSON string from resource objects as per JSONAPI spec
- Liquibase - maintains and tracks database schema changes
- Mockito/PowerMockito/JUnit/RestAssured for unit testing
- Spring Security ACL tables
- Netflix Eureka - service discovery
- Leverage Netflix Hystrix fallbacks
- Incorporate a AuthServer using JWT to restrict API calls